70 seconds hook states duration. Let's talk about it.

Let's talk about it.

What do you think?

Is this good for the game? Is this bad?

Is it gonna make tunneling more needed, considering survivors now have more time to finish a gen and then go for a save last second?

Or is it gonna incentivise spreading pressure once in a 3v1 better?

What do you think?



  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    Its horrible. Secure second stage is already very hard and they did it even harder. And of course only survivors perks being buffed (i wonder why :) )

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 355

    I think it will change nothing

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    i dont play in a way that is affected by that, so dont care.

    probably going to make securing 2nd harder, whatever.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    in soloq it won't change anything, people will insta save a survivor getting tunneled which is the reason i don't bring reassurance since you can't utilize its anti tunnel aspect. i personally dislike the change but i doubt it will change much, survivors will be able to be even more careless and it's fine.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,944

    Camping is still often mathematically better that not though. Think of it this way.

    If you don't camp, you have

    • 1 survivor on the hook, 3 survivors on gens.
    • You start looking where to go next.
    • Probably around the time you find out where the next survivor roughly is, a survivor is leaving a gen, now you have, 1 survivor on hook, 1 going to the hook. 2 on gens. Lets say this process takes around 20 seconds to get to (about 20 seconds, to get to the middle of the map from the edge accounting for having to pick the survivor up and hook them)
    • Another say, 5 seconds later you find your target and get them off the gen, now you have 1 survivor on hook, 1 going for save, 1 on gens, and 1 being chased.
    • Probably another 5 seconds later, the survivor on hook gets saved.
    • Another 16 seconds later, that survivor is healed.
    • Another 10 seconds later, both of those survivors are on a gen.
    • And around now you probably get the down from your chase.
    • How much gen time elapsed?

    For 20 seconds, you have 3 survivors on a gen = 60 seconds

    For 5 seconds, you have 2 survivors on a gen = 10 seconds

    for 29 seconds, you have 1 survivor on a gen = 29 seconds

    this is a total of 60 + 10 + 29 = 99 seconds of gen progress, a little more than 1 gen.

    Now what if you camp?

    • 1 survivor on hook, 3 survivors on gens.
    • You start camping
    • This probably lasts around 20 seconds as before, then the survivors start to wonder
    • Now the question is, are they an organized team or not? More often than not, they are NOT an organized team, but lets assume the OPTIMAL scenario in most games?
    • So, 1 survivor starts going for save, you have 1 survivor on hook, 1 going for the save, and 2 on gens.
    • After about 10 seconds or so, the survivor going for the save realizes you are camping.
    • Maybe they poke you, or emote you to "come here" but overall they probably goof off for 15 seconds or so, before they realize you aren't budging.
    • At this point, often times multiple survivors will now get off the gens to come for a save because multiple is needed to not trade. But again, maybe they just have the 1 guy guy go back on gens, so now you have 3 survivors on gens
    • The guy on hook has now been on hook for 45 seconds. You only need another 15 to hit second stage. Which if you are smart, is what you are looking for, then you go interrupt them.
    • So now you have a 2nd stage hook, similar to before, but just on the same survivor and how much gen time has elapsed?

    For 20 seconds you have 3 survivors on a gen = 60 seconds

    For 10 seconds you have 2 survivors on a gen = 20 seconds

    For 15 seconds you have 2 survivors on a gen = 15 seconds

    For 15 seconds you have 3 survivors on a gen = 45 seconds

    That is 60 + 20 + 15 + 45 = 140 seconds on a gen, about 40 seconds more than the above.

    Well, what do you get for it? Well the reality is, that first chase typically lasts 3 gens anyway. And if it doesn't the survivor getting chased is bad, or the survivors doing gens are bad. So it often makes sense to do this because during the scuffle to find the next gen, the survivors aren't doing anything. Additionally, this is assuming that survivors play OPTIMALLY. Which you know they don't the vast majority of the time.

    Secondly, what you get is still 2 hook stages, the difference though is that if you camp, the 2nd stage is on a single survivor, instead of 2 different survivors. This is far more powerful, because now survivors have to spend even MORE time either protecting said survivor, and body blocking them. That survivor needs to spend more time trying to hide, or they risk being eliminated completely.

    If you get down to 3 survivors and there are 2 gens left, it is often a win for a killer at that point, because survivors can't keep up unless the killer makes a big mistake. If there is 1 gen left, its possible for them to come back if you make small mistakes.

    All in all, camping is often more effective than not, because the vast majority of the time, the survivors will not play optimally. And even when they do, it opens them up for a quick tunnel into a long drawn out 1v3.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815
    edited August 2024

    Obviously awful change, leave a way bigger room for mistakes for survivors. Especially on comp scene, I don't even know what they will do with these 20 sec in a matches, where literally every second can decide outcome of the match. Probably survivors will play itemless or even more perks will be banned, while public matches will have 4 Resi/4 Adren / 4 Toolboxes still without any problem, lol.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,915

    I mean, yeah? If you make a mistake, that mistake should be somewhat punishing. That's what a mistake is.

