70 seconds hook states duration. Let's talk about it.



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    What are you referring to when you say that they decided to make camping more effective?

    The last time they did buffs to offset gen perk nerfs to my recollection was 6.1.0, and all those buffs were aimed at making chasing more effective. I can't think of any patch where the devs either said outright they wanted to make camping more effective, or even just implied it with their actions. What am I missing here?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    chasing didn't do anything. the main key line in 6.1.0 was this line: "Many players feel like generators are powered too quickly without these perks, so we knew we needed to look at generators before making any perks changes. SLOWDOWN PERKS SHOULD BE AN OPTION, BUT NOT THE ONLY OPTION TO STAY COMPETITIVE."

    So how did they do that to make slowdown an option but not only option to stay competitive. They buffed camping. that is how. a killer that cannot defend generators will camp more and by doing that, he'll slowdown the game by regressing hooks.

    There is little bit of irony in last sentence because a killer that is relying less of passive slowdown mechanics is interacting less with survivor. I know last sentence suggests that you are suppose interact more but the effect is quite opposite. The less defence you bring, the less time you have as killer to interact with the survivor. This makes sense because the game ends faster.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I mean, in 6.1.0 they also labelled the basekit Borrowed Time as a nerf to tunnelling and camping, which signals pretty clearly that they wanted to make camping weaker.

    They'd then go on to actually weaken camping by implementing the anti-facecamp meter, further signalling that the devs don't want people to be camping. The fact that the lengthened gen timers incidentally made camping slightly stronger was an oversight, not an intention.

    The devs actively encourage chases to spread your pressure, which is incidentally the stronger way of playing anyway. Even if you think camping did get stronger, there's no basis at all for claiming the devs intentionally made it stronger specifically to compensate for a lack of slowdown perks.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    It's a very good and long overdue change that's only going to affect killers that camp a lot (aka "securing a hook stage").

    As stated in the dev update, the gen time changes were technically a direct buff to camping, which is a playstyle the devs do not want to encourage, so they are making this change that should have come out years ago with the gen time change.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    I don't know why killers mains would actually complain about this beyond a kneejerk reaction that every single change billed as pro-survivor must be a bad thing for them. I get why BHVR didn't make this change in 6.1, and I have mixed feelings about it now. Hook timers increases are good for discouraging camping, but it only punishes hard camping, and I think we're well past the point where good killers understand that letting the save happen and tunneling the survivor off hook is way faster, and safer, than camping for the whole hook state. So, I don't expect much of a change from this, at best it makes forcing struggle a little harder.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227
    edited August 2024

    The incentive to leave hook is risking generators being popped and triggering the hooked survivor's built-in Deliverance.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The fact that the lengthened gen timers incidentally made camping slightly stronger was an oversight, not an intention.

    No, this is intentional. the longer gen times means that early game for killer is less volatile meaning that killer is less likely to lose 3 gens at very start of the game. this means that killer is capable of camping early on if he does well early on the chase. This forces survivor to attempt to play altruism around hooks and if they try gen-rush, the killer can forcibly regress hooks punishing gen-rushing.

    The devs actively encourage chases to spread your pressure, which is incidentally the stronger way of playing anyway.

    Wrong, they actively keep nerfing generator defence perks punishing killer for spreading pressure. Just look at all Scourge hook pain res nerfs, Pop goes weasel than some might even start talking about eruption, hex:ruin, dead man switch, grim embrace, etc. etc. they nerf all gen defence, the killer camp more, now they nerf camping. right? what. you nerf all the perk related to spreading pressure then complain that killer is camping because they're not getting reward for spreading pressure.

    it is simple formula, buff gen defence →killer is more rewarding for spreading pressure. Nerf gen defence → killer camps more.

    Ideally, the killer should not spending entire load out of gen defence perk so that they can go for aggressive chasing and win but that does not seem to be in the cards. Instead, nerfing camping.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It won't make tunnelling more needed because those who think that are most likely (with a few exceptions) to tunnel regardless the reason.

    It's more of a QoL change which will give Survivors a tiny edge against any Killer prefering to hang around a hooked survivor instead of hunting. It's unlikely to make any huge difference, but it may make those who do camp think twice about what they want to do, without making it completely useless.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    They DO have an incentive to leave hooks and not tunnel and camp. Its called pressuring survivors. Its really easy, you have 1 person on the hook, so you chase another survivor and now 3 people cannot waste time on gens.

    For survivors to leave someone on hook for 70 seconds, without you already having hooked someone else, means that either a lot of pallets have been destroyed by you, aka easy downs next time a survivor goes there, or you have been royally outplayed.

