We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2v8 points out a glaring issue

ElodieSimp Member Posts: 385

It just shows how overpowered killers are, especially if there are two running around. All it is now is a killer paradise slugfest. Wish we didn't have an event tome around it, that is unfortunate.



  • NetoJON
    NetoJON Member Posts: 2
    edited July 29

    you can clearly see the killers are overpowered because no one wants to play as the survivors. Its a fact. Or they change it or the mode will die. I am a bad killer. Really bad and I got multiple times the hole team killed. I never did that solo. Also. 15 min to play as the killer in this mode. You guys that play as killers, if you dont start saying the mode is unfair because you want killers to be overpowered you will get no mode to play.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 337

    This is not an issue, it's the premise.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Bottom line is it's an awful mode for survivors, with limited play options and only there to provide an experience for killers. Hence why there's a huge bonus for survivors...welcome to grinding them bloodpoints. Playing as killer was fun of course. May as well allow survivor bots because it's the only way this mode survives.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Also it's a nice extra kick in the butt that devs took the bloodpoint bonus off regular mode. So basically bully people into trying this new trash mode. I'll be back once the events over thanks.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    Seems like a subjective 2vs8 experience. I played about 10 games on both sides and havent really experienced slugging, camping ir tunneling. Judging from most posts on this forum and the amount of upvotes they get over the ones saying the mode sucks I would say urs is a very subjective experience and you shouldn't project that on other people games by saying the mode is unbalanced or a sluggfest.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    If the 10 games you played on survivor were from the first day of the event, you're proving my point. I played 10 games yesterday, and all 10 had slugging killers at 3 survivors left. Killers have learned either through common sense or content creators that slugging will help achieve 8ks. A strategy that came about since the event went live.

    I agree with you that 2v8 is a subjective experience, which was the whole point of my post. What's not subjective is actual data points and trends from the beginning of the event to now.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 640
  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    I've played my 10 games yesterday and have only once experienced a killer duo that slugged a bit more. So no proof there I guess.

    Also to my knowledge there isn't a graph that shows the average slugging time or survivors in this mode.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 161

    eh cant blame them for slugging that way, 3 hatch spawns are kinda insane

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    I have no idea I escape alot in this mode and I have not been slugged if I am it not long.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    2v8 solo q survivor sucks

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,287

    I have escaped every single match as a survivor. Some matches were close some matches all 8 escaped. This mode just proves how bad survivors have become without their "comfort" perks. Also 8 survivors and i still see matches where only 2 does gens..what are the rest of you doing? Also i think this mode has no MMR. I see new players mixed with experienced ones all the time, same with killer side.

    Killer side is actually hard unless both carries their weight. Its normal to lose 3-4 gens before you even have few hooks. I think the balance is more towards survivors if they would only do gens! I have been enjoying playing killer a lot with a teammate and learning to play nurse.

    If you aren't enjoying this mode there is always the normal mode with the same old 4-6 perks :)

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 875

    I've only had one Killer duo slug to deny hatch. But it kinda backfired on them in the end because they slugged me three times, I was on death hook so picked myself up a couple of times, saved some teammates and luckily ended up as the last one alive. The third time I picked myself up, I was able to heal for long enough to give myself endurance and a hatchet hit gave me the extra haste I needed to reach a lucky hatch spawn just at the last moment. It felt great to deny the Killers an 8K in that trial.

    I think there's a case to be made for base-kit unbreakable for the whole trial regardless of hook state. There shouldn't really be any reward for slugging in this mode, in my opinion. I get why Killers might do it in the end game because the cages often spawn near a gate, but there isn't a good reason not to send Survivors to a cage otherwise.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    Telling someone who is upset about their experience "if you're not happy, then be happy for the people who are" is dismissive and does not achieve any sort of positivity that you're imagining will happen.

    Wanting to win is by definition being competitive against the competition. I never claimed that was a bad thing. All I said was saying this mode isn't competetive is just flat out wrong because the players have turned it competetive.

