Why can't we just enjoy the damn mode?

Everyone is constantly arguing about 2v8. Which I find annoying. This mode is intended to be fun. Not constantly argued about. I'm quite excited about if it re-releases with all the killers, so I can play Freddy in this silly fun not intended to be too serious mode.
This mode is intended to be
Well… Therein lies your answer. Not everyone is having fun, ergo some people are complaining.
I can't enjoy the mode simply because I can't even play it 🤣The queue times are too bad right now.
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BHVR want feedback for the mode. If people aren't having fun, they're going to talk about it.
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ok that reason for playing killer whats survivors? they can't easily bully both killers.
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I don't understand your question
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I'm saying is not fun for killers because they can't get into a match (long queue times)
what are survivors reason for not having fun? they they can't easily bully both killers or genrush even tho I seen gens pop fast just like in the normal mode.can't be long queue times because for survivor pretty much instant.
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I don't find 2v8 survivor fun for a few reasons. If the killers split up and chase separately, then you're essentially just playing normal DbD except without any of the perks you want. At which point, I'd rather just play the normal mode. And if the killers group up and chase together, it's just not very fun. There's not a whole lot you can do.
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well I played a few matches as killer and I normally split up it the smart move only group up and chase together if I see the other killer having hard time or there less survivor or less gens left.
Killers who group up and chase together at the start can easily be gen rushed.
as survivor at the start I normally group up till 2 or 3 gens get done then split up
on either side I'm having fun but some are not I like to know why…..
I'm also playing solo in this mode and get out more then the normal mode.
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Yeah but that actually makes it sound reasonable, you gotta rephrase it to make it as us-vs-them as possible.
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Being intentionally slugged in a fast paced mode isn't necessarely fun.
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outside of killer it’s pretty dull there really isn’t anything gameplay wise added to survivor in this mode
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Oh. That all makes sense. Thanks yall. I mean I feel killer queues aren't that long. Sure longer than normal but it isn't very long for me.
When does this happen? In all my games I haven't been slugged at all.
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BHVR did say that we should bare with as it's a new game mode, it's not going to be perfect at launch - it's something they will continue to work on providing it's popular enough to be a permanent addition to the game
I think any critic in regards to 2v8 is valid - as long as it's respectable then it's fine..2 -
People wouldn't be complaining if BHVR actually thought the mode through. It's just not fun. I'm glad you're having fun, but the mode is dog crap. All the problems the normal game mode has was just amplified with 2v8.
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Idk what matches youre playing but I have never felt for one second in this mode that it was similar to the normal even when chasing independently. I think you're all being FAR too harsh and atp basically hoping for the modes downfall
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I'm having fun so far. The only issue I have is slugging with this mode, but overall I think 2v8 is quite balanced. I also thought that 8 gens is too low, but honestly seeing how close the gens are to each other I think it's fair
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The launcher is right there, on your PC/console. These are the forums, where we whine, moan, and cry about everything. The fun is in the game, the salt piles up here.
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- For survivors this mode is simply not fun. No memorable chases (if the killers work in pairs, lasting 10 seconds in a chase is an absolute record), if only one killer chases you it's "normal dbd", no flshsave, no sabo build, no fun perk/build in general, no altruistic action…. 2Vs8 is just M1 on gens or M1 to heal other players (from survivor POV). I understand that many people enjoy M1 on the generator for 5/8 minutes (I'm not judging anyone's preferences)... but you can't expect EVERYONE to have fun doing it in this mode.
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The forums have convinced me people will do whatever they can to be miserable.
As for me oddly enough I think 2v8 is more balanced than regular DBD in a weird both sides are so outrageous that it balances itself out kinda way and I've had huge stomps in both directions. I just hope they add more classes to survivor and I can play Hag on the next iteration.
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Yeah, this is a time to be figuring out the different classes, strategies, etc. Not all this crying.
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Everyone has the rights to complain when a mode supposed to be fun mode isn't fun for them, I don't see any problem at all
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I don't understand why some people have issues with others sharing their thoughts on this game mode. I'm sure the developers want to read feedback and suggestions on how to improve 2v8, as long as it's done in a respectful way, of course.
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Some people will just complain about everything, doesn't matter what it is, try to ignore them.
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These game modes are beta tests. In one of BHVR's recent streams they said they'd be making changes to 2v8 with each iteration. They need feedback from players or else all they have are numbers. Data doesn't necessarily tell them the "why," just the "what," and it's a combination of those two things that help them track down problems in gameplay design.
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There's Definitely genrushing. If only a few survivors care to do gens and get out, gens are swiftly done. Only 2-4 survivors need the skill to run the killer's. While the rest do gens. But.....
Doing gens is Theeeee MOST Boring thing ever in DBD. And most times, you que into trials with a buncha scaredy-cat survivors that the split second that hint of a heartbeat goes off, they crouch off. As well as those ultra altruistic survivors instantly run off a Gen to go for a rescue. The incentives for survivors is crap. Screw others unless you're friends. Even in that, some friends screw over each other because there's those who take this seriously and those who high in euphoric laughter having fun with friends. This whole game has cliques of sub-types of a multifaceted gamers that don't mesh with the rest.
Hell is Other Players.