My main concern if any new mode becomes permanent.

I’ve had fun with all of these new gamemodes this year, I’m happy we’ve been getting new things to try out. But I do worry if for example 2v8 became permanent that it would make queue times longer for the base mode and 2v8.
This may be one of the many reasons why they have made this a temporary mode. Perhaps they want to see the impact of how this affects the regular mode to start with, rather than just put it in permanently, then discover a problem afterwards.
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they have already seen impact of other modes like chaos shuffle. that is already tried and tested. maybe they could only allow certain amount of lobbies for this mode? i am not sure.
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2vs8 is much more fun than normal I would not mind them remove normal mode and keep only 2vs8. They only need to make bp offerings, some add ons and items available to use and it will be about perfect.
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Think about how selfish this take is. Tons of people are loving 2v8 and even prefer it over 1v4, but you don't want them to have that game mode because of how it affects your queue time.
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God forbid people actually like regular DbD and don't just hop on to play a couple of times a year when a modifider changes the fundamentals of how the game works.
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What if both modes have separated ranking (from ash to iri)? That would be an incentive to play both for all players imo.
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Think about how selfish this take is. Tons of people are loving 2v8 and even prefer it over 1v4, but you don't want them to have that game mode because of how it affects your queue time.
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They've seen with other modes, but each mode generates different responses, and 2v8 is the most requested mode. By no means do they see the impact of the most requested mode until it is tested, so the possibility still stands.
As for lobbies, that may also be another reason as to why they are doing this temporarily to start with. In short, nobody really knows, and it would be foolish to dismiss any possible idea within reason.
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Year, this is also one of my few problemes I have with this mode. I really enjoy this mode because it is refreshing, funny, and nice to play - I played a lot of survivor. However, the killer queues are awfully slow and bad in both modes and if the developers make this mode permantly, I think the queue times will be this badly. We also have to keep in mind that they want to try new modifier (e.g. in september we will get a new modifier and a comeback for the Chaos Shuffle is possible) which means we would have three different lobbies to join which will make the queue times even more worse.
It would be the best if they keep this game mode rather special (e.g. maybe every season or two times a year) and adding new killers/classes when it happens instead of making it permanent. I also think this would keep the good spirit of this game mode. They did a great job with this modus but it is just the queue time that is troublesome.
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Lol. It's not any more selfish than the people saying everyone else should tolerate longer queue times because they want 2v8.
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Yeah idk why people think i’m being selfish I’m just expressing my concern I have if these modes are gonna be kept around. we don’t have a large enough playerbase for separate permanent modes.
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This isn't selfish. It's about the long-term health of the game. If queue times for the base game are always long, that will negatively impact the health of the game. Long queues > fewer players > less revenue for BHVR > servers get shut down due to operating costs outweighing revenue being brought in.
Now, if you just want 2v8 to completely replace the original mode, then that makes you just as selfish if not more so.
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I don't think this will be permanent because in the long run, it will hurt the base game, and ultimately that's their bread and butter.
I tried playing some normal games, and even in a SWF the other night, which is how we used to have the most fun, it just doesn't compare to killer duos in 2v8. It's not even close. Second most fun is survivor in 2v8 and we don't need perks to enjoy it because gameplay and games in general are so fast. Regular DBD feels so sluggish now. Who cares about all the bloodpoints when you don't even want to go back to normal games any time soon?
I think this can work on a temporary basis but making it permanent will definitely have an effect on how people view regular DBD. But really, we don't know the numbers that BHVR looks at to make decisions, although login numbers are waning quite a bit so it doesn't seem viable to have two modes running unless they're ok with the slightly elevated wait times in normal games. One week isn't enough time to make any sound decision but I'm curious to know where they go.
I wouldn't mind having 2v8 available a few times a year- maybe in between DLCs.
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And what about perks? Another of us have spent thousands of hours leveling every survivor and killer to unlock all perks on everyone. If they didn't enable perks in 2v8 than 1v4 has to stay. Don't get me wrong, as long as 2v8 is here I won't be playing 1v4 but they have to respect the time people put in this game and keep a mode in where all that progress means something.
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The 2 v 8 have slove most of the big complaints. Suicides, killer tactics, sweaty games, and survivors having a advantage in swf.
+ cant 4% on hook. Win for both sides
+ can't camp or 3 gen. tunneling and slugging way harder.
× Slugging for the 4k aka the 8k is still common.
+ killers can now play with friends just like survivors.
+ no MMR. back to a causal fun vibe (i personally prefer mmr myself but still)
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Well 1vs4 is not going anywhere just if I would have to choose I prefer 2vs8. I don't know if I can play much anymore especially killer once 2vs8 is gone. It just so refressing and so much more fun.
I only miss add ons and items really and only dh, otr and ds are perks that I miss but some of them could be introduced in new classes. Only mechanic I miss are pallet and flaslight saves from survivor side.
