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2v8 killer queue time...?



  • Member Posts: 142

    Currently 15 minutes wait time as Wraith on EU servers. Seen it worse yesterday (25 mins)

  • Member Posts: 1,480
  • Member Posts: 102

    The killer can't see where the cages teleport to?

    I'd love to play killer, but not with these queue times :(

  • Member Posts: 3,745
    edited July 2024

    14 min in Trapper wait right now… and still waiting


    Got a game - 17 min

    … and got a bug that i could not pick up traps anymore :-(

  • Member Posts: 3

    This is happening to me as well and I'm kinda disappointed I really want to play killer

  • Member Posts: 154

    Agreed. This mode is fun but I can't wait for it to end. I just want to play DBD. I don't care if it is 1v4 or 2v8 I just want to have a DBD weekend and this event has made me and my friends go back to Call of Duty...and any game event that makes you leave the game is a failure. Especially for hardcore gamers like me with 4k hours in DBD please end this event early BHVR and I'm begging you don't make it permanent 🙏

  • Member Posts: 605

    Yeah we always wait 15min for a match, but I dont care, KWF is SO MUCH FUN!

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    A mode with 2 killers is for killers. The fun is on the killer side. There's not much you can do to make survivor fun when you can get hit by two killers in one chase. BHVR is most likely going to have bribe survivors to play 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 80

    That's why there's 400% bp for survivors. Honestly like Idk why they thought actually balancing this mode would be a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I'm glad you guys are trying to balance it out. That being said, is there a way for your team to fix the buggy textures and boundaries cause I'm on PS5 and have people literally walking out of bounds and camping inside the gate exit.

    Thx for working hard on this!

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    That's why there's 400% bp for survivors. 

    Yes, I meant they'll need to go further. 400% is not enough, as current killer queue times prove. Every time I attempt 2v8 survivor, it's miserable and I don't last more than a few matches before turning off the game. I would like to play killer, but it's not reasonable to wait in these queues.

    Idk why they thought actually balancing this mode would be a bad thing.

    These "game modes" are basically beta tests. They're not finished products by any means. Plus, it's hard to balance a mode where 6 out of 8 survivors don't touch gens. BHVR would have to replace half the survivors in matches with bots.

  • Member Posts: 388

    No amount of incentive will make a lot of us go through the terrible game mode of 2v8. Killer mode is fine, the fast gameplay is nice. But as survivor, it's terrible.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    For 2v8, give survivors basekit voice comms, and allow them to select which languages they know.

    …Because that would be a REAL incentive for survivors to queue in 2v8. Because it would give solo q survivors something extremely above and beyond what the normal game mode has.

    And if 8 survivors on voice comms is too chaotic, then give survivors map pings, or chat wheels, or anything else that's unavailable in the normal mode.

  • Member Posts: 808

    I've played so much killer I don't remember anybody I chase there's so many of you like ants I genuinely can't keep track who's who

  • Member Posts: 4,903


    Ergo : tunneling isn't happening, only bad luck.

  • Member Posts: 288

    They should extent the mode with at least a week. At this rate, I can not complete all the challenges since I can't play this game more than 2 hours each day, sometimes even less.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    That's the joke. I was making a joke about how many people, in the run-up to the game mode's release, were saying that it looked incredibly survivor sided, and nobody was going to play killer. which at the time I thought was a ridiculous prediction and have since been proven right in my assessment

  • Member Posts: 5

    I honestly don't want to play survivor even with the bloodpoints and I'm a survivor main. I get tunneled and team tagged every damn match I go into.I go in to killer matches and I don't think it is fair that the same bps are not being offered to killers when there is a wait forever for killers.I figured this is a killer sided game, I would've figured they would've had an incentive for killers there as well.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I don't think it is fair that the same bps are not being offered to killers when there is a wait forever for killers.I figured this is a killer sided game, I would've figured they would've had an incentive for killers there as well.

    The BP incentive is exactly that, an incentive. It's not a nice thing BHVR does "just because," it's to encourage people to queue up for the side that needs players. The killer queue is long because there are too many killers, so they're offering a BP incentive on the survivor side to get more people to play survivor.

    Adding a BP incentive to the killer queue would make killer queue times worse. Is that what you really want?

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's been 10-15 for me. But you're asking for a solution which doesn't exist. If too many people want to play killer, that's it.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    At the very least the incentive should be uncapped proportional to what the balance is looking like.

    The survivor bonus should be 1000%+. Probably won’t change anything but what’s the point of being stingy if people can’t even play the new mode.

