buffs to killer perks.

I see this absolutely a survivor patch. Theres 2 killer buffs and all survivor buffs. Why no buffs to killer perks?
yeah i dont understand it either. they really dont like killers recently with all nerfs going on for killers and massive buffs for survivors
6 -
Is it really required to make sure there's buffs to both sides' perks in every single patch? I think it's okay for some patches to focus more on the specific things the devs had ideas for/are already finished. There's always next patch, after all.
Besides, on top of the three killer buffs looking pretty juicy and the Midwich + scratch marks changes looking interesting, I'd argue that survivors getting a suite of buffs to perks that are more active and engaging to play against (for the most part, anyway) is to the killer's benefit too. More variety is good, and more meme-y perks are fun to face, too.
35 -
are you not satisfied with the killer buffs on killers you already got?
need me to complain about items not getting buffed because killer got buffs?11 -
are we looking at the same patch??
The majoriry of perk buffs for are all meme perks and allow for more shenanigans, and the 3 killers that got looked at received some very note worthy buffs.
35 -
Ah, everyone's favorite pastime, counting all the buffs in the patch notes and complaining about whatever side "gets more", what a constructive and relevant and enjoyable exercise, not ridiculous at all…
And there were 3 killers buffs so you didn't even do that right.
23 -
Ever since the "anti gen tap" mechanic got added, I think that cemented for a lot of people that any change whatsoever demands "compensation" now, sadly.
4 -
Yes not satisfied cause this buffs are microscopic and unsignificant. And they buff many annoying survivors perks including blast mine
1 -
A buff is a buff. And survivors got more buffs then killers
1 -
My bad 3 buffs to killers vs 10 buffs to survivors still not good
1 -
3 vs 10 this is loopsided and need to be around the same amount
1 -
I dont care if they rework freddy to be s tier and they buff every bad survivor perk there need to be some balanced between the two. Cause then bhvr will think we want a patch where 1 side gets no buffs and the other gets 20 buffs
0 -
killers received way more buffs than survivors over the last 4 patches.
11 -
Its an asymmetrical game, its not a 1:1 ratio, so no, it doesn't need to be around the same amount.
9 -
Not true either. It was like 4-5 6-4 which is close and its either survivor got more or killer got more
This is 10 survivor buff vs small 3 buffs to killers
0 -
There are actually 3 killer buffs and still no nerf to Nurse & co. Stop with the Us vs Them narrative already.
4 -
Cool still lopsided
0 -
so every patch has to have the exact same amount of buffs for each side or its unfair..? you're just making up problems at this point...doesn't seem like you even fully know what you're talking about, you just wanted a reason to complain
9 -
The last 4 patches was only nerfs for killers. What are you talking about?
2 -
No i have reasons but these people just dont want to see it either survivor sided main or people just think 3 buffs is enough vs 10 buffs
0 -
not that I agree with this silly thread but wasn't the last patch the one w/ buffs to some gen kick perks?
2 -
Except it is true. We can also consider enhancements to specific killers as buffs. Count those too. :)
4 -
not every single patch needs to have an even number of buffs/nerfs to both roles
not that deep
+ be serious, most are buffs to fun perks that will impact the survivor power dynamic very little. I promise deception having a smaller cooldown will not lose you your match
3 -
Ah yes I can't wait for the overwhelming pebble and mirrored illusion meta that's definitely coming.
6 -
Let's count again.
[CHANGE] Increased movement speed while charging Reign of Darkness to 3.8m/s (was 3.68m/s).
[CHANGE] Increased teleport speed outside of Nightfall to 19m/s (was 12m/s).
[CHANGE] Reduced teleport cooldown outside of Nightfall to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds).
[CHANGE] Decreased time to break out of a locked locker to 2.25 seconds (was 3 seconds).
[CHANGE] Increased charge rate of the Nightfall meter to 1 charge per second per injured Survivor (was 0.75).
[CHANGE] Reduced volume of The Dredge’s sound effects to make it harder to detect.
[CHANGE] Adjusted several Add-On
[NEW] Reduced Static Blast’s cooldown to 30 seconds if no Survivors are in range.
[CHANGE] Reduced Static Blast’s cooldown to 45 seconds if a Survivor is in range.
[CHANGE] Increased movement speed while charging Static Blast to 2.99m/s (was 1.16m/s).
[CHANGE] Adjusted Static Blast cooldown Add-Ons accordingly.
[CHANGE] Requirement for reaching Mutation Rate 2 has been reduced to 5 Contamination Points (was 6).
[CHANGE] Increased Hindered penalty duration when infecting a Survivor to 2 seconds (was 0.25 seconds).
[CHANGE] Adjusted Licker Tongue and Marvin’s Blood Add-Ons.