    You are allowed to complain about the mode or the tome quests if you have problems with them. Saying "just don't do them" in a dismissive fashion because the remarks aren't positive enough for you isn't helping bring about a more positive atmosphere.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Even with Sprint Burst a Nurse can still hit me. At that point what can I even do?

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    The problem you are having isn't because of overpowered killers. It's because even in 1v4 a single weak link can be used to dismantle a team. In 2v8 what are your ads of actually getting a good team? And from what I've seen alot more killers are taking there matches seriously compared to survivors.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002
    edited July 29

    I did never say that the mode is not competetive at all.

    I had a few experiences, where someone got joy out of others happiness. If you never experienced that, then im sorry for you. Its a great feeling and experience.

    Of course someone is allowed to complain about anything. I complain about a lot of things in dbd. However, I do have my reasons for complaining. May I ask what the alternative to the event tome is? No tome? Therefore no additional content? Is that good? OP wants the tome quests to be gone. What about the people that do like to do them? This game is not single player. The devs will not change something out of a single person feeling entitled to change the game. Many people had to learn that the hard way. Constructive criticism goes a long way and can achieve a lot.

    Sadly the criticism of OP is not constructive at all.

    I repeat: if someone doesnt enjoy something, they should reconsider doing it. Especially when its about a video game. Leasure time activity you know?

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    Nurse surely needed those 9 buffs. I got told its for map mobility only. What does an increased lunge have to do with map mobility?

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    So let me give you this example: you're waiting in line to buy something at the store for an hour, the line is going slow. For whatever reason someone cuts ahead of you in line and saves an hour of waiting. By your logic, you should feel happy for them because they're happy they didn't have to wait for that whole hour that you did. Do you see how illogical that sounds? There's a difference in feeling happy for someone because you gave them a birthday gift they liked versus someone else getting enjoyment at the sake of your own.

    In regards to the tome, how about a tome with challenges that don't require you to play a game mode? And if the tome is an incentive to play the new mode, which this one is, why not make it so most challenges can be done during the course of normal gameplay of one match. The first survivor tome challenge was unhooking 4 survivors. Guess what every survivor was doing the first two days of the event? Unhooking. Guess what they weren't doing? Gens. So not only is it artificially harder to get 4 unhooks because everyone is going for them, killers are winning with like 6 gens remaining because everyone is hovering saves instead of playing normally. The OP doesn't want the tome to be gone, they don't want to feel like they are missing out on rewards because the tome would make them play in a mode they do not find fun. Tomes should not invoke FOMO tactics. Having a battle pass with rewards that vanish indefinitely when they are over is already enough of that. No need to slap another layer of FOMO on top of that.

    Your opinion on whether or not OP's criticism is constructive or not is dismissive and does not promote the positive environment you wish to achieve.

    Please stop hiding behind the "if you don't like it, don't do it" scapegoat that you keep touting about. It comes of as completely sanctimonious and is again extremely dismissive. Wanting to enjoy the game you paid for and having valid criticism for changes made to the game and not eating broccoli because you don't like the taste are completely different.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    You’ve gotta juke her. Don’t SB into the open. Be unpredictable. Mess with her collision.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 300

    It's really not op for killers, it's because for years lots of survivors have spent a long time looping so it's all they know. Don't need perks or items to loop so other temp game modes like random perks means people can still loop. But 2 v 8 has has pretty much removed looping and now survivors are like "what do we do now??" So they don't have fun, they don't play the mode hence long waiting times for killers. But the survivors that know more than 1 way to play seem to be doing fine against 2 killers.

    And once again as I have seen in other threads, blaming the killers for not saying it's killer sided and suggesting it's the killers fault if the mode fails. Imo it's the survivors that refuse to drop the whole "loop for life" mindset and wont adapt to a new way to play is what will be the downfall of the mode.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I was behind a wall, her first blink was too far but EVEN with Sprint Burst still up, her second blink lunge hit me. That's just blatantly OP.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    She probably predicted where you’d go. A good fail safe is running into her

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483
    edited July 29

    Respectfully, I heavily disagree. I rarely survive in 1v4, but I almost always survive in 2v8... Each playing solo. The matches I die in, I've noticed most of my teammates are crouched behind rocks, they're afraid to ever leave scratchmarks, and want to run to the corner of the map to heal. Other matches we've got five gens popped in like two minutes. Basically, if most of your team (yourself included) is productive, you're gonna have a good time. If they're not (yourself included), you're gonna have a bad time. On top of that, a lot of killers are playing a different character than they're used to since so many aren't available.

