2v8 Scout

This skill is ridiculously fun to use. I love crouching and giving a teammate wall hacks and being stealthy about it with the increased crouching. It's the most fun I've had in awhile in dbd. I love this mode and the killers are having fun too. I cannot wait for this to come back permanent and with more killers. This is so amazing. How do y'all feel about it?


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    On paper I love it! In practice when I scout a Huntress slowing walking across the map and my teammates never respond… yeah… not fun. Now I wasted time that could have been spent on gens, since my Surv teammates aren't intelligent enough to realize the Huntress is heading directly towards them with a free aura read.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Yeah, I really like using it more when someone is actively in chase so they last longer. But I get it because it's definitely hit or miss. When it works, it works, but is bad when no one uses the info.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,217

    1 million percent. Yes! Scout is my favorite class easy.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    Scout has been my favorite too. Usually all the chaos happens on one side of the map so being able to sneak to the quieter side while giving info has been really fun.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,153
    edited July 2024

    I've found Scout to be my favourite class as well.

    Every game seems to have a Huntress, so the extra crouching movement speed has helped me with looping her a lot. I've also really enjoyed sneaking around and trying to keep my eye on both Killers without giving away my position. Very risky, but satisfying if you can pull it off. I've also been able to use the iron will to do a disappearing act a couple of times. I've felt sometimes like my time would be better used on gens or going for saves/heals, though.

    I've been wondering what everyone's favourite class is.

    Post edited by tjt85 on
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I am also a scout main. It goes like natural with Lara Croft, which was best girl since her introduction into DBD not long ago.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,878

    Yeah, I'm also having the most fun with Scout. I think because it's versatile — I can use it to hide, I can use it to help myself in a chase, I can use it to help someone else in a chase, I can use it to monitor for an approaching killer while I heal or do a gen, and no matter what I do, as long as I have LOS on the killer, I'm giving information.

    I'm also okay with playing Medic or Guide as the need arises. The one I don't like is the sprinting one, because I can't figure out the right way to use it. I had one match where I kept trying to sprint with my team when the killer approached, but none of them ever tried to make distance — they just went to the back of the tile or something.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Hands down, Scout is my favorite class too.

    This class lets me act like how toxic players normally act, but without actually being toxic myself. Not only that, but I'm rewarded for doing it - and that feels amazing.

    What I mean by that, and what I love doing is, just standing out in the open directly in front of the killer and staring at them. I do not teabag, I do not emote - I just follow, stare, and make sure they know I'm doing it. Typically they get so unnerved that they try to down me, but the maps are so dang filled with favorable tiles I can typically just loop them until they give up or they get the other killer to help.

    If they give up, it's perma wall hacks all game on them; but if they get the other killer, then it's perma wall hacks on both + free time for 7 other people until I go down (which I will sooner rather than later).

    I actually feel bad and like I'm just harassing them but it's what my class was made for, so I justify it's fine and learn to enjoy the strategy.

    —The points are pretty amazing too.Lots of boldness points. I get the rest of my category points by only doing generators that have a Guide for the co-operative point bonus (only need 3 gens to max out objective points doing this), and otherwise doing saves/heals since I'm usually always on the move.

    It's just sooooo dang fun. I feel like I'm in total control until I get downed, and it's such a guilty-pleasure power trip for me Lol

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it seems like so much fun and definitely strong but i think revealing the aura of the killer should award bps, that's the only reason i'm not playing the role.