Other modifiers could replace 2vs8 for limited time or 1vs4 so there would never be more than 2 queques. I think the game would be fine with 2 modes just add more bonuses to the side who need more players and I think some players would eventually return to play 1vs4 more as well.
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Honestly this game doesn't have enough playerbase to support any of the different mode, at most it'll be a mode for custom games
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Realistically 1/2 the players isn't 2x the queue time, queues aren't that bad incentives are nice and the game is in a better spot for average queues, on top of that 2v8 has averaged 50% increase in players over the last 7 days, so that split player base is now 75% / 75% of what it once was. If you think 75% of the player base shouldn't have fun so you can queue ~10% faster be my guest but it sounds pretty selfish.
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NO way, that would mean doing away with perks and player variety.
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The game would probably die.
This mode is DbD as fast action but very very simplified and pretty exhausting after some time.
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Maybe they could make these modes / modifiers available on weekends and rotate between each of them each week. Some of us would love to know how many years till we see chaos shuffle again 😭
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No offense but that's a load of waffle and completely random numbers.
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honestly that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
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An interesting fix would be to have "Fill" queue for additional BP (like permanent 200%), which can simply put you to any role and any mode.
I would use it a lot…
You could lock, how often can you use it to prevent lobby shopping. So if you leave lobby you get, then you can't queue for 10 minutes or something (for Fill role).
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As much as I enjoy 2v8, it replacing 1v4 permanently is basically my nightmare scenario. I like the new mode, but don't think it should became the new standard
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Currently, 2v8 is new and it's something that was highly requested. There's even an event tome for it. Once it becomes permanent, you'll see people playing it less.
As with anything that's available for a limited time, FOMO is a major contributor to the popularity.
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Ok then ill just give you the charts and you make an assumption
Do you think they would be upset if you got rid of the game mode for the sake of your "queue times"
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No. Because as you can see from your own chart, these surplus players have already had their fun and are leaving again.
There's a pretty clear downward trend following the peak on the 26th July:
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Not counting the first two as outliers the peaks are still 10k higher on average then they were before and the slumps are still 8k higher than they were before, its still an overall larger playerbase and while it might trend downward it was still a larger surge and higher than it would average before, idk if you can read charts but so far so good on an average increase lets see how another week does (probably the same result)
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the peaks are still 10k higher on average
Yes because there's an event currently going on.
its still an overall larger playerbase
No, it isn't. Most of these players won't stick around past the event. This happens any time there's a major content drop in any game ever. Casual players come for the event, play a little while, and then the numbers gradually sink back down to what they were before when the event is over.
and higher than it would average before, idk if you can read charts but so far so good on an average increase lets see how another week does (probably the same result)
I'm fluent in statistics.
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I do wanna make it clear that I’m in no way trying to sound selfish, I just don’t want the playerbase to be heavily divided to the point where it can have a negative affect on the queue times. I’m open to any discussions that can maybe help with that.
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Make event permanent, average playerbase is now higher because the biggest event since nemesis came out is now a permanent fixture. Ez
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Spot on. All this "I want I want" going on but people, as usual, can't see the long term ramifications. The game is in its 9th year because what it is has worked. I can't see the devs screwing over the health of their game for a mode that will eventually lose its novelty.
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The Steam player count went from 50k (pre 2v8) to 100k, then back down to 50k within 48 hours of the mode's release. It'd be a different story if they maintained that number but they didn't.
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This is wishful thinking.
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My specialty
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Actually thats not 48 hours of the modes release thats ~6 hours after when the largest portion of the player base goes offline they they do every single day aka you looked at bedtime, a better comparison would be to look at the peak
then look at the peak 48 hours after release
Fell for the ol bedtime gambit, gotta look a bit more closely at that zoomed out data
now alternatively you could have said its already lost ~75% of what it gained by comparing it to todays peak, which is a fair point
But its still up by 12k on top of the increase from the midchapter release which went from ~40k to 50k which is still more overall players
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Exactly that. Had to play normal Survivor for 2 to 3 matches because of how hectic it was. Being one of a team of 4 after a while feels extremely relaxing.
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These two things are not comparable. Like at all. There is nothing chaos shuffle could teach them about 2v8.
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This would only occur if the new mode is heavily one-sided to be played and we assume that base game is equally divided in proportion (which isnt even the case too). Like its now with 2vs8: much more killers want to play the new mode and less survivors than necessary to keep a balanced queue. So killer queue in 2vs8 is horrendous. But in base game the queue times are still okay for survivors somehow.
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You are right and I just said that because people wanted 2vs8 gone when many people like me are having fun with why just can't both modes co-exist. People will definetely return to 1vs4 if 2vs8 becomes pernament and queques will be fine. Devs already said in future they put different modes separate bp incentives.
Recently my killer queques been lot shorter in 2vs8 as well in future they just need to add some fun mechanic for survivor like pallet/flaslight saves and something so survivors can bit have chance agains't 2 killers.