    As for the original topic, I'm on the fence. It'll allow efficient Survivors to repair gens while leaving the Survivor on the hook for longer, which is a pretty nasty strategy since you can bang out most of a gen and THEN go for the save with basically nothing lost anyway.

    Then again, camping is annoying to go against, so it being less effective in general is a good thing for survivors. I feel it'll make an already effective tactic have a much larger margin of error, though, which isn't really a good thing.

    "Gens before friends" strategy is surprisingly good if you know how to manage hook timers and not just immediately bomb towards the unhook. I'm leaning towards this being a negative change overall.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Really just a big boost for smart survivors. Many times I have found myself hooking someone and then going to find someone else and 3 gens pop. I could usually return back to hook to secure a second stage or force a trade but now it will be more difficult. In those scenarios I’ll probably just force stage two and then tunnel them out immediately. I’m not buying the whole “punishing camping” because they already have base kit Anti Camp and they have Camaraderie and Reassurance which were made just for that reason.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169
  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    I have 6200 Hours in the game and I'm a Killer Main. I'm even a Bubba Main.

    Increased hook phases are good and bad in the same time. It's hard to tell. If it gonna push Killers to play more for chases and apply pressure - that's great. Removing camping & boring Gameplay is very good idea. But in the same time it makes Killer harder to punish Survivors for their mistakes and late reactions. After hooking a Survivor, Killer is going away to get another chase. He played well and ended chase quickly. Survivors choosed to stay on the Generator and they finished the Generator before going to unhook and these additional 10 seconds give them opportunity to get a trade or even safe unhook. Just an example where Killer wanting to apply pressure in fun way and play for chases is punished and he can't punish Survivors for their mistakes. Like I said - it can be bad - it can be good. Personally I wouldn't change hook timer, but okay. I think adding Kindered Base Kit & Corrupt should be the next step.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Not enough, make it 180 seconds and tunneling or camping will ceases to exist

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249

    It's a slight buff to kinship and reassurance too which is interesting

    now 1 reassurance can make a hook stage last 100 seconds, almost 2 minutes lol

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It punishes camping more but it's not gonna do anything against tunneling, sadly.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249

    I keep forgetting ST is back, I'm really out of the loop LOL

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    Why this style even punished. I think it should be player choice how to play. Put presure or stayed around hooked survivor. Developers ruin all fun from the game try make it healthier. You can say that stay around hook the entire game is not. I believe it should be player choice and not developers. Cause developers literally took away all freedom and just say "you play wrong, play like we say to you and no other way". Camp with insidious the only fun killer can have in this game and now they ruined even this. I understand why the doing this, cause last year update only favours survivors and killers get nerfs after nerfs. So its not a surprise that new patch would be the same (only buffs for survivors and only nerfs for killers).

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    our fellow solo q randoms will now crouch behind a rock for an extra 10 seconds

  • Philscooper
    Philscooper Member Posts: 76

    the community and game kind of pushed for tunneling since 7th anniversery
    and i honestly cant help but think "killer nerf bad, killer buff good"
    no offense but after the 7.6.0 changes that nobody fought against,
    and people complaining about anti-camp.

    its hard to gain sympathetic and see the bigger picture

    i know this is just going to make killers tunnel more,
    which isnt really that much of a difference to what they do already
    survivors run anti-tunnel to win
    killers run anti-regression to win
    unless they change that core mechanic and have both sides not run same meta

    call me just the biased survivor main who doesnt care, but this is just what i think
    but overall for me i do think this on paper should make camping less interesting, only wierd it took 2 years to do this change
    (they did the gen-time increase in 6.1.0)

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Good. Had a game last night where the killer just camped first 2 survivors to death then slugged for 4k.

    Soloq needed this.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412


  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    I mean it's the right direction but I'm not sure if it's going to be super meaningful. Someone who wants to do nothing but camp with deadlock/grim embrace/DMS is still going to do that.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    This is a fine change, I suppose, it disencourages camping (good for all sides, in terms of fun), it helps solo q, as solo q teammates often have the mentality of "I'm sure someone else will get it", so I get to stare at 3 teammates doing gens while i die, only for them to save me when im hitting stage 2, which is incredibly unfun.

    But I can see it being annoying in comp circles and, to a degree, sweaty matches, it messes up a lot of the killers pressure, as a hook is now so much less important or scary, if anything, nerfing hooking might make slugging more valuable and be used more, but hopefully not.

    It will help solo q (good), stop camping being so bad (good), encourage chases and ending chases quickly in order to have more pressure (good but also double edged, might make tunnelling and slugging more encouraged) and gives sweat squads and comp teams more time to levy saves (definitely fun for survivors, altruistic plays are the most fun things imo for surv, but could lead to seeming unfair situations for killer where survivors can seemingly mess around and play carelessly, take hits and reset many times, and still be able to pull off a save in the endgame).

    Overall, it's positive, and I cannot see it being an awful change, or some life saving messiah as some might say, and the negative I mention is more of a nit pick and will likely not affect you unless you happen to have 10,000 hours, a phobia of grass and an interest in competitive dbd.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    Terrible game design. It should be 90 per hook state.