Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

SM 4.0 = How do you think they will rework her in 2025?

It's confirmed that she is getting another rework next year so what do you think the rework will be?

IMO - I think it will be overall nerf for sure. Maybe she will be even easier to play or bit harder to play but still not rly good killer.


  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 619

    I think considering the bad rep she has (I’m not commenting on whether that is deserved, but most games I face with her, almost all my teammates DC..) I think a complete rework might be the best to reinvent her image. Though not sure if that will be popular for SM players so it’s a difficult one

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,912

    I would rather they scrap the idea of reworking her again entirely and dedicate the time and resources that would take to reworking a killer that actually needs it

    You are not washing out the stink of SM's release version without completely removing everything about her and replacing it with something else entirely

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 367

    She's already not good so I can't imagine making her worse without making her Freddy tier.

    I think remove the haste since that's a band-aid from originally trying to fix her and just make the claw traps always apply hinder and it's a good trade. Also an add-on pass so people can stop complaining about status effects.

  • MrQuiet
    MrQuiet Member Posts: 3

    Her drones now have machine guns on them n once a survivor is detected, it chases them for 60s.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2024

    there is been no confirm of any rework. the only thing reddit said about her is that they are not happy with survivors disconnecting vs her however no changes are planned for her.

    in previous AMA, they also said that they cannot do anything in regards to disconnects. player that wish to disconnect will disconnect in their personal reason.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,268
  • shizzy_Pooh
    shizzy_Pooh Member Posts: 58

    they can take away deep wound and broken in my opinion, but they need to keep haste, hindered and undetectable since haste and undetectable was apart of her original design anyways.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,268
    edited July 2024

    I don’t believe this is entirely true. The devs also said they were not happy with where she is currently and have plans to rework her early next year.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It doesn't really matter how they change her, many survivors will still throw a hissy fit and DC/unalive on hook.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Well, let's hope instead of Skully 4.0, we are not going to witness Twins 3.0.

    Waiting whole year just to get most of it removed...

    I play her mostly for her skins. Just don't make her completely garbage and please don't go for any AI flying drones as some suggested...

    AI didn't really go well for neither Knight, or Nemesis. It's not going to suddenly start working for skully.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    edited July 2024

    The drones will now detect anyone with a skull merchant related username that thinks lowly of her as a character, and reveals the 9mm submachine gun mounted inside it to instantly and remotely mori the survivor. (This is a joke btw, most likely just more drone alterations)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,862

    Not to be a party popper, but what exactly would these following drones do? Reveal the survivors location permanently until disabled? Zones a survivor or inflicts a wound?

    One sounds like a far poorer version of her current power that you could acheive easier by just revealing survivors on her radar... the other sounds a bit like Knight offhand, which I don't think will address her popularity issues...

    As much of a broken record as I'm sounding now, of all suggestions I've read on Skull Merchant, VomitMommy's suggestion is the one that appeals most to me:

    • Nerf: Broken removed to encourage attempts from survivors to heal. This creates more macro decision making for SM to switch chase to a scanned survivor while they are still injured. Also allows survivors to decide to deliberately eat a scan to remove their stacks while SM is occupied to try and mend/heal.
    • Nerf: Slow on clawtrap scan reduced to 5% hindered (was 10%) to reduce its obnoxiousness but still cause slow vaults.
    • Buff: Speed standardised. While any survivor is scanned SM gains 3% bonus movement speed. While any survivor is claw trapped SM instead gains 6% movement speed. On average she moves faster to maintain her threat.
    • Nerf: Drones that are disabled cannot be recalled. This allows fast drone hacks to be rewarded by disabling the drone over the tile that Skully can't undo, and also have a purpose in hacking drones to limit her drone availability.
    • Buff: Auras of disabled drones marked in red. HUD improvement for Skull Merchant to make decisions.
    • Buff: Drones recovery reduced to 35s. Offsets the fact she can't pull her hacked drones back.

    There will be people who still don't like her, but it seems healthier overall to me.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    it is true. says so right in reddit AMA.

    there is no where in the post that it says that they're reworking her. they only said that they are not happy with skull merchant's disconnect ratio, a directly reply to question.

    Freddy is only confirmed rework while Myer is on radar but in some distant future.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Preferably a rework into something not Trap based.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,268

    We have bigger changes planned for her next year. That implies a rework in my opinion. I can't imagine what else they would be implying.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i wouldn't read too much into it. until you see word update or rework in the post, it is likely wish-list change.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,268

    We can't assume that either "Wishlist" change. I get it though where you are coming from.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    I dont think she needs a rework, she's generally fine. Annoying, boring, sure, but people really overreact because it's socially acceptable to complain.

    They should probably nerf her 3 strike/scan system, like hacking drones removes strikes/scans somehow, but takes longer, etc.

