We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Tunneling in 2v8, really?

The title, why are you sweating so much? it's supposed to be a fun game mode and people are out here sweating.
I had this killer come to my cage, I get teleported somewhere then he comes again to the next location. There are SEVEN other survivors and you have a teammate.
Side note, I just came back to the game to try out this mode, did the survivor movements change? I try to make turns (regular turns not 360s) as a survivor and it feels sluggish as hell.


  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 672
    edited August 3

    They probably aren't tunneling intentionally. It's kinda difficult to determine where the cage relocates to on the map and it's usually on the opposite side of the map from them so the distance covered to get there would be a massive waste of time if they didn't interact with any other survivors. It's also pretty difficult to keep track of what stage most people are at so it's basically a case of first come first served.

    What I personally don't like is slugging at the end to prevent hatch so they can get 8 kills. The game is already won so why sweat to secure the extra hooks.

    Not really a fan of using MMR either in this mode. Every killer game I play we need to snowball and land like 90% of our hits or 4 gens are gone before you know it. When I play survivor you're lucky if 2 gens pop and then people just run around healing and opening chests. They literally can't run a killer for more than 10 seconds even with a million pallets on the map.

    As far as movement goes it seems like this mode suffers a lot with hit detection and lag. Quite often I see survivor move so fast that it looks like a speed hack. Hatchets seem to land constantly through obstacles and they also look like they go straight through people when playing killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504
    edited August 3

    Sometimes the cages spawn close but it's mostly bad luck getting tunneled and usually happens when teammates instanly unhook even killer is close. That's speedhacking is actually sprint burst you get from 2 escapist players being around.

    Most killers land 90% hits so that how the balance has to be. SoloQ survivor I just lost 6 in a row so killer feels powerful. I win most my games on killer too but gens fly lot faster usually maybe the game just hate me. I do usually have some baby killer as teammate if I play solo. I don't think survivors need really buff though just something fun like pallet/flaslight saves.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    I do feel like some killers look for the cages mostly billy and wraith and sometimes huntress I can't tell you how many times I been caged and as I wait I see the same killer who downed me call it bad luck but I don't think so.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Also, a lot of the survivors aren't on the same page with regards to "why do you sweat so much? This is supposed to be a fun game mode", either. Shrug It is what it is and players will always find a way to optimise the fun out of everything.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    Same here. Wraiths are notorious for this. It’s definitely deliberate, not coincidence, that they end up at cages just as a survivor is being freed

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    But the cage mechanic is still infinitely better then the normal hooks. The killer has to actively look for them and not just wait and see and there is always the chance that they missread the terrain and the cage showed up in a different part of the map. I think that this could be something that BHVR could implement in the base game. Maybe for the first hook stage? First down, just stomp the survivor, not losing much time during that crucial early game, but also giving the survivors an easy chance to reset and getting away without getting tunneled.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    I too believed the cages were better but a couple of Pyramidhead mains pointed out critical flaws in their design. @ChaosWam had really salient points about why cages aren’t really a good anti-tunneling/camping mechanic.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    I haven't read his piece, but as a Pyramid Head main myself, I am pretty good at predicting Pyramid Heads cages and if I want to tunnel, I can usually beeline in the right direction.

    The cages aren't a perfect solution, I never said that, but they are a much better solution then not having them. I find the 8v2 cages a bit harder to track down then real Pyramid Head cages, I think they have more of an RNG radius in that they can spawn, then spawning in the furthest part of the map, but it could also be that the cages spawn furthest away from both killers (I really don't know), which would sometimes lead to them appearing suboptimal.

    I would love to try a balanced approach: let the killer stomp survivors on first hook, relieving a bit of pressure from both sides and making it harder to purposefully tunnel someone hard, but mostly keep the hook gameplay intact. ACTUALLY, now that I think about it, the disappearing of the hooked survivor and respawning away from the killer could be used as an alternative to AFC. I know that you can use this offensively, but the main case is that you can't really facecamp such a cage without risking it despawning, potentially right in front of another survivor.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Why don't you sweat in PvP games, I think that doesn't makes sense

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918
    edited August 3

    I wonder if hooks may be a better anti-tunnel mechanic only because they require more time from a killer, which gives survivors time to counter tunneling by pushing gens. But in my 2v8 games I haven’t really seen killers struggle to predict cage spawns. Now, whether that’s the aura reading of survivors going in to saves leading them there or them just understanding that cages spawn the furthest available distance away from where a killer has downed/crushed a survivor, I cannot say. I have seen Huntress specifically cheese cages by standing on hills and sniping.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,819

    Guess I can drop my two cents on this situation.

    I do think the 2v8 claw-cages would have been good, IF they went that route during the game's earlier stages. I say this because we have flashlight saves, pallet stuns, and a bunch of hook related perks that would need changes or complete overhauls, possibly even the removal of flashlights and sabotage related stuff if they decided to put in the 2v8 system into 1v4. If it were a system they had planned early, the entire game could have been made around this system.

    Aside that, there's also the issue with how predictable the cages are. They're already kinda easy to figure out in 2v8, and will be way easier in 1v4, especially in smaller maps and against high mobility killers. Might work against a 4.4 speed Hag without Mint Rag, but imagine a Blight just slamming a survivor in one corner and immediately rushing at it to prevent a quick unhook.

    And speaking of quick unhooks, that is another thing to consider. Current hook mechanics are a solid way for the one killer to apply pressure against gen speeds, especially survivors who are VERY generator proficient. If the cage system were in 1v4, mainly against the weaker cast, sending them off into a claw-cage right into the arms of another survivor is just lost pressure, especially if you loop them in strong tiles for a long time. Killers gain no real pressure from it in that situation, and realistically it'd be skewed odds in the survivors favor for how quick an unhook can be. And also keep in mind how fast 1-2 gens pop in early game while a killer could lose all pressure. Slugging might be the better alternative in that situation, which kinda sucks for both parties involved imo. (Unless you play a top tier high mobility killer, anyway.)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Good points, that kinda mirror my own perception.

    My idea actually wasn't to completely adopt the clawcage system, but to go by some sort of hybrid. Right now, many killers complain that the first chase is the most frustrating: they down a survivor, hook them and 1-3 gens pop shortly after, so they reason they could just proxy camp that one hook they got and at least secure one kill instead of going on a fruitless chase and being left with 3 hooks spread over three survivors when the 5th gen pops.

    My idea was that each survivors first hook stage is them being stomped by the killer and send to the farthest hook on the map. Sure, a Blight could predict that and speed over there, but that will take at least a little bit of time and isn't as instantly as loitering a hook and proxy camping.

    What would be the benefit of this system? The killers could keep up the momentum at the start, just stomping and maybe defending one of the gens that was close to being popped. On the survivors side, though, it would be that much harder to hard tunnel the first survivor the killer downs out of the game and turning it into a 3v1 2:30min into the match. The second and third hook of each survivor would then work in the classic way, ie picking them up and hauling them physically to any hook.

    I think that such a system could work pretty well.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Im just gonna announce there's 8 of you with doubles and sometimes triple of you wearing the same skin I have no idea WHO'S WHO