Live Roadmap - August 2024



  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 560

    What do you mean by the undetectable is too much

  • stanheights
    stanheights Member Posts: 18

    respectfully i disagree; it’s not fair that distortion users are currently able to hide all game while their teammates die off because of their refusal to take chase equally and they reap the benefits of doing nothing for the team

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    any word on changing the Knight back to the PTB version??

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    I think he will be in the next mid chapter and he is supposed to be a surprise. They said above that there is not everything on the roadmap. Also there are no killer updates (reworks) on the roadmap only killer tweaks (number changes).

    I hope for the best.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    That’s extremely unlikely to happen since he is one of the strongest killers.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 322

    Still no Nurse changes. Good lord.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 322

    Unpopularity should not be a pretext to dispense immunities from nerfs. Twins absolutely are an overtuned killer.

  • iamvladd2000
    iamvladd2000 Member Posts: 9

    Overtuned? They have a lot of counterplay. Skill issue if you’re struggling. The Twins doesn’t need nerfs.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 617
    • Finisher Mori: okay, I'm interested to se if you cooked good or not.
    • Unknown: I hope they buff their weakened a bit more and make the brown Addon basekit. Otherwise, he is fine. Thus, i can imagen and I am afraid of it that he is problematic for beginners and due to this they will give him a bigger change but then it is only a tweak and not a bigger change.
    • Billy: Lowpro needs a rework while Overdrive could be less spam able/rewards you for hooks and not for just using your chainsaw for mobility
    • Twins: I hope for a solution for survivors can holding Victor hostage for 30sec
    • Skull Merchant: Idk. Maybe a change so survivors understand when they get injured, broken, deep wounds?
    • Distortion: finally
    • Crowd Control: idk.
    • Leverage: hope for a much longer duration even though I don’t think it will help that much
    • Blood Rush: I hope they don't overbuff the perk.

    • Plague: I am a little bit afraid but I hope for the best like unique chase music, one more Corrupted Fountain (Apple Addons are very common) , and Iridescent Seal rework.
    • Pinhead: He can no longer break his own chains with his body and Original Pain rework.
    • Shadowborn: the new effect is useless and it should get a rework instead of a tweak. I guess they buff the numbers which will make it not better
    • Weaveatument: it's understandable but I hope it won't get useless like Ultimate Weapon.
    • Pharmacy and scene partner: seems good

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,043
  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,160

    Don’t be. The devs said there is a lot more they’re adding that they couldn’t fit in the roadmap. They have a lot more surprises. I guarantee Freddy’s rework is in there.

    Without a doubt ;)

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,160

    What’s happening to my Plague? :/

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Looking ahead at Plague, there are 2 main problems with Plague.

    1. Deleting Altruism from the game.

    There is nothing worse than bringing a medkit or heal tome or heal perks, for the match to be better off hard DC-ed than played through. Maybe progress infection like EMPs, where it 95's itself, and Plague needs to manually puke up the remaining 5%. It could also make Red Puke still instadown people at 95% infection, just as a special interaction. The Brown add-on can make things function like they currently do, and 100% infect from working on gens. Just don't make 25% of the Survivor gameplay deleted because the Killer picked that person to play as.

    2. Puke tapping gens/gates to prevent players from interacting with them EVER (moreso a soloq problem)

    All I'd ask is a Killer item like EMPs to be grabbed from fountains, when used, it can cleanse 1 person and all objects within 3m, and prevent reinfection on objects for 10-30s (0s for the Brown meme add-on). It would still give the Plague her power at fountains when the item is retrieved, but prevent the soloq problem where all your teammates are waiting 40s/60s/70s/80s/90s/100s/110s to play the game, depending on add-on combos.

    One minor gripe about Plague and all Killer infection mechanics: Please make Calm Spirit (or some perk) silence puke sounds. There isn't a single counter to puke sound effects, and plenty of people with Emetophobia simply can't deal with them. A perk from a starting Survivor makes that easily accessible to all players, and also makes the perk less useless. It also doesn't stack more power on Iron Will, so you'd need to bring 2 perks if you wanted to counter grunts of pain AND puke sounds/screams.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561
    edited August 2

    So many things to discuss!!

    Its nice to see so many changes planned!!

    Just to clarify: this roadmap is subject to change right? Things can be added and can be removed, right?

    I will discuss this by some topics:

    • The Unknown

    Really, i fear for what can be changed for this killer. Since his release i'm in love with this character! Been playing almost only him. He feels very strong but very fair, specially since he is a very HARD killer to learn. I just want to ask for you devs be very cautious in his change, since making him too weak would push all the players away from this character as making him too strong might turn him into a problem.

    Making his UVX more consistent and making some very small tweaks to his teleport might be good but i don't think he needs any changes.

    • Distortion

    Definitely this perk needs changes. It counters too many killer addons and perks, being strong enough to negate an aura build. I wish they change Distortion to be not that strong but add some negate aura reading to some less used perks that are more situational, like Bite the Bullet (when you are healing), Dance With Me (after a vault), Overcome (after a hit), etc. I think other survivor perks can have some effect in negate aura reading, but being much more situational than Distortion. It would be a nice buff to some less used perks without making a single perk so strong that it can deny the whole build from a killer.

    • Leverage

    I always thought this perk could be very good if the timer was buffed since 30s is not enough to slowdown heals. Lets wait and see.

