It's time to break out 600-800% incentive



  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I'm already queuing up as Survivor because the wait times for killer are so brutal, but I wish I were getting bonus XP for doing it. That would feel like a really good event to me.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,126

    I'm currently getting Zarina to P100 so the incentive is actually a motivation for me. To add to that, I find the matches are shorter than standard ones and its not hard to make decent bp (it's very hard to be sacrificed with less than 15k bp in my experience). So I can fit more 2v8 games into a spare hour than I could normal games, and I'm walking away with more bp in that hour than I did playing the anniversary event.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I wonder if 2v8 killer queues times are even worse since you also can't queue with someone who chose the same killer as you.

    So maybe just have the killer players choose a killer when they load into the pre-game lobby. If they don't, it's randomly assigned.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I don't think increasing BP at this point is enough incentive for a role. I think they need to start including XP in the incentive.

    For this specifically maybe add some extra survivor challenges in the tome - simple challenges like heal other survivors, work on gens, be in a chase, and coop for a bit.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 254

    What's so bad about playing survivor in this mode?

    I'm genuinely curious because survivor isn't really a role I enjoy too much in 1v4, but I find survivor in 2v8 to be considerably more enjoyable.

    There's tons of pallets so you can use them freely and don't need to worry that much about preserving them, tons of generators so you don't need to worry about doing the wrong generators and 3-genning yourself, having other people work on a gen with you is actually good for once and not throwing. Killers can't camp and it's hard for them to tunnel. Killers have no regression so you aren't constantly having your gen progress reset.

    Beyond that, it's just the regular survivor gameplay experience of looping killers and doing gens, but with a lot of alleviated pain points.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    go to @Slowpeach comment on the first page. He summarize it pretty well.

    Most survivor get there enjoyment from looping. pincer Maneuvers don't leave room for skill expression. Gens can be rush quickly in this mode but that really isn't enticing. Like you said killers can't really use tactics but survivors can't make saves. We all know how much survivors love running behind killers with flashlights. Nothing wrong with the 2v8 it just not much reason to stay for survivors over the normal mode.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2024

    Because of the pallet density and the fact Billy can't one-shot, you can juice 4/5 killers in this mode pretty easily unless they pincer you. You don't even need to be the Escapist class to do it, either. I'm not the best survivor but I do extremely well in this mode until the killers gang up on me. Or if there's a Trapper trap in the loop I guess. Most of the time, the killers aren't moving around together in the majority of matches I've played.

    The only complaint I have about this mode from the survivor PoV is it feels like Trapper is in every match and he's one of my least favorite killer to play against.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    You can run from pallet to pallet in the normal mode as well. Your not wrong but again it just not much reason to stay over the normal mode. This first iteration of the 2v8 was decent though and should be consider a success. They just need to make it more enticing for survivor the next go around. We can definitely both agree trapper boring to face for sure

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707
    edited July 2024

    If you enjoy it fair enough. Good for you. Still though I think considering how bad killer queues are… a lot of people do not. It really comes down to shiny new toys for one side and the lack of skill expression for the other.

    You are right about the pros and there are things which certainly could be added or taken to the base game if certain people wouldn’t… riot upon unhealthy mechanics being removed but that’s another issue.

    I’ll also add that lesser skilled or newer players are likely to enjoy it more because their chases tend to be short anyway and all players regardless of how many perks they have unlocked have the exact same tools available. Not saying you aren’t skilled of course and even if you aren’t (to be fair I’m not great in chase so…) that shouldn’t be a restriction for your own or anyones enjoyment or invalidate any opinion or preferences.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2024

    I don't think the killer queues are due to survivors not enjoying the mode. I mean part of it is because of the small killer pool but not being able to have 2 of the same killer in a match.

    But really, it ties into why the queues for the base game are also bad.

    I was having trouble figuring that one out, but I asked about it in a thread and someone pointed it out to me: survivor is the more played role because you can play with friends. Killers can now also play with friends.

    Most SWFs are not 4-stacks. They're often just 2 people playing together. Those people make up a sizable population of the survivor playerbase. Now they can play killer instead and not have to be stuck with 2 randos. So I wouldn't be surprised if the overwhelming majority of the survivor playerbase in 2v8 mode are solo queue players like me.

    While I do think 2v8 mode is the superior solo queue exprience, it does come with a tradeoff of losing the skill expression for things like flashlight blinds, saves, sabos - you don't really feel their loss in solo queue because they rarely happen in solo queue to begin with. SWFs would feel it, though.

