We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

It's time to break out 600-800% incentive

These killer waits are absolutely insane. It's ruining the event for me to have to wait SO LONG.



  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,843
    edited July 27

    Well thats another issue in itself. There needs to be some type of new thing BP can be spent on. Very very expensive(optional) things to balance out how much easier BP is to get and maintain these days.

  • Paxtonize
    Paxtonize Member Posts: 45

    +400% are nice to have, but I can easily get that with my SWF and anniversary offerings which I have more than enough of, even +500% with incentives at times.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,881
    edited July 27

    I did not mean to post this twice.

    Post edited by Hex_Ignored on
  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    The 2/8 Bring me and Manny in this Game Back. The Mode is better No sbmmr ,No dumb 1000 perks but we use 9 of them or so? The Idea with the Klasse and ability of Killers are way better than the perk system. The Chaos ! God damn i Love the Chaos on both Sides. The only Thing the Most people want IS controll but this Party Mode is Chaos pur and it is so perfect!

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    survivor not that hard I seen 6 sometimes 7 out not hard at all.the thing I want is being able to grade up I mean I have to chose do I want the crazy fun or do I want to get pips and grade up.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Well, a large part of the problem here is that BPs are just not enough of an incentive to long-time players. Most players who have been playing DBD for several years now have either every character prestiged, or most of them prestiged.

    If you're a survivor main: There's no reason to prestige anyone beyond P1 except for your main. If you're a killer main: You likely only play select killers, rather than the entire killer roster. This makes BPs less valuable if you've already prestiged everyone for their perks, and have a decent collection of add-ons for your mains.

    Cranking it up to 800% will attract players with far fewer hours. Throw in Iri Shards as a reward, and long-time players might feel like it's worth it.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 333

    BPs stopped something of high value years ago. BHVR showers you with BPs already.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    400% is not more than I get in normal mode as SWF.

    If it would be more profitable for me than everything else, then I would play it whole day.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 260

    Can they not just fill a lobby with bots if a killer is queueing too long? Surely that would drastically cut down on queue times

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 266

    I'm queuing up mostly as survivor right now, but that's because I'm trying to P3 all of my characters, and am getting very close. BP is the main incentive to play the mode as survivor. The bonus plus the fact that the matches are similar in length to normal matches means that it is almost as profitable as the Anniversary event for a solo player.

    However, normal 1v4 matches are way more fun as survivor. The complete chaos of 2v8, while fun, also results in the breakdown of the survivor gameplay loop beyond the most basic elements of "repair generators, vault windows, and drop pallets." It results in the matches feeling very samey, especially with the more limited "class" system.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 875
    edited July 27

    I've already had my fill of the Survivor mode, tbh. It was fun while it lasted, but I just keep thinking about how much more fun I'd be having if I could be patient enough to queue up for a Killer game. I don't think offering even more BP would get me to play much more Survivor at this point, tbh.

    It's just way more fun to play Killer in this mode and I'm not sure what BHVR could really do about that.

    Maybe players could pick their preferred Killer / Survivor class and the Entity could then assign the Killer roles at random, kind of like in the Friday the 13th game.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Killer wait times are crazy. Almost an hour for me on a Saturday afternoon.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    They really needs to implement random killer system or something, to be honest

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116
    edited July 27

    This thread saddens me greatly... 😔😔😔

    I've really enjoyed playing Survivor in this mode, just as much as killer. It feels very much like looping well, especially to the point of forcing the other killer to help is heavily rewarding... taking 2 killers to deal with you should at the very least allow 4 survivors 30s uninterrupted time on gens, just by virtue of chase time combined with map travel time.

    2vs8 feels fresh and different, a shake up of the formula, and break from the normal stress and tryharding of DBD proper... and dont get me wrong, I enjoy regular DBD, but there are times you just have to accept the sweaty Commodius/BNP/Lithe/WoO/DH survivors or the Pain Res/Grim Embrace/tunneling Blights.

    The fact there are 8 survivors, thus 7 chances to get a time wasting goofball (or 5) doesn't detract from the fun of the mode for me... it feels like a far less serious mode, so having a few survivors screwing around is far less annoying than it is in 1vs4... And I also haven't seen a single survivor SoH yet... that in of itself puts 2 thumbs way way up for me.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited July 27

    I completely agree. As I said in another thread, 400 isnt even insane because of no offerings. We were getting 600 during the event.

    The solution is easy. Keep raising it until the stops. Even 1000% wouldnt be bad for the game.

    Trying to convince them to give out bp is like my tightass boss trying to get him to give me a raise.

    The problem in the long term is going to be how do they solve this if its made permanent. They might do 800+ since its only a few weeks, they wont do it fulltime.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Does the BP bonus really make that much of a difference? Unless you are spending it constantly, it builds up pretty quick. I can't imagine many people are willing to play a mode or killer that they don't really enjoy, just so they can earn more BP.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    Problem is though, even when they get ( I assume ) expensive licences the player numbers arent this high for this long. They introduce a mode and it rivals getting RESIDENT EVIL for the first time in player count.

