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Let’s talk about sabotage

Member Posts: 2,221

I think it would be a good idea to add a perk that makes all the hooks in the area glow and/or extends the sabotage time of hooks. Thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 429

    I'd prefer it if it had some killer specific interactions, an example would be sabotaging a trap would stun The Trapper when he attempted to pick it up also when you have a Reverse Beartrap on your head from The Pig you can disable the countdown timer but still need to remove it to escape. Just some small tweaks to make gettting matched up with Trapper or The Pig a fun experience, there are currently so many killers in the game it's time the devs started making game changing effects against certain killers if your lucky enough to have a perk that counters some of their abilities.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    That sounds like a hard nerf to them, I don’t really like this. They are already not that high on the list. I’d prefer not to lessen their powers , as I feel both of them need a buff

  • Member Posts: 346

    Make Trapper's life even worse? Questionable motives.

    Making Pig's RBT useless for over half the game? Questionable motives.

    As for OP, Saboteur already passively extends sabo'd time of hooks. Having all the hooks glow sounds like it would just be a lot of screen pollution. It would be overwhelming, hard to make anything out because there's so many red auras on the screen. Making it within a certain range may work. It just seems unnecessary though, hooks are already pretty easy to find.

    Now I can assume by "extend sabo time of hooks," you mean significantly. Like, "a whole minute" significantly. That sounds really obnoxious for killers, though at the same time it encourages use of a scarcely run perk, Hangman's Trick, so there's a benefit. If taken too far though, it might become a requirement in which, not a benefit. Have to be real careful with something as potentially powerful as Sabotaging.

  • Member Posts: 641

    Being able to see hooks within 30~40 would actually be a reasonable buff (not very broken nor polluted) to Saboteur or even Slippery Meat to complete the combo (Meaning you need multiple perks to make the build work) because sabo has been nerfed until almost no one plays it at the moment other than SWFs looking to meme. Knowing exactly where every hook is nearby would actually allow the solo player to spend his time (dicking off technically) to setup an area where the killer is forced to make that decision to make a longer run towards a hook or just drop the guy there to keep his momentum. This also enables other perks to come into play where survivors can try to delay it by taking hits in hopes the guy can wiggle off and killer perks like Mad Grit or Hangman's Trick come into play because let's be honest... no one uses them right now.

  • Member Posts: 24

    If sabo got all aura reading of all hooks and a longer extender it would be better, but it would still be a disaster of a perk. Solo people could more confidently use it, but swf can more confidently abuse it. You would still also have to bring a toolbox as sabo without takes way too long. I think sabo needs a significant change to be good. Maybe we go back to permament hooks, but when a survivor wiggles out all hooks within a radius regen? That would need some severe tuning to be alright, but you could also change sabo to debuff hooks instead of destroy. Hooks that have been sabotaged could delay hook timer progression when hooked, increases escape chances, or even delay the save notification given to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It's in a weak spot now but it's also one of those perks that can't be allowed to ever be strong. Idk how long you've been around but we had a time when sabo was strong and trust me it was a nightmare and definitely wasn't balanced.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    @Blueberry yeah I was around then, it’s why there’s so many hooks in game now. I think just being able to see hooks within certain meters of yourself would be a nice buff/perk. Which I’d totally be cool with it’s nothing that’s game changing but more of a qol for the perk/possible perk build.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah i mean a perk like that would be fine, I just don't think it would be used because of how weak sabo is.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Saboteur already extends the sabotage duration. I think you can use a map to track hooks.

  • Member Posts: 2,221
    edited March 2019

    @orion yeah I didn’t realize that. I hung up my Sabo hat a long time ago and I’m just now picking it back up(for boldness). I used Sabo and was like”this takes fn forever”, and swapped back to a toolbox. Do you still get the extended time if you bring both? Like does it stack, Bc using just a toolbox is faster but they seem to respawn too quick.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    @Blueberry it would be nice if they built it in with Sabo. That’s just imo though.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I personally disagree. I don't like the idea of Killer powers having direct counters built into Survivor stuff (such as Tool Boxes sabotaging Bear Traps or Adrenaline taking a huge dump on Freddy).