    • Weave Attunement

    I don't think Weave Attunement needs any nerfs since it has too many counters - leaving items in corners, not using items or even object of obsession.
    If the perk is to be nerfed, at least hope its rework into something else and don't end in the list of those perks that never will be used.

    EDIT: Forgot about the finisher mori. I'm eager to see what the devs are going to do. I rather have a finisher mori than being sluged for 4m straight.

    Post edited by Rickprado on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    Distortion won't be useless if it couldn't be recharged. It still would announce most of the killer's aura perks to the survivor, so the survivor could manually avoid them. For example, Distortion will tell the survivor of the killer has perks like BBQ or Nowhere to Hide, so the survivor could know if they need to hide from those perks. And that value still happens even if the tokens can't be recharged.

    And no, Distortion isn't necessary at all. Anti-teamwork perks are never necessary for the game.

    Billy's "crouch tech" exploit isn't how the game is intended to work, and should be fixed. If Billy needs balance adjustments afterwards that is fine. But we shouldn't be encouraging BHVR to leave obvious bugs in the game, just because they are a quick and easy counterplay.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 217

    is it possible to elaborate why when touching killer like nemesis or even deathslinger who received some small changes recently . Why not give them an add on pass as for both they have very niche add ons all around and are only encouraged to use one specific combo .

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    IMHO, Doctor Nemesis, Dredge, and Unknown don't need any tweaks. Like, maybe fix Nemesis zombies so they don't get stuck on terrain or at least have the ability to free themselves if they do get stuck. But outside of that, I don't think time should be wasted on these killers as they are fine as is.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,259
    edited August 2

    they won't sensible. the rework sensible changes. survivor still complain/ d/c.

    i don't think they're nerfing twins. you see, they originally reworked twins to make other killer players attempt to play them. the goal was increase pick-rate and increase killer diversify. It is clear this has not happened. no one is playing twins. I think they will adjust the time that victor is held hostage.

    Originally victor could held hostage for 10 seconds. This was increased back to 30 seconds. I imagine that they will buff this to be a little less. Maybe it will not be 10 second but it will be 15 second or 20 seconds. Something like that. I still don't get why my power is being held hostage, period. but that is another can of worms. 30 second cooldowns should be when I miss with victor, get kicked. not when i am successful with the power.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    I hope that Plague's iri add-ons don't get changed. I'm particularly fond of the black incense add-on.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,446

    More likely they can't say anything until it's all approved by the license holders. They have to give final approval to my understanding

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828
    edited August 3

    This is a very confusing roadmap honestly. Why not just put everything on the roadmap so we know what to expect and not have everyone spreading misinformation due to confusion.

    Adding ‘Perk Update’ to the roadmap wouldn’t make it that much bigger but still be more clear that it’s still happening.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 69

    You guys completely butchered Skull Merchant's identity with the recent update. I sure hope you guys have way more than a few "tweaks" in store to fix the abomination you made her into.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,446

    Tbf, they've put things on roadmaps in the past that didn't eventuate and they've been drilled by the players about it. I'd say stuff that is tentatively planned doesn't get listed just in case it's not finalised in time.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    That's fair. Tentatively planned not being included makes sense if they aren't 100% certain about it. Although I think the main reasons for the complaints about the last roadmap was the complete silence on why they didn't go through with those changes or even communicating that they had been scrapped in the first place.

    The perk update though has already been confirmed to be coming in the fall though so I don't see why it wouldn't be included on the roadmap at least. Leaving it off just seems like it will be confusing to those who knew about it but don't frequent these forums to see their comment about it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Yes, Pharmacy definitely needs a buff, or at least return it to what it was. And the killers and perks mentioned seem promising, but I'm assuming it's gonna be mostly killer nerfs and survivor buffs. Plague and Cenobite had better be buffs, because they majorly need it.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    A pity that trapper isn't in the list... He needs more buffs, especially after playing the 2vs8 (in 1vs4 he feels miserable now)... Underwhelming (slow to place traps) and he can bring only 2 traps (3 with a GREEN addon)... He should have his purple addon (trapper sack) buffed by allowing him to pick up his traps once settled on the ground.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    I don‘t about that, but there are only killer tweaks (small number changes) and no killer updates (reworks) on the roadmap, which is clue.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    For Pinhead passive chainhunt is good and does NOT need changes Pinheads main chain power is the issue.

    Make the addon Impaling Wire basekit or Remove collision from pinhead being able to break chains and Survivors should not be able to break chains off the environment makes his power totally useless

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    I wonder what they are

    So in the very beginning, when the killer's aura perks activate, you lose all of your stacks?

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    You only get 3 tokens and you have to be near the killer to rebuild them. It's a useless perk if you only get to use it during the first few seconds of the game.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    Can you limit Ultimate weapon to 3 times per match then? how would you feel about that? …or how would you feel if they did that to Weave of Attunement.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181
    edited August 3

    I read about "Finisher Mori" and my heart sank. The idea was terrible before and the Offerings are absolutely fine as is.

    Regrettably, I don't see how this change can be anything but negative, with the exception of Cypress Mori becoming basekit with no other changes.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,446

    Same. I'm bummed they're still so insistent on the Finisher Mori considering reception to it has been lukewarm at best... but I think we all know moris are likely coming to the Store so it's coming whether we like it or not

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I'm hoping they'll listen to feedback in the 99% chance it's crap. They've been more in-tune with the fanbase, and I hope all they will do is make Cypress Mori basekit and maybe add alternate Mori's in the store. That would be a good change! Anything else - especially that terrible tester they did a while back - would feel a big disappointment.

    