    I've only played a handful of matches as killer so far, and I wouldn't say it's more difficult than 1v4 in my experience. That being said, I've also been playing Billy since I started playing this game so as long as I'm playing him, I do pretty well most matches. Give me anyone else and I'm a detriment to my teammate lol

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002
    edited July 29

    I dont think you get it. Its as simple as giving a gift. People get a new game mode. They enjoy it. Im happy for them. Im not even playing dbd that much right now because of a lot of work. Im happy for all those killer players that have the time to finally play with a friend. You doont havw to see something mean in everything anybody says ok?

    Changing tome challenges is one thing. OP did not mention that. If they did, please show me that. Im willing to go back on my previous statement if that is the case. Im all against fomo. Sadly it seems to be part of live service games at this point. I dont know how new you are in these forums but fomo has been a hot topic for a long time.

    "Your opinion on whether or not OP's criticism is constructive or not is dismissive and does not promote the positive environment you wish to achieve."

    • This makes no sense. If everybody just complains without proposing on how to change something, noboody is getting anywhere. Constructive criticism creates a healthy discussion. Complaining without tyring to find a solution does not and does indeed create a more negative environment. Been in these forums long enough to know that.

    Im not hiding. Never was. Whats the valid criticism then? Killa op? Thats valid ciriticism?

    Valid criticism would be to say, that survivor in 2v8 is not as enjoyable due to the mode feeling pretty similar to the base game. Killer feels a lot more fun due to the role finally being able to be played in coop. Therefore in a future iteration, the survivor role should have more options for different gameplay. This would maybe improve queue times. How could this be done? Maybe killer powers could get a tweak and/or new objectives for survivors could be established and/or more roles could be introduced.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 877

    Honestly? Pre run. With the scout class I urban away for a couple seconds then sprint out before Nowhere to Hide rats me out there's just no time to deal with super safe players

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    There's feeling happy for the people that enjoy the mode, but how about feeling sorry for the people that don't? What about them? Is their discontent invalid because it's not mindless positivity? You mention you're all against FOMO. What about the people that like FOMO? Shouldn't you feel happy for them and instead of not liking FOMO, be happy for the other people that like it?

    The OP did say that: "It just shows how overpowered killers are, especially if there are two running around. All it is now is a killer paradise slugfest. Wish we didn't have an event tome around it, that is unfortunate." The OP does not like the mode because they view the killer strategies as boring and wish they didn't have a tome that incentivizes them to play said mode. The mode gives you progress into the current rift, bloodpoints, and decent cosmetic charms and backgrounds, which is what the OP wants. Unfortunately, these are tied to the mode. You cannot get these any other way. The OP wishes there wasn't a tome around the event so they wouldn't feel like they would be missing out on rewards and cosmetics you cannot get otherwise. You don't need word for word verbatim from the OP to understand that's what they're saying.

    Sometimes people don't have any ideas on how to fix a problem. Sometimes all it takes to start a good discussion is to let people know that you are dissatisfied with something. Relegating all complaints to "needless complaining" does not help facilitate improvement. This is customer relations 101. That's not to say all complaints have 100% merit, but throwing them all in the trash because they don't have a 5 paragraph essay on what they'd do to fix the problem is also not the correct solution.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,035

    I’m sad to see things like tunelling and slugging have crept their way back into the game so quickly. Although I’m not surprised - it does highlight it as the preferred way to play for killers regardless of how you change the game though.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245

    The bonus is there to encourage those to play a few matches of survivor to help with the queue times.