    This 10 extra seconds is additional pressure to leave the hook, because you literally cannot afford to stay in 1 place for 70 seconds.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,384
    edited August 2024

    This is a bigger change than people are giving it credit for now that we have anti face camp. I've had so many times where the anti face camp ALMOST triggered. That extra ten seconds will be massive considering it's for every hook stage. It will be huge if they ever add the anti camp meter to the HUD. The amount of extra time you can get on gens with this will also be a great overall buff for survivors.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I don't camp and I dislike campers, but I don't think the increase in hook time was the anti-camp buff anyone needed. I think it just makes hooks less urgent and decreases the survivor gen disruption that spreading hooks causes. It's not the end of the world for me, but I don't think it was a good change.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    As an aside, you can win by going for aggressive chasing as long as you're actually good at it

    by good at it, you mean killer has to play completely flawless with 0 mistakes and survivor can fail almost every single chase as quickly as possible while still just completing all generators anyway. The survivor can still easily hook-trade and all generator will be done.

    You need to be spreading pressure for gen defence perks to do all that much.

    The generator defence perk don't do enough towards spreading pressure. Camping does more then the gen perks. that is why player are opting to camp more because it is more efficient way to punish gen-rushing. This is also a way for killer to punish survivor misplays at chases in early stages of the game. The dev have this backwards. killer is punishing survivor. not survivor punishing killer. the survivor is the one failing chases.

    The more imbalanced the base game is, the more killer will use cheesy shortcuts such as Tunneling and Camping.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 512

    It's a buff to gen speeds as survivors now have 10 extra seconds to chill on gens before making the save.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    by good at it, you mean killer has to play completely flawless with 0 mistakes and survivor can fail almost every single chase as quickly as possible while still just completing all generators anyway. The survivor can still easily hook-trade and all generator will be done.

    If survivors are making that many mistakes then they're going to be dying unless the killer makes a grievous mistake or two.

    The generator defence perk don't do enough towards spreading pressure. Camping does more then the gen perks. that is why player are opting to camp more because it is more efficient way to punish gen-rushing. This is also a way for killer to punish survivor misplays at chases in early stages of the game. The dev have this backwards. killer is punishing survivor. not survivor punishing killer. the survivor is the one failing chases.

    That's cause the Killer needs to be spreading pressure by quickly and efficiently hunting survivors down. Players are opting to camp more because many are straight up refusing to learn how to play any other way.

    The more imbalanced the base game is, the more killer will use cheesy shortcuts such as Tunneling and Camping.

    Well this is just our opinion here but we don't think anything short of extremely buffing killers to the point of being broken will stop a majority from looking for cheesy shortcuts. We got a question: What all of the game is unbalanced to you?

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 206

    Long overdue change, should have happened when the gen time was increased. It's a buff for survivor, but hardly an unreasonable one and should hopefully help (albeit small) soloq.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    Good change. It doesn't impact most games, if the killer leaves the hook it the game is the same. Survivors still want to get the unhook as quickly as possible unless camping or tunneling are a risk. It weakens a style of gameplay that people generally find unfun which is healthy game design.

    I'll be interested to see how it impacts the Western comp scene because they can't just ignore it like they do the anti-face camp system.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    At this point in the game, the killer needs no shortcuts at all.

    right.. i don't agree.

    As an aside, there's no punishing genrushing, if the survivors are bringing the tools to do that then they're just getting that much repair done. I'm not blind to toolboxes being unbalanced with a genrush build,

    yes there is. it is called camping. typically when survivor rush generators, your left as killer with 3 gen with 1 guy on the hook.

    That's cause the Killer needs to be spreading pressure by quickly and efficiently hunting survivors down. Players are opting to camp more because many are straight up refusing to learn how to play any other way.

    No, it is because generator defence perks keep getting nerfed which is punishing the killer for spreading pressure. I explained this already. It like stocks.

    You have Tunneling stocks, Slugging stocks, Camping stocks, and Leave hook pressure stocks. The generator nerf are pushing leave hook pressure stocks down and increasing Camping stocks up.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    rolling dice is better than no dice at all. I am not opposed to camping nerfs but i am opposed to having no counter-play towards gen-rushing. camping was clear well defined tactic to deal with this gameplay and now it is becoming worse. Survivors reckless pushing a survivor towards second stage →tunnel out of the game into 3vs1 might allow killer to comeback in end game. this change reduces odds of that occuring.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 460

    As we can already see, its just for forum user to use it as excuse for what they do or not do. Lets be honest, 10s more on hook does nothing in favor of survivors. Why do killers camp? a) They have no confidence in themselfs and b) got influenced by other bad players that camping is necessary c) they want to annoy other players or d) they try to secure their endgame kill. None if this would be influenced by a mere 10s. And it doesnt change the fact that the average survivor player makes bad choices while a killer is camping.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Yet those who've never needed to rely on those gen defence perks are still fine and dandy. Since there's obviously a way to play effectively without camping or relying on stacking slowdown, what is the excuse then? They obviously do not want to learn the other way.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Very good change if survivors leave someone hooked long time it means game is 3vs1 so still it will be best to save early and killer likely gets another down in that 70 seconds if he isn't camping. This change should happened when gens were increased from 80 to 90s. It will punish those killers who tunnel/camp.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    You're talking about genrushing, the scenario where the survivors are not only taking the steps to counter camping, but they're significantly more effective at it.