    Speaking of which, I hope you understand that the cages would not work in 1v4 for this reason. You can't just add all the nice benefits that the cages have in 1v4 without also taking away the ability for survivors to deny hooks with saves and sabos and bodyblocks. It's a tradeoff. Because you can deny the killer a hook, the killer can make unhooks really unpleasant. It's also a tradeoff that only really matters to SWFs, because I know that a lot of killers would gladly agree to lose out on tunneling and camping as pressure tools if they could never be denied a hook.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Idk, I play on console and while I’m no cracked Huntress, I can still hit survivors consistently in my matches. I’m mot like sniping them, though. She’s probably easier to play on PC but either way her hatchet hitbox is pretty forgiving.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I think all of these special game modes should have XP bonuses attached alongside the BP bonuses so that there is a more significant reward for putting up with these obviously unbalanced and silly game modes.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I was actually gonna amend my post to say that on topic the devs should offer something like an exp multiplier for whatever role needs more players. They could even offer maybe, I dunno, iri shards in limited amounts for players who play the least popular role during peak gameplay periods. Just something to like attract players.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707
    edited July 2024

    It’s slightly off topic and I’m not even sure I want to go down this rabbit hole because nothing will change and I’ll just upset a lot of people but the problem with flashlight saves, sabo and pallet saves is that in many scenarios especially if the survivors are coordinating, the killer is in a lose/lose scenario. Their only winning move is to slug and we all know if that is done a lot, that’s not a lot of fun either and even that only works if they can down people quickly enough which some maps won’t allow, which at the height of swf will also be handpicked. Yes this scenario is uncommon but it doesn’t change the fact it’s awful gameplay when it does occur and it probably should be removed ideally in place of something else.

    There’s a reason why comp is full of survivor restrictions and hand picked maps. This gameplay adds false depth which is justified by the fact there’s very little else. Doing gens is hardly the height of exciting gameplay.

    In any case I think the lack of survivor population is both. Getting two tapped sucks, ironically for similar reasons about saves, it’s very easy to put survivors in lose/lose scenarios and ultimately whether it’s 4 survivors 8 or 50 that advantage only matters for doing generators. The base gameplay loop doesn’t change at all. Killer though is a totally different thing. I do agree though most ‘swf’ is duos, and now you can do that with killers, there’s less reason to do so on survivor.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited July 2024

    Devs gotta use XP multipliers as an incentive too… 😁

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    how is it still only 400?

    We were getting 600 during the event.

    Its not that hard. Keep raising it until it settles down. 1000% wouldnt couldnt you millions of dollars.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Just BHVR not thinking things through again.

    They obviously made it so we couldn't use offerings because they thought 10 players using a 107% offerings would get insane. But heres the thing….WHO CARES?!?! Their 400% incentive might as well be 0 because we can easily get that normally. 400% incentive is nothing special when no one can use an offering.

    They need to just buff it up to 800% for the love of god.

  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 54

    I'm a killer main normally but I've had a lot of fun playing survivor in 2 v 8 mode today. The games also loaded almost instantaneously.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    I completely agree. I mean really it would probably be what, a couple million extra bp for most people. Who cares?

    400 isn't impressive because as I said we got 600 during the event. Plus we aren't earning pips so that's even less on the 13th overall.

    If I were them I'd make a 100% survivor bp offering that only works during 2v8 and make that the only usable offering. Imagine 400 percent plus 8 of those bad boys. And again, it costs them nothing. If anything it might get more retention of the new players because it would give them a head start.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Modes awful. Played it a few hours now wishing they just did the summer bbq event. Survivor play is extremely repetitive and killer play is awful points and long queue. Epic fail.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,345

    Survivors fun, people say that looping killers is where the fun is so technically this is just twice the fun. Surviving a Billy Wraith pincer attack is pure adrenaline rush.

    1 mistake doesn't tank games like 1v4. And all the classes are decent. Scout is a ton of fun.

    I don't get the hate for the survivor side. The only thing I can say is that survivor skill is utterly abysmal right now but that's because the games having a free weekend iirc.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,130
    edited July 2024

    And most of the killers are potatoes. So are most of the survs (since it's MMR chaos), but it's pretty clear that most of the killers are playing killer for the first time, or are very inexperienced with the available killers.

    It's quick, easy money (or BP, rather).

    Of course when you get two good killers paired it's a bloodbath, but those have been few and far between for me. I'd say I've escaped in like 75-80% of the 2V8 matches I've played.

    I'd like to play killer, but I'm simply not waiting 10+ minutes for a match.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    What don't you like about it? I think playing the classes/roles is really fun and helps the Team win very easily if done correctly.