    Yeah, 400% isn't a good enough bonus to really do that, and playing survivor when you'd rather play killer only helps someone else's queue times. I've played survivor a lot in 2v8 but it doesn't help me at all when I want to play killer in 2v8. I can't help but be a little bitter about that when I've barely touched killer at all and, on top of everything else, three survivors disconnected during the loading screen last night and that stopped the match from starting, doubling the already long queue time for a single match.

    Suffering through 2v8 survivor trying to give it a chance (and getting nothing but a paltry amount of BP for it, I can still earn more in 1v4), and trying to play killer but not really getting the chance, has me back in 1v4 or playing something else altogether.

    It just shows how overpowered killers are, especially if there are two running around.

    That doesn't make sense. The fact that there are two makes all the difference in the world as they can coordinate and cut a survivor off during a chase, it doesn't translate back to 1v4 where there's only one of them. 2v8 highlights some issues in the main game, like how teammates who don't touch gens can throw the entire match, but in terms of how powerful killers are it shows nothing. I've seen plenty of killers get stomped if the survivors actually do stick to gens.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    What is a power role?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,918

    My my, you just feeling argumentative ain't cha.

    The OP does not like the mode because they view the killer strategies as boring and wish they didn't have a tome that incentivizes them to play said mode.

    From what we see they're claiming that the mode is a "killer paradise slugfest", which we from our experience is untrue and from other people saying it's not (via here on the forums and our own discord groups), we feel safe saying that it's not a slugfest at least more than 60+% or so. They're defiantly not talking about "the killer strategies" (emphasis on the plural strategies, at best they hate slugging) they're saying (or we'd like to say "needless complaining") how 2v8 shows "how overpowered killers are, especially if there are two running around."

    The mode gives you progress into the current rift, bloodpoints, and decent cosmetic charms and backgrounds, which is what the OP wants. Unfortunately, these are tied to the mode. You cannot get these any other way. The OP wishes there wasn't a tome around the event so they wouldn't feel like they would be missing out on rewards and cosmetics you cannot get otherwise.

    Yet aside from the cosmetics (which are charms and backgrounds) everything can be gotten via normal trials. But that aside tell us, why should something that comes tied with a new mode be gotten another way? Supose they could have just released the new mode on its own nothin attached, but then no one has anything to work towards there'd be no incentive to try it in a meaningful capacity.

    You don't need word for word verbatim from the OP to understand that's what they're saying.

    Kinda do, otherwise people like us will twist and bend anything they say to fit any narrative~

    Sometimes people don't have any ideas on how to fix a problem. Sometimes all it takes to start a good discussion is to let people know that you are dissatisfied with something. Relegating all complaints to "needless complaining" does not help facilitate improvement.

    If the complaint does not properly (or remotely) explain why they are dissatisfied with something, then how is anyone to help improve it? Is everyone here going to have to ask "why" until we get something workable? ATM the original post only says (to us) that they hate the "slugfest", which we haven't seen and probably the only way to help that would be to add basekit unbreakable for the mode (admittedly it wouldn't hurt with insta cages), and how theres a tome attached to the gamemode, which if they released a new mode, why not attach a tome to it? To solve this we guess don't make new tomes for new modes. Tada, improved and solved unless someone comes up with something better.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 300
    edited July 31

    I don't want op killers at all lol I simply don't think killers are op in 2 v 8 based on what I seen and experienced on both sides. I don't loop as a survivor and I win huge proportions of my matches as a survivor. This is because I can adapt to more than 1 play style. I wouldn't say I'm particularly good at the game so if I can win against 2 killers then I don't see why others can't other than the fact they spend most 1 v 4 matches looping whereas I don't.

    I have basis for my argument of not thinking killers are op

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    Not really sure what your first sentence is supposed to imply. The whole point of a discussion is to discuss the topic. 🤨

    Your experience is only one data point of the entire playerbase. Your opinion on the mode is just as valid as mine and as OP's, but no one's is the entire story. Just because you feel safe saying your subjective statistic is an accurate number does not make it so.

    The tome accelerates the progress of the rift because it provides rift fragments. You can only get those in the event mode. So no, you're wrong there.

    If you're trying to construct narratives instead of trying to have a discussion, that says a lot.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 640