  • Member Posts: 214

    it is a lot more fun than the nomal mode? You get hella points it is really chaotic and u have 10 billion pallets? I also feel like there is no sbmm in this game mode because I ran into tons of bad killers

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Exactly. For all the people wanting god loops or pallet heaven back, this is it. Plus you get a dramatically reduced grind if you take advantage of the BP boost. There's no loss here; it's a win-win.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    This isn’t true. I have seen tunneling in 2v8. Not commonly (from what I have seen ) but it is happening.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Tunneling implies intent and ignoring all but one survivor until he's out of the match.

    "Hooks" are randomly placed and far away from both killers.

    "Hooks" are moved if in proximity of a killer.

    Because of this, it's very unlikely to find the survivor one has just downed without ever encountering or trying to hit another survivor.

    Stumbling randomly on the survivor that was just downed and has just been "unhooked" isn't tunneling, it's only bad luck/opportunity.

    I've myself found a survivor I had downed a bit before while she was being healed and of course I've downed her. But I had chased another survivor between her two downs. It would be a very bad idea to ignore all survivors but the one I've just downed.

    And even if by sheer luck I found her randomly before finding anyone else, downing her wouldn't be tunneling as I had no intent to down her. It was just an opportunity.

    Tunneling only works in 1vs4 because the hook position is known and proxy-camping is possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    From survivor perspective that still tunneling and they should have defence agains't it. In normal game there is ds and otr. Even tunneling in 2vs8 is mostly bad luck it's incredibly unfun experience especially when 2 killers target you. In tunneling definition you can still chase others while tunneled is hooked and that's what makes it so effective stragedy.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I've been killed twice right out of the pod. I chalk it up to simple bad luck and I moved on to the next game.

    I wouldn't call that "incredibly unfun" but I guess we all have our thresholds.

    I have no idea how they can do that without cheating. In my experience the position is kind of random so without clear information it's a bad time investment.

    I'd be nice to know how predictable the pod spawn is, e.g. asking to the devs.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    The cage spawns aren’t very random, which is why the cages often get clumped together if the killers knock down multiple survivors in the same area.

    I’ve seen killers just move around the edges of the map, which often finds the cages. I’ve also been in “musical cages”, where I’m in a cage, and I’m teleported somewhere else multiple times, because the killers kept showing up where my cage has spawned.

    For reals, did BHVR just reuse Pyramid Head’s cage spawning rules, even though they’ve gotten complaints in the past that these spawning rules are too predictable?

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It can feel incredibly killer sided when you're a solo so I can see why so few survivors queue up. Today it's just been miserable stomp after miserable stomp.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    From my experience with the mode, any time two killers hold hands and roam around the map, survivors lose. When they're separated from each other, most times, killers lose. It just depends on whether they know that. Oh and also Wraith + Hillbilly is pretty damn strong since Hillbilly can just give Wraith exposed so unless you're at a pallet or vault, you're screwed, but Hillbilly can also M1.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Make it 20 Auric cells for Survivors per match, that will get them over.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    It's not worse than 1v4 survivor, I can tell you that much.

  • Member Posts: 745

    Lot's of people here complaining that "2v8 killer sided" and "2v8 is survivor sided".

    What I've experienced is that this game is pretty 50/50. It all comes to teamplay. As a survivor, do not waste your time on opening those chests. Go straight to gens. Try to do the gens as a team. Soloing gens will do you more harm than good. And try to take out the middle gens first, spread them out. Use the abilities that your role has. If you have "Guide"-role, especially then you should always try to do gen with someone.

    And as a killer, you ALSO have to play as a team. I know it's harder if you're both soloing, but try to keep looking where the other one is. Try herd survivors to your killer teammate. Use each others skills to your advantage. Many people have been complaining that Billy can't instadown with his chainsaw. Try to look if the other killer is chasing a healthy survivor, rev your engine and run past that said survivor and that survivor gets exposed.

    In other words, do not try to play this as a normal 1v4, because you don't have your perks, your items or your add-ons. Try to change your playstyle.

    And do not take this too seriously. It's just chaotic fun. An event that will last only 2 weeks. And it is not like BHVR will make this as a default mode. It'll come back some day in the future, but you still will have your 1v4.

  • Member Posts: 1,783
    edited August 2024

    Something I noticed which is a little weird is my killer queues with a friend have been consistently 8 minutes, like right on the dot.

    I got out the google stopwatch and every game from around ten have been an 8 minute wait. We've actually been using it as timer to know how long to mess around before coming back.

    Did they change something with the wait times when you're with KYF? In solo they definitely felt longer but I didn't time them.

    Edit: Actually queue times might just be getting better. My last two matches were 7:30 and about 7 respectively.

    Post edited by ohheyitsbobcat on

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