Just give killers 8 survivor bots so they stop complaining about queues

I'm really worried that killer mains are going to sabotage the new 2v8 mode and prevent it from becoming a permanent game mode because of their constant complaining about queue length. I say just give them full survivor bot games so they don't have to wait in queue anymore.
How do you even reach this level of Us vs. Them without feeling a little crazy?
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Again, if a mode is so unappealing for one side that the only solution is to add bots, then that mode has issues and if the devs simply ignore those issues and add bots then they might as well call the mode CoopVsBots
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Not necessarily 8 bots, I'd happily go in a match with 7 survivors as a survivor
Pretty sure they will do order of magnitude better than most players
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That wouldn't be a good idea either. Many threads discussing removals of the DC penalty have made it very clear that both killers and survivors do not enjoy playing with or against bots.
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killer mains
You do realize one of the reasons the killer queues in 2v8 are so long is because people who are normally survivor mains who play with friends are queueing for it too, right? Everyone who's waiting in the long queues is unhappy about it, it's not about "mains."
I can't even figure out what you're taking issue with. You suggest filling the queue with bots, which makes it sound like you don't play survivor. But if you don't care that the queue is filled with bots, and you don't care that the queue is long, that also suggests you don't play killer. But you do want 2v8 to become permanent. So… huh?
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It definitely shouldn't be the permanent mode. Give me chaos shuffle as default mode (not permanent). That won't screw any queue times and is fun alternative.
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When you can't find a problem to complain about so you make up one yourself
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Sabotaging is when you don't like waiting in 20 minute queues.
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Have to admit, pretty strange to put the blame on the killers for not being happy with waiting times instead of blaming the survivors that flat out refuse to play the mode. There should be bots yes but you cant say killers might sabotage the game mode. Not saying killers or survivors might sabotage the game mode because it has many reasons why it just won't be permanent. but if it is an us v them thing as you make it sound, then I would put my blame on the ones that are not filling the slots....survivors lol.
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I don't understand your point whatsoever. Do YOU understand it yourself? Perhaps you meant to say something else or word it differently? Genuinely so confused.
You want permanent 2v8, but you want the Killers queuing to be versing bots? So then who is to verse you, as a survivor??? Do you want to face Bot Killers?
I hope you understand that people who are addressing the issue of long waiting times are giving feedback regarding this mode. Which the Devs said they would take into consideration and they might tume this mode and bring it back later, if they wanted to.
There is also the matter of literal numbers. Every 2 killer players need 8 other players. Hence it taking more time than usual to find those, since a lot of people want to finally play KWF. It's not a simple matter of "people are whining for the sake of it".
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If you refuse to queue as survivor then you're part of the problem because you're contributing to long queues.
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Not enough people are talking about how bot killers actually are a thing in this mode. Maybe that’s a sneak leak to them rolling out in regular mode in a future update.
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Oh wow, we are so evolved to the point even just playing the game as you want will be considered "killer main" that "sabotaging the game" and also is a "part of the problem", old man like me can't understand the logic or why you can even say something ridiculous as that
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The queues ARE abysmal because the GAME IS FUN AGAIN.
Do they need to fix the queue times? Yes. Is it totally valid to complain about them? Yup. But the queue times being long means the mode is popular
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People don't want to play against bots though, the problem is there is not enough incentive for survivors to play this mode imo. Certainly not in the numbers that would make queues shorter for killer
It is probably a lot of fun for killers, I don't know as I could not be bothered waiting that long for a match but as a survivor main I find it painfully frustrating. Team mates never seem to do gens and go down instantly, so if killers are on comms (which they often seem to be) it's an absolute stomping and easy games for killers.
Maybe bigger incentives might help more play survivor but for me personally it would probably have to be 1000% bonus BP for me to keep playing this mode
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Why are we blaming ppl again?
Killer players are complaining about long queue times because they are long, but just complaining wont solve anything, we need to understand why there are so many killers and if there's something we can (BHVR) do to fix it.
Also, blaming survivors for the long times makes no sense, why should someone play survivor if they want to play killer or just keep playing in 1v4 because they are not having fun in 2v8??0 -
I mean, not like winning makes survivors interesting, they are same old survivors we used to play for years
Probably that's why teammates doesn't do gens from the start, I guess
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What an absolutely insane take.
1. I do queue as survivor
2. I don't even necessarily like playing 2v8 that much
3. I was merely pointing out that not wanting to wait in a 20 minute queue was reasonable and telling killer players they're "sabotaging" anything because they're voicing their complaints is completely unreasonable
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Please for the love of God no. I would take a 20 minute que over a 1 minute que with even 1 bot. There is absolutely zero satisfaction for downing a bot. If i wanted them I'd go play fortnite or something. Dbd is all about pvp. Take that element away and there's really no point to the game is there?
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Did you happen to verse one or play with?
My friend DC-ed mid-game and I got a Bot Nurse. All she did was stand exhausted at 1 gen and afterwards proceeded to walk around the map doing absolutely nothing😭
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I won't play against or with bots, it's not interesting.
If someone wants to play with bots, they go to single-player games.0 -
I faced a bot Trapper and it was pretty good.
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The devs said in the livestream showcase of 2v8 that they want to implement 2v8 into customs in the future. Hopefully then people can play KWF against bots.
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I don't think the queue issues of 2v8 have anything to do with the lack of desire to play survivor. I think it's more that there's novelty in being able to queue with a friend on the killer role something that was never possible before.