buffs to killer perks.
They buffed a bunch of tomfoolery survivor perks. Nothing crazy.
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Survivor has been pretty stale recently in normal mode. So buffs are welcome to spice things up.
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Next patch will have 10 seconds longer hookstates, to mitigate the strength of proxy camping a lil. Buffed a few low tier perks that genuinely cant hurt getting a buff (like Deception, the strongest perk getting a buff is Wiretap going from needing 45 generator charges to 36 charges (50% to 40%). And the rest is similar small numbers being changed so they can be used more often
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They buffed like, three survivor perks to be worried about. ChemTrap, Flashbang, and Wiretap. The others are gimmick perks. They buffed three killers' basekits in ways they'll really appreciate—as an avid Nemesis player, I'm looking forward to having the hindered be an actual part of my power—which FAR outpaces a few perks bing better. ChemTrap debatably might be worse, though I don't exactly think so.
I take more issue with what perks they buffed, not how many, mostly because the RE1 blinding perks are absolutely obnoxious as is ChemTrap. Blast Mine is the exception of those three because it isn't good, but it's still obnoxious and poorly designed. Other perks give you something unrelated to generators after doing a generator, Blast Mine gives you insurance on a generator… For doing a generator. It's not good enough for me to lose sleep but it's annoying enough for me to not like it.
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Read the patch notes
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I wouldn’t even say those three perks are something to worry about. They’re all niche perks and pretty easily dealt with. I can’t even remember the last time I saw Wiretap or Chem Trap.
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Facts though. Survivors were the power role for the first 6 years lol. Too bad the killers aren't as OP as survivors were back then. Well Nurse is.
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They really just bother me, personally. They salted my crops, poisoned the water supply.
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It's really not. If killers got a 10% permanent haste buff and survivors got a 10% increase to Premonition, This Is Not Happening, and We'll Make It, killers got way more out of the exchange even though survivors got three times as many buffs.
Quality over quantity. Survivors got universal buffs to hook time and much less valuable buffs to meme perks. Killers got a universal buff via Scratch Marks and buffs to a few underused killers. It balances out.
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10 va 3 buffs isnt balanced out
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Glad someone posted this. If we're somehow saying that a raw count is important, this is the data that matters.
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It count aa 1 so 3 buffs
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The game will sometimes also add entirely new content to a specific side without giving the other anything. Bill, Bubba, Ash, Gf, Pinhead, Mikaela, Chucky, Alan, and Lara were all added without much or any compensation for the other side, and that's okay.
The changes BHVR make to each side are hardly equal in how much they affect balance anyway, and it's not like the buffs are going to break the survivor meta in a major way. These changes to me all seem well thought out and make the game more fun without breaking balance. We'll see what happens on live of course, but I think complaining just because one side was changed more than the other is simply a bad way of looking at things. Sometimes killers get a new toy, sometimes survivors do. So long as those toys are at the level of the ones everyone already has, it's fine that way imo.
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Can you genuinely not see how "complaining that [us] didn't get as many buffs as [them] and asking for BHVR to increase the number of buffs to [us] to match the number of buffs to [them]," which is what you did in your post and are right now admitting to doing, is textbook Us vs Them?
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Reminder this PTB is also the Castlevania PTB, so Killers ARE getting a new Killer and 3 new perks.
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I'm really confused.
It's an asymmetric game.
The kill rate isn't balanced to 50%.
This one dude is carrying the thread to get more posts.
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So I legit dont see any of the survivor perks being more useful than before. Otherwise explain yourself.
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^ this.
If a Survivor decides to run a Perk like Chemical Trap or Blast Mine over a Meta-Perk due to a Buff, I think this is a good thing.
And I am always amazed that Killers manage to ignore quite substancial things for them in this Patch, especially Dredge and Nemesis might be powerhouses with the changes.
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Cause its just 3 buffs not alot compared to survivors
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Yeah, honestly with buffs to these perks it's almost like an indirect buff to killers. People will feel more empowered to use these perks that encourage survivors to [only partially complete a gen, then spend a bunch of time off gens trying to engage with the killer in order to get value.]
...OK, maybe "indirect buff to killers" is overselling it. But the perks that got buffed do encourage survivors to take a break from repairing if you want to get value, so one would hope killer players worried about survivors sticking to gens would be happy there are more reasons for survivors to not do that
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Indirect is pushing it it doesnt do anything for killers
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Outta curiosity, does quality of the buffs matter or is it really just numbers?
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You cannot just compare the numbers, lol. This makes 0 sense. The Dredge-Buff alone is way more significant than all the Survivor-Buffs.
When the Devs would buff 20 Killer-Perks from bad to not so bad (but still not useable) and DS to 10 seconds, would you call that killer-sided then?
Yeah, saying it is an indirect Killer-Buff is too much, but the Buffs to the Survivor-Perks will not really be bad for Killer. Simply because they might ditch a Meta-Perk and the Perks promote interaction with the Killer.
E.g. if you want to get value out of chemical trap, you will be moving a lot away from Gens.
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Buffs to survivor perks are to the benefit of killers too. Unless you want to keep facing the same perks every single game as killer, this offers variety.
In the past the devs were nerfing popular perks because of complaints around lack of variety from the other side. We overwhelmingly asked them to stop nerfing perks and instead buff lesser used ones, and they seem to be listening. These are mostly meme perks, so not hugely impactful, and may mean less gen and exhaustion perks get used as a result.
The changes also have the side effect of survivors spending less time on gens, which is probably why they got changed as they did. Instead of someone having to get 50% of a gen done before they try and flashbang the killer, they now only need to get 40% done before they can run off.