    So they have to come up with a fix.

    I really dont like how we arent earning pips in this mode either.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 164

    The only reason why the survivor role was more popular was because you could play it with your friends. Now that you can play as a killer with a friend you will obviously choose the most fun role, which always was and always will be the killer role.

    Even with the game for free on different platforms and breaking the total players record they can't make people to play as a survivor… This is the reality, people will go back to playing survivor as soon as this event ends.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245

    So they have to come up with a fix.

    Generators aren't fun or rewarding, so a lot of survivors shun them, and that throws the entire match. This has been making 2v8 a misery for me as survivor. However, if survivors actually do gens, it can be a fast match and then the killers don't get to have any fun.

    The only way to fix that is to get rid of gens and come up with completely new gameplay. Something that slows the match down just enough while the killer is busy elsewhere but is fun to do but not so fun that survivors queue up just to do that and avoid the killer entirely... yeah. I hope BHVR's been brainstorming something because 1v4 is bad enough with teammates avoiding gens, but in 2v8 it's abysmal.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    As you probably know, I am a killer main, but I have had so much fun playing survivor in 2v8. Actually, I havn`t queued up for killer yet, because me schedule was so busy the last week, but I think I will try it tomorrow; those killer challenges won`t be solving themselves, ya know?

    But I think that this mode is a big success. I am really interested to see with what builds BHVR will come up on the other killers. And it would be nice to hae maybe 2 or 3 builds per character, even though its understandible that we got to start small.

    Also, more classes for the survivors would be nifty .. on the other hand, this might be a trap: just as random chaos mode, the charm lies in the simplicity. We tent to bloat things up with more and more options, until it just collapses under its own weight. So a moderate number of extra options would be nice, but we don`t need 24 different survivor classes.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    I usually play with me regular SWF group, so we "only" have 4 randos in the team. The matches were the randos aren't allergic to gens usually are pretty smooth sailing, but I recon also very disheartening to the killer team. We have had situations where after the first big chase, gen 3-6 all finished like back to back. Seeing the number going from 6 to 2, just as the second survivor gets unhooked surely must suck.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    Grades nowadays only give 2 million bp at best and don't affect matchmaking so you don't really have to mind them when with 400% bonus you do that playing maybe 15 matches 2vs8. So easily on one day. But I definetely support the idea making you gain pips in 2vs8. As I take all available free bp.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 300

    Hate to say it but I kinda saw this coming... The 2 v 8 mode takes away the 1 thing survivors seem to want to do, loop. I said countless times based on my experience of matches survivors go into a match to loop, not do gens, not for BP, not for any other reason due to looping being "fun" and "the only skillful aspect" for survivors. There are exceptions but a huge proportion of survivor mains are 1 trick ponys, all they got is looping and when they can't loop they can't have fun. That's why it's hard to fill survivor q, thats why they complain about tunneling, camping and slugging on regular mode.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267

    Meanwhile I'm having crappy games as killer, yay

    Trying to play with my friend who doesn't play much killer.

    15 minute queues, 30 minutes when the game decides to DC one of us as we load into a lobby.

    Have to play Trapper because I'm on console So Billy/Huntress/Nurse are out of the question and my friend is playing Wraith as the only option that's somewhat easy to play.

    Of course everyone escapes.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,843

    I'm scared to even try Huntrress of Nurse because of how long the wait is. I don't wanna have a terrible match as im a console player.

    It's so fun to be Trapper in this though LOL. Instead of NEEDING corrupt. You have a WHOLE A other killer applyin pressure for ya! 😂😂😂

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    you can play Huntress reasonably well on console and Hillbilly is much easier on console since he was buffed. As most survivors are kind of clueless in 2v8, it’s not like you’ve gotta worry about trying to curve much if at all.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267
    edited July 27

    Yet I always get the juicing Escapists who I can't hit for #########. You can't spend more than 15 seconds on a chase when you have 6 other survivors smashing gens. So any kind of looper just has to be dropped.

    You're practically forced to work together as killer to cut survivors off, but unless they're all together, that leaves so many other survivors doing gens that it barely makes a difference.

    And no, aiming as any ranged killer on console is virtually impossible. Maybe if I stand perfectly still and spend about 5 seconds fine tuning my aim I might accurately land a hit where the survivor was 5 seconds ago.

    Give me Ghostface, Myers, Pig, Chucky, Dredge or Doctor and I'll fairly reliably 4K. But out of these five I have no options besides Wraith.

    Then I jump on survivor and get massacred by a point-and-kill PC Huntress/Nurse duo. Who merely have to see you and you're dead.

    There is nothing enjoyable about this game mode, not when it takes 15 minutes to find a 4 minute game you always lose.