    The basic concept is fine, could use some tuning / update, but I dont think devs need to dedicate resources for a whole rework.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,056
    edited August 2024

    I think they will completely rework her from the ground up and turn her into this lady:

    It will release for the 9th anniversary as the newest Resident Evil chapter. It will be the glow-up of the decade. Skull Merchant players would be somewhat pissed, but the presense of Mommy Milkers will ease their pain. It will feature a new version of RPD, now with 3 additional levels. The map will start causing consoles to brick, and it will be killswitched shortly afterwards.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,442

    She’ll fly while standing on her new and improved drones while throwing grenades at Survivors as if she was the Green Goblin. Her mori would be her suffocating the Survivor by wrapping her thighs around their throat.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 2024

    If they want to do full rework, then I would give up on drone idea.

    Just focus on tracking/hunter theme. I am sure there are many possibilities in this direction.

    Drones are never going to be "fun" for survivors and most killers… There can't really be good skill expression for either side with them.

    Otherwise I would just go for my changes. That would be easy to do, help survivors and won't really affect Skully in major way.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,479

    I think biggest rework she can get is self unhook rework

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    They shouldn't have completely ruined her identity to turn her into what we have now. They should have doubled down on the area denial/zone lockdown defensive game plan. Let the survivors come to her and close the trap around them.

    Not every killer needs to be chase focused.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,782

    I think they should give her a MQ1-Predator Drone honestly.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 350

    I don't know, but wouldn't be cool if her drones would work like in her archive cutscenes?

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't BHVR LITERALLY just say very recently that they are content where Skull Merchant is currently at?

    At this point she's probably never gonna get another rework because regardless of the amount of reworks she's received they've only seen the same exact people complain so, if I had to guess at this point, they're just going with the thought process of "people are just complaining now to complain" since it was very well known that the main problem with her before was her ability to hold games hostage which she can't exactly do anymore since BHVR intentionally went to solve that problem of killers holding games hostage with 3-gens.

    Also, in her current state, she's relatively fine. I've seen many survivors actually counter-playing her since, unlike the people who refuse to accept it, a lot of people understand that she can be played against and it's very much possible to win.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    No. They said the opposite. They said they are not content with her at all. That's why they're changing her again next year.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    Even if they are changing her it's gonna be, effectively, pointless unless they do a total overhaul of her power design since, regardless of how she's reworked otherwise, people are still gonna complain.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,230

    To be fair, there are some small things that could be improved with her current power, so a suite of changes wouldn't necessarily be pointless as long as we understand the point to be "fixing the problems that do exist" rather than "fixing people hating her".

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 556
    edited August 2024

    I have been in the community since 2018 and let me tell you: They are gonna hate her regardless, if you think there is even a slight chance of it not happening then you vastly overestimate the average DBD player, like to give you an example, over 90% of the community never understood how the hatch spawn worked back in the day, it was literally just fixing the generators for the same amount of survivors alive plus one.

    Unsurprisingly it took 3 YEARS until content creators actually explaining this very hard formula when hatch changes were already announced for the community to finally comprehend it. I wish i could make this up.

    In other words: If big streamer says she is bad for a purely subjective reason that is rather personal taste for the streamer (or them simply refusing to give her a chance with an open mind) , over 90% of the community will hate her with no thought behind it.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    Contrary to popular opinion she's fine as is. She's not overpowered. She has a high kill rate because people traumatized by past skull merchant still insist on giving up. It doesn't matter what they change people will hate her and complain. The dbd community doesn't know how to move on from things. I'm a SM main "pre 2v8" and trust me shes middle of the road.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    I hope they completely destroy the idea of playing SM out of spite

    Go back to playing Nurse if you're gonna be spiteful

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    That is completely true and I 100% agree with you(mostly because of what I'm about to say). The ONLY change I think she needs to receive is that survivors can hack drones to remove their Lock-On stacks(1 stack for each drone hacked) to improve upon her interactivity. That is really the only problem she has in my honest opinion since she doesn't have very much interactivity that gives much of any rewards(hence why nobody touches her drones).

    Although there will have to be something put into place to prevent survivors from hacking a drone that just scanned them so they can't just straight up run at the drone very blatantly, get scanned, and hack the drone to remove that scan instantly. The way I would probably do it is that whenever you get scanned you have an effect meter on your character picture that everyone can see that goes down at the same time that you're on the radar. This would actually be good for two good reasons where 1) it helps with letting you know when you can start hacking drones to remove your Lock-On stacks and 2) it'd help people know exactly WHEN and how long she has Haste for since she only gains Haste if survivors are currently on the radar. Only potential downside is that her one brown add-on will have a side effect of extending that period where you can't lose a stack since it extends the amount of time survivors are on the radar for by 1 second.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I like this idea. I get tons of rage messages "just part of the existence as a sm main but of the few people the actually give honest feedbackthe biggest complaint is normally that her power is uncounterable. It's not once you learn her but people just don't bother. This would add another level of counterplay for survivors.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,659

    Don‘t ruin the green goblin. I wouldn‘t forgive them.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    That's the point- It'd give her a little more counter-play while also giving a little more information for both her and the survivors.