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Well, we got a lot for us going last patch, and this here is mostly QOL stuff, with all this perks that require a half gen going down to 40%. You know how often my mate asked me "uhm, this is awkward, but since no one of us missed a skillcheck and we have been working on this gen nonstop together … could you just STOP repairing it for 5s, so that I can craft my Flasbang afterwards? Thanks"
Us killers got a lot of rarely used perks cooldowns basically halfed, like Trails of Torment or Oppression, making them now pretty good or at least fun and viable. Its a give and take and not always in the same patch, but the survivor buffs ain't all doom and gloom. Well, I will eat my words when everyone is running Finesse x Dance with me x Quick and Quiet and I try to mindgame a survivor for 20s that isn't there anymore, but I will try to stay chill.
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I still think bad perks should also get buffed like beast of prey distressing hex two can play you know bad perks that nobody runs but they instead said no and buff alot of survivor stuff but gave less buffs to killers. Which is an issue even if survivors got the same problem that could happen next patch.
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Dredge, Doctor, and Nemesis all got basekit buffs.
Dredge got six buffs. Doctor got three buffs. Nemesis got two buffs.
On the survivor side, the following perks were buffed:
- Mirrored Illusion
- Blast Mine
- Chemical Trap
- Diversion
- Wiretap
- Dance With Me
- Deception
- Flashbang
None of these are even remotely equal in strength to the basekit buffs killers got. Survivors now have a 70 second hook phase duration, and scratchmark visibility was increased (which is a buff to killer)
So, that's 12 buffs for killer vs 9 buffs for survivor.
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And people are already complaining about meme perks
they deserve all the DH, SB, Lithe, BL, MFT, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Resilience etc in their matches
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People who claim they want variety and then complain when bad Perks get Buffs are just hypocrites. Those are the people that complain about "every game" facing the same 4 Perks, but they also dont want other Perks to be good.
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It's disingenuous to only count the killer buffs once per killer. It's 12-9. Hiding prestige levels isn't a buff.
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Of course they are. This patch was a massive W from the perspective of fun. Those people can go be sourpusses elsewhere.
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My only issue is I recalled seeing Genetic Limits on the roadmap and somehow the devs just forgot about it
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There's no such thing as killer-sided or survivor-sided. Tribalism benefits no-one.
It's 12-9.
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So a bunch of perks that no one will use (besides Flashbang) got number changes, and a hook timer change that will affect no one besides campers is being added. Sounds super survivor sided.
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What's weird to me is that somehow things would be balanced according to OP if half the killers received massive buffs and 15 survivor perks that see no use got minor number buffs. Since the "count" would be equal.
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I think a better analogy would be, if survivors were given 10 extra health states and killers were given 0.05 second faster cooldowns on missed attacks - since his argument is centered around raw numbers of buffs, but based on his complaints I imagine he would object to that specific pair of changes (as would I tbh)
I hope by reading this he'd be able to get a little clearer idea of why looking at just the numbers is so uncompelling to so many of us
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Yea i realized its killer sided and been that way since launch and survivors always been getting the bad patchesi guess
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i think killer buff are pretty meaningless. the only buff that is significant in chapter is +10 second hook stage timer. i can imagine that all killer changes will fly under radar and no one will remember that they happened. same for survivor perks.
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It's your logic, though. You made the statement that every patch has been killer-sided, which means that no patches have been survivor-sided. Going by that logic, you should have no reason to complain.
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I jokingly once said that I wish that perks like No Mither, Autodidact, Potential Energy and Weaving Spiders would get removed because some people seem to take that trend of negative perks as a balancing benchmark.
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Chemical trap and mirrored illusion.
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Kind of like how you've been lying this entire time?
- Chemical Trap duration reduced to 40/50/60 seconds
- Mirrored Illusion duration reduced to 40/50/60 seconds
Both of those are nerfs. Further, Scratchmarks are now more visible which is a nerf to survivor and a buff to killer.
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Where did i say i want massive buffs point it out
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More than buffs i would say more QoL changes… all the things that they changed (almost all of them) were already present when you took some addons… now they simply added basekit part of those addons that are needed to be somewhat viable, but they nerfed/changed the addons in exchange… the only exception is when dredge and doc use their powers (they increased their ms while using the power, which was more than needed). Survivors got various perks buffed (most of those perks were already annoying to face as killer i might add, now they will be even more tedious to go aganist) and they even increase hook timer with a stupid excuse (since they have "increased" the time to do generators, it was fair for them adjusting the hook timer accordingly… a pity that in the meantime they literally destroyed all the anti gen perks). Literally if was for me i would rather go back in 2019…
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again this was a QoL change, not even a massive buff as you claim… how does scratchmarks will help you to catch survivors? ah right, they can't… and please, don't start with saying that this change allow you to find survivors more efficiently… it's literally the same for me since it's sufficient to listen the footsteps…
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I think the thing I hate most about OP's argument is that it's actually really bad for the game because it sends the message that the quality of the buffs/nerfs don't matter only that both sides have an equal number of changes which is such an elementary understanding of game balance.
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You just said want an equal number of buffs. Since you're only counting the buffs killers got as a whole rather than individually, that would translate to 9 killers needing to be buffed regardless of how they're performing or the relative strength of the survivor perks that got buffed. That's massive.
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You said equal amount of buffs. You literally said equal. You just admitted you lied
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I know right why buff both sides hell give more buffs to survivors they need like kate said its been killer sided since launch
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Exactly. Comparing buffs to a bunch of meme perks that won't change them at all to actually impactful killer buffs is just incomprehensible