    I'm really surprised more people don't enjoy it.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Yeah, I'm having a really hard time understanding what people are struggling with so badly on the Survivor side. When I play my Role the way that it is most likely intended to be played I have a lot of fun and I feel very effective in securing my team's victory!

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited July 2024

    Every game has gone one of two ways

    The killers have no idea what they're doing (or whoever is running against them is really good) and I don't ever see the killer for the majority of the match

    The survivors have no idea what they're doing. Skill checks constantly being missed and chases taking about 20 seconds as the killers just steamroll. Then somehow I become the only one on a generator even though there are supposed to be seven survivors with me…

    Now that the free weekend is over, maybe the 2v8 mode will be better but even without those two issues, there's just not a lot of uniqueness for the survivors. I'm doing the same exact thing as the 1v4 mode except I'm hamstrug because I don't get to run whatever perks I want so what's the point?

    Chaos Shuffle and Lights Out hamstrung you (unless you were REALLY lucky in Chaos) but they were unique and had flavor. This mode is just DBD with two killers I have to watch out for instead of one. Not really all that unique unless the two are joined at the hip and I need to figure out how to run and loop from two bad guys at once.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Ah see, I look at it completely different way than you do..

    Although I didn't play at all during the weekend so idk how it was with the Free players that may have been different/worse.

    But when I play Survivor I'm playing Medic most of the time, or Guide, or Scout depending on what the team needs.. I feel like "Escapist" is the most similar role to that what people normally play in 1v4, however, I find that type of gameplay extremely stale and boring after all of these years.

    In 1v4, we are able to play "Medic" style gameplay for example, however, it doesn't feel good because realistically it would actually still benefit the team more usually to just play for gens and loop. Similarly in 1v4 if I were to play a full Gen build like "Guide", it could work, but I would be lacking defensives to survive and therefore I might find myself too weak to enjoy it or get much value out of the build. I feel like in 1v4 the game is limited to 1 style of "meta" gameplay in order to feel effective.

    In the 2v8 Mode, I can actually spend all game being a "Medic" and running around unhooking and healing my teammates, and it actually feels useful to the team, because there are enough other players left to do Gens to power the gates, and help each other.

    So when I play 2v8 as Survivor I'm actually enjoying completely different gameplay than when I play 1v4 and I'm thoroughly enjoying it, breaking up the routine is nice. I haven't tried playing Escapist yet because that seems kind of boring to me, and I'm not the best Scout either (though it is fun trying to chase Killers around) but when I play Medic or Guide, most of my team including myself usually Escape even in Solo Que and I'm usually in the Top 3 and felt like I was very helpful in the game.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I had started out playing medic. Commonly I was the only one on the team with Medic. But you know what happened?

    Everybody else just went for saves anyway. It hit a point where I decided F IT and just turned into the Generators Class because no one ever seemed interested in doing the damn generators. The classes seem to be slight suggestions at best to the player base because nobody seemed to be doing their "role". They just did whatever they wanted to.

    But then on the other side of that coin…

    The times people DID do the generators and whatnot, we steamrolled the killers.

    So it's kind of like the problems of 1v4 but magnified; RNG plays a huge part and you're either going to get slaughtered because the RNG gave you a bunch of survivors who have never played the game in their life before OR you slaughter your opponent because the game gave you competent survivors (they didn't even need to be very good I found, just competent and do gens).

    As stated, I didn't play a ton as the mode soured on me REALLY fast.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Gotcha, yeah that makes sense I see your reasoning. I guess maybe I just got lucky in most of my matches, but RNG of matchmaking is always a huge factor for sure in DBD.

    I will admit that most of my games on either both Survivor or Killer side (whether it is 1v4 or 2v8) are simply stomps or get stomped lol… solo Que at least creates that experience fairly consistently.

    Though, seriously I'm not trying to defend it, but from my personal experience I honestly felt like the stomps were a little less 1 sided in the 2v8 mode for some reason, perhaps because there were always enough people to constantly be doing something…

    Like even Killer matches where we feel like we "stomped" there was usually 1-2 Survivors that escaped in the end thru hatch or something, and similarly even in Survivor matches where we "stomped" there we always at least a few dead survivors as well..

    In 1v4 I think the "stomp" is a bit exasterbated because a true stomp with 4 Survivors means 0 Deaths, or 0 escapes. But with 8 Survivors it felt like even a stomp had some deaths and some escapes no matter what… which to me makes it feel a little less one sided and a bit more balanced actually.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    If BHVR has any brains, in the future they will make it so that all of the event tomes can be completed as a survivor with like 2 being optional as a killer.