What Am I Missing With Invocation: Weaving Spiders?

Kuris Member Posts: 228
edited July 2024 in General Discussions

I struggle to see how one can justify 40 seconds worth of charges, at the cost of spending a (maximum) 60 seconds in the basement, and permanently injuring yourself. What am I missing?


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    As BNP haters have said before, removing max charges is ultra omega super duper powerful! It makes Pain Res go from removing 18s to removing 16s!!!!!!! /s

    Naw to be real, its a grief perk that is only good if you were being tunneled, and can now sneak off into basement on death hook and waste 60s of your time for permanent gen time.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,345

    Gives you time to chug a beer in peace since killers typically avoid basement

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    It's 40 seconds the Killer can never get back. That's its purpose.

    Whether it's worth it or not is an entirely different question.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    It's a throwing perk through and through, just like no mither. You bring it if you want to sabotage your team.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 338

    The best way to use this perk I think is if you are on death hook and you have 1 or 2 gens left, maybe with one person already dead. Possibly when the killer is trying to protect a 3 gen with three survivors left. Using it as soon as the game starts is pretty close to throwing I'd say and pretty pointless.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 338

    A month or so ago there was a couple of pages thread where people were posting solo queue builds they were using. I'm still working my way through that testing out builds from that thread.

    One of them had Weaving spiders in it. In about 10-12 games with it, I used it twice when there was one gen left to be completed and I was on death hook.

    First game was against a Blight on Torment Creek. There were two gen in the corner near the Killer Shack and one towards the main building somewhere. One of the ones near killer shack was about three quarters done but he kept chasing me and another guy off it and zooming back to the other further away one where the other survivor was. I was on death hook but managed to sit in basement and that helped the gen near shack get done and the two of us escaped.

    Another one on the Temple forest map against a bubba I did it in similar circumstances deep under main building when he was patrolling a 3 gen. I got caught on the exit gate but the other two got out.

    Using it at the start of matches is totally pointless in my opinion but it can be useful at the end in the right situation. Unfortunately that is a very specific situation and is pretty much a wasted perk slot in the vast majority of games. You either use it at the start and it's basically throwing the game, at the end as I descibed and it can help get some people out or you don't get to use it or there's no need to. That's what I came up with about it by testing it over around a dozen games. Sorry for the essay!

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    People are alway too harsh with perks that ain't meta and/or highly optimised.

    I think Weaving Spiders has a bigger positive impact on the game, then nomither.

    Weaving Spiders is strongest, the earliest in the game it goes off, when it affects all 7 gens. When Sable dropped, I would routinely check the basement and often interrupt a smol happening, but now I would 99% of the time just lose important seconds, and I rarely notice that suddenly a survivor becomes broken.

    The broken effect is a bad debuff, but you can usually get the perk off uninterrupted if it's the first thing you do in the match, and that already puts the killer on the backfoot from the get go.

    If paired with Laras perk and a BNP you might actually get quite the comfortable chunk out of a contested middlegen without the killer having any option to do something against this. If you really want to pull this off, it's not that hard and it wl all but ensure that you can get that gen down, even if the killer actively defends it.

    Is this strong or strong enough to warrant its use? Well, its not meta, that's for sure, but well, it's at least a medium viable way of spending your perks and doing something differently, but I wouldn't say that it's automatically "throwing" or "sabotaging ".

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 259
    • "spiders" is a great only ONLY with SWF. After the Buff I use it very often: spiders, resilience, DH, windows (this is my build). if you have a team that "helps" you and makes decent chase... spiders is really strong. In SoloQ it obviously cannot be used
  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 262
    edited July 2024

    I have been cooking up a silly meme build with Weaving Spiders:
    Is it good? meh. nah. probably not great.
    Is it fun? If your answer is deleting gen progress on all gens and on 1 gen my a mile is fun, then yes
    Does it have synergy? Somehow, it does! Deffinately some synergy going on.

    Invocation: Weaving Spiders
    Plunder's Instinct

    Plan is to open and rummage as many chests as you can whilst also completing the Invocation
    You can spot the basement faster with Plunder's and also open the chest twice, then do the invocation afterwards.

    Then hop towards a gen in the middle and delete its progress while the rest have a BNP on them

    Haven't tried it with bringing a BNP aswell myself but, good fun hehe

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,060

    This perk is a hard contender for "worst perk in the game", and in my mind it's not even close.

    This perk is completely overshadowed by just sitting on a gen. That's not only base kit, but you don't have to spend time going to one location (basement), you can do the nearest gen if you like. This is at least 20s of survivor time, per survivor.

    You also aren't broken the whole match for doing a gen, so it doubles your chase time to not use it. On the low, low end you're talking 10 seconds per chase, so up to 30s right there. (But let's be real, it's so obvious you have this, you're begging to be tunneled).

    So for 20 seconds of walking and 60 seconds of invocation you get 70 charges in 80 ish seconds. You know what you get for doing a gen in 90 seconds? 90 charges, which is also irreversible since it's a complete gen. And if you get interrupted on a gen, you get to recover some, of not all of that progress.

    If the invocation is ever interrupted, at all, at any time, all of the time spent is wasted completely. And that doesn't even touch on the concept that survivors are strongest at the start of the match, so if someone isn't being maximally efficient immediately (on a gen, not in the basement) it's usually GG with the current state of the game.

    It's a throw perk, not worth running, and I'm convinced that people who say otherwise are gaslighting hard.