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The way I see it, if it's in a state where it's bad but it can't be not bad because then it would be broken/unfun/unbalanced/etc., that's a sign that they may need to go back to the drawing board.

  • Member Posts: 308

    I always used to bring sabo so that I could stealth all game and pip by getting my boldness points up with it but then emblems came out and it got nerfed and became literally useless. They need to make it is permanently sabotaged until a certain amount of hooks are sabotaged. For example you sabo 5 hooks fully then 2 respawn. That way we don't have what we had before with killers never getting hooks because of bm sabo but we do have a useful perk. As well as making hangmans trick more prominent. The problem at the moment is the hook situation is ridiculous. There are so many hooks now a days wiggling is literally useless. I understand why there are more hooks because I remember sabo days and pre-self-care/heal speed nerf days when killers struggled to hook players a lot has changed though and both hangmans trick and sabo are now useless. Personally one of the reasons I can't wait for Ashley is the flipflop perk. It Denys killers the chance to slug or gives you an escape as long as you aren't near a hook.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Making the time the hook is down for could be alright. Maybe adding a minute would be safe?

    As a second thought for sabotaging in general maybe they could have it count towards your light bringer or altruism emblems.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    If I see you sabotaging my hooks.

  • Member Posts: 308

    I would be happy to have it count for either of those emblems. I also thing that doing totems should count towards either lightbringer or unbroken. It is ridiculous that dull totems give you no emblem progress even though it is the counter to NOED.

  • Member Posts: 2,552
    edited March 2019

    That perk is really weak and I only use it for easy bloodpoints.

    I don't know how they can buff it though. As someone else said, it is in a weird place. It is not strong but changing it a bit and making it actually useful will be frustrating af for killers.

    As you said, it should show you hook auras with 36 meters range. I think that is enough (Full map will be too bad). Maybe increase its base sabo speed, something like 60-75% and it will be good to go.

    I don't think we can buff it in any other way.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    Is that a mutual agreement for a dbd round of fisticuffs? It’s not about the killer. It’s about my emblems. You’ll live i had serveral rounds where I sabo’d an area and all the survivors were still not running to it for safety. Don’t underestimate their stupidity. I was playing with a friend and he saw me saboing an area, he ran the killer right to where there were hooks. Also atleast I wasn’t on a generator ;)

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    Sabo counts towards boldness don’t take this away from me!

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    @Delfador I’m on board with that.

  • Member Posts: 308

    But not the emblem does it? Plus it is easy to max boldness it is harder to max benevolent or light bringer

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    @Black_Fence I actually made a topic suggesting totems count towards light bringer. Didn't get much traction though.

    @HeroLives I wouldn't change it effecting your boldness points. I just think it should tie in with an emblem.

  • Member Posts: 308

    @HeroLives I just checked and sabo doesn't count to any emblem. I personally feel that every in game action other than maybe opening chests should count towards some emblem. It means you could play all game by doing totems and sabotaging to deny the killer hooks but depip even though you probably denied the killer his 4k because NOED didn't proc and he couldn't hook anyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    I disagree Bc I play stealth so I need boldness any way I can get it without having to actually get in a chase. Sounds like you should save some people and touch some gens, stop hogging all the run time.

  • Member Posts: 2,771

    Here is an idea: Make sabo garantee a toolbox along with a sabo addon.

  • Member Posts: 308

    I play stealth too. But when you have people gen rush there is never enough gens to get you all gold or above. I don't care where the bloodpoints go I care where it counts emblem wise. I don't mind it going to boldness as long as it counts to an emblem although I don't think sabotaging should go to the evader emblem.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    Damn thought boldness counted towards an emblem sob

  • Member Posts: 308

    No it doesn't which is the main reason I stopped using my stealth build. I would use UE, empathy, Sabotage and WGLF. I would sabo hooks and unhook survivors and nearly always double pipped because I would max my boldness with sabo and then max my altruism with unhooks and make sure I did at least 1 gen. With this I would always double pip if I escaped or single pip if I died. But then the emblems came and stopped me playing stealth because I would never get evader points. Now I tend to play gen rush/stealth then loop late game as a distraction.

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