[CHANGE] Improved Scratch Mark visibility.
My bad, looks like there were actually 15 killer buffs. Killer-sided patch!
12 -
Fixing scratch marks is a massive Killer buff and is probably the best thing they could've fixed.
14 -
The point of buffs and nerfs is for game balance, not to “give both sides something” every time. That doesn’t balance the game to change things that don’t need changed, just to “be fair.”
3 -
There does need to be balance between the attention the two sides get overall, but there's no requirement for it to be perfectly and arbitrarily equal between roles in every patch.
Besides, you need to look at it more holistically than that. The killer experience gets better if people run the goofy meme perks more than the actually powerful meta perks, after all, a buff to something on the survivor side can still be very appealing for the killer side to see as well.
4 -
…In this patch.
There's no requirement for this patch to have an equal amount of changes for both survivors and killers. And, as I said, the specific survivor buffs we did get are appealing to see from the killer perspective as well.
3 -
They could at least have buffed distressing, beast prey, etc. but nothing.
0 -
Killers the easiest it's ever been you'll be fine
7 -
Vs 10
0 -
Never said that
0 -
Because more Play and try 2vs8😆
0 -
i think issue with this patch is hook stage from 60→70 seconds. Your currently punishing killer as killer for spreading hooks because you get almost no generator regress rewards for playing actively at base-kit and now they want punish killers for camping hooks and allowing survivor to gen-rush for free? How is it surprising that killer is camping hooks when regressing hook is more rewarding than fishing chases to down survivors?
While they are buffing killer, after killer, after killer in regards chasing, like doctor, dredge, clown, etc, etc., the issue still remains that generator are too oppressive when killer spreads hooks. that is why there is bunch of camping going on and not a lot of offensive aggressive gameplay. in fact, the killer that are more aggressive tends to be the killer that run 4 defence perks because…. they compromising their entire perk loadout so that they can play more offensively. the issue is that gen defence perks keep getting nerfed and nerfed. as a result, more people opt to camp because they don't want to run gen defence perks and they don't see much benefit in them because… they're constantly weaker than previous iteration. Playing offensively is constantly getting nerfed and nerfed and playing defensively stayed the same until now where your also getting punished for playing defensively. it makes no sense. just a lose/lose.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on5 -
There's 14 total listed killer changes.
There's 10 total listed survivor perk changes.
Counting the quantity of buffs is a pointless task, because most of the survivor perk changes won't change much about the perk. Diversion and Deception will still be fun perks that may work once or twice until the killer stops falling for it. Dance With Me now works better with Quick and Quiet as they now have the same CD. The trap perks might get an additional use in a match with their lower activation charge.
The killer changes are going to be more impactful to the people who want to play those killers rather than the handful of minor survivor perks getting small buffs.
12 -
No its 3 causw nemesis dredge and doctor got buffed. You cant just say all killers gor those buffs cause legion don't have static blast
0 -
Nemsis Dredge and Doctor didn't get a singular change. They each got several different changes. If you want to count the quantity you need to actually count the individual number of changes.
8 -
i laugh everytime i see this kind of comment, let me guess, game is also killer sided too?
2 -
People also see this as killer sided patch now
1 -
Again wrong
2 -
refuses to elaborate
7 -
I grew up playing crappy Legion against 4x Dead Hards and 4x Iron Will on old Cornwind, Haddonfield and Red Forest yeah it's easy these days, relatively speaking.
Never said it was sided one way or another, I'm just saying people need perspective
7 -
at least killers had old ruin old noed, unnerfed spirit, nurse, broken addons etc
1 -
They need more people to play survivor to make que times shorter for killer and how would you do that? Exactly survivor buffs.
2 -
Patches don't have to be even. They are there mainly to improve certain areas of the gain, whether it's a Killer needing tweaks to make them more/less effective, perks being altered and so on, often as part of a long-term plan.
As a result, a patch never needs to be balanced, as it is the overall state of the game that matters. So no, just because one side has perks buffed does not mean the other side needs to also. It's very evident how this happens in DBD throughout all of the previous patches.
3 -
Survivors got number buffs to perks that no one was or is going to use.
6 -
A buff is a buff
1 -
wdym? There has been 2 killer focussed patches
1 -
Explain what buffs survivors got this patch.
2 -
Just because your preferred side didn't get a greater number of equal-attention buffs to match the buffs that bring a handful of perks from C to B tier does not mean the devs are discriminating against you. Most of the buffs on survivor side apply to perks with the same underlying activation mechanic, this is clearly them doing a pass on time-based perk activation and a much needed one at that.
And I mean like come on, 3 killers got buffed, not 2. How are you gonna complain about the imbalance in attention each side gets and then be incorrect about how much attention each side is getting?