    There's no dice rolling it if you're doing it in response to a match with three or four toolboxes. They're just going to crank out the gens and then come get the save. Camping doesn't punish anything except for survivors that prefer to goof around trying to get the killer's attention.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Camping doesn't punish anything except for survivors that prefer to goof around trying to get the killer's attention.

    if camping doesn't punish anything significant, than why change it? Your making it sound like it is not impactful. Something with low impact clearly does not need changes.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Their reasoning was a common concern back when gen times were increased. I guess they've noticed over the past couple of years, even with an antifacecamp measure, that it's a discrepancy that does need addressing

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    "Too strong" and "unhealthy" are two different things. Facecamping, for instance, hasn't actually been strong since it was changed to no longer block unhooks, but the fact remained until the AFC mechanic that a killer deciding to facecamp basically ruins your match. The same applies to regular camping, to a lesser degree; it may not outright ruin whole matches anymore, but it's also not engaging or interactive gameplay.

    There's also the fact that camping in its current state does punish something. It punishes solo queue players for their teammates deciding to be idiots and spam vaults to get the killer's attention, as I said in the message you're quoting. It doesn't take coordination to beat camping, but it does take each individual survivor knowing what is required and wanting to do it, which means you can be completely out of luck if your teammates decide it'd be more fun to point at the killer to both ensure their hooked teammate doesn't get their AFC Deliverance and that the team is likely to die because they weren't doing generators.

    Finally, some players - including you, in this discussion - think that camping punishes certain actions, so they're going to try to do it, leading to an intensifying of the first two points.

    All these reasons mean punishing camping is a good idea even if it isn't reliably game-winning.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,217

    It’s not very much but it is something. For most teams they will still probably unhook right away. It will slightly weaken the strategy of Killers who leave the hook then return to confirm second stage.

    It’s a good change. It teaches Survivors to let their friends cook a bit more while also nudging the Killer to spread pressure. This is actually a change I wanted for the Light’s Out mode.

    The change is an educational one. I like it.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    We hear this alot. Survivor gets x buff, killer mains come here saying they're now going to tunnel/slug/whatever even more now in punishment. It never happens.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    right so survivor misplay. why is exactly shouldn't killer be rewarded with hook regression? A survivor that is spamming vaults and not playing well should be losing. i also don't think 10 second has any impact for soloq team games for when a survivor is throwing game. it is way out of context in regards to discussion.

    Our conversation was talking about how camping can be used as means to counter gen-rushing/efficient generator gameplay and how generator before friends is stronger. In summary, when the survivor goes down early in the chase, I am still suppose to be on backfoot as killer despite the other side misplaying. If i decide to play aggressively and chase for hooks, i am still on backfoot because of survivor objective to the killer's objective of hooks vs generators due to generator defence changes.

    you get reduced pressure from hooks from this new hook change and you already nerfed many generator defence perks in 6.1 and continue to nerf existing generator defence perks post 6.1. 10 second of generator is not meaningful when perks that added more time are worse. I get punished for survivor playing poorly and i don't get reward as much for playing aggressively. explain that logic.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Should only be death hook timer, survivors greeding the 1st stage forcing a stage 2 is not that impactful in the grand scheme of matches but dying because someone was 2 inches away from a save is

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 628

    For Killer, there are significant advantages to reducing the number of survivors by one as early as possible. The camp tunnel controversy will not end without providing further incentives for the act of patrolling the map and chasing survivors at a large distance from the hook.

    I disagree because the above will not be solved by making the same oppressive changes as before that only punish killers by lengthening the time of the hook stage this time. If it is to be implemented, there are many ways to do it, for example, shortening the time in the opposite direction if you are a certain distance away from the hook, or knowing the location of other survivors when hooking (= easier to head towards and sabotage Gen), etc.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Getting an early down makes that tremendously less necessary, even, that's kind of the best case scenario for the killer, you do not need to try and force an unreliable crutch when you're already doing really well. I'd appreciate some elaboration on what you mean here?

    It is simple. the survivor played chase poorly. Me leaving the hook to chase other survivors is inherent risk towards failing the chase. If survivor outplays me, the person that is on hook will get unhooked and i am back with no hooks and no pressure. that is called being on backfoot. Killer playing aggressively is constantly on the backfoot because they're not capitalize off any hook pressure. they're relying on their ability to brute force every chase which can work if you win every single chase very quickly.

    My question is why I should be playing on the backfoot with low rewards and high risk. If camping gives same rewards as playing aggressively… why wouldn't you be camping? right? that is whole issue. generator defence makes more rewarding for the killer to brute force chases and get rewards for said brute force chases. With rewards being so low and risk being high, it puts killer in lose/lose where they could lose from playing aggressive and they will lose for playing defensive.

    Camping is dull, not strong.

    Something that is not strong does not need nerfs. The dev do not agree with this sentiment hence they are nerfing camping. You cannot tell me otherwise. 10 extra second on doing generator is 10 extra second doing gens across 3 gens. It does not sound like much but every second does counts in this game.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    slug seems more worth

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I mean, sure, but the thing that puts you on the back foot is you failing to play well in your next chase, not the fact that you left the hook. Leaving the hook is the default expectation and a requirement to play killer well, it's not a risk.

    Camping also does not give you the same rewards as playing aggressively. Remember, camping gives you practically nothing if survivors just all make the simple decision to stick on separate generators instead of running into you. Playing aggressively doesn't require your opponents to make a boneheadedly stupid move, it just gives you that value as a reward for your gameplay.

    Remember, again, the PRESSURE from a hook comes from occupying MULTIPLE survivors. Camping your first hook gives you ZERO pressure if the survivors all just stick on their generators. Conversely, leaving the hook and starting a new chase at LEAST gives you the pressure of an extra survivor occupied.

    What's being described here is not "brute force", it's extremely basic killer gameplay strategy. You don't need gen defence if you're actually playing the macro game decently well, and the gen defence that does exist in the game is more than enough if you understand it's supposed to enhance your basekit slowdown, not replace it.

    Finally, I'd like to address your last comment, and mostly I just want to point out that this is one of the biggest flaws in logic I see pop up in a lot of game communities. There's this temptation to consider a buff "the thing you do if something's too weak" and a nerf "the thing you do if something's too strong", while also strictly defining every single change that happens as necessarily one of those two things, but that's a very narrow and unhelpful way of viewing game balance.

    Game balance, for all games not just DBD, is about improving the quality of the game and the experience of its players. Sometimes that's about things being too strong or too weak, sure, but sometimes it's about flaws in the game that aren't strictly about strength. Like, for example, a dull tactic that a player can choose to subject the rest of the match to that may not win them the game but does remove a huge amount of interaction and a majority of the game's depth. Camping is one of those tactics. For another example, the last two survivors excessively hiding is one of those tactics too.

    Where possible, it's appropriate to fix those things even though they aren't too strong, and sometimes that's going to include nerfs. As long as it doesn't affect anything else - which this example doesn't - there's no reason to be against that.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    It never happens because camping/tunneling/slugging have always been en vogue. Those tactics never really stopped happening.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    Game balance, for all games not just DBD, is about improving the quality of the game and the experience of its players. Sometimes that's about things being too strong or too weak, sure, but sometimes it's about flaws in the game that aren't strictly about strength. 

    This is extremely well said.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I mean, sure, but the thing that puts you on the back foot is you failing to play well in your next chase, not the fact that you left the hook. Leaving the hook is the default expectation and a requirement to play killer well, it's not a risk.

    default expectation. why is it default expectation for killer to play for the fun of survivors? the dev should be rewarding killer to leave on their own accord to acquire hook-states. right now they're punishing the killer.

    Camping also does not give you the same rewards as playing aggressively. Remember, camping gives you practically nothing if survivors just all make the simple decision to stick on separate generators instead of running into you. Playing aggressively doesn't require your opponents to make a boneheadedly stupid move, it just gives you that value as a reward for your gameplay.

    it gives you the ability to pressure hook regression. In other words, regressing hook is more likely. your conclusion is missing component is killer gameplay.

    the reason why they are doing this change according to the post is to combat camping but increase time to generator is related to killer's generator defence perks being nerfed. we nerfed generator defence perks and traded additional time to generators. this means that either generator defence perks now need to be buffed or camping should the stay the same. Pop goes weasel should go to 15% max generator progression per kick and Pain res should be usable an unlimited amount times for total of 14%. alternatively, the perks stay weaker and killer gets advantage through camping.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 638

    10 more seconds for me to observe scenery whilst I die on first hook stage in solo lol

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Can I ask here briefly, you've said it a few times, what on earth does "hook regression" mean? I'm legitimately not sure what you mean by this, so I'd appreciate some clarification.

    the time it takes to go between hook states. there is first hook, second stage and death hook. I am refering to 60 seconds of the timer between hook stage 1 and stage 2. this includes stage 2 to stage 3.

    I do not agree with the change. it looks like freebie for survivors where they successful nerf killer perks and now get longer hook stages to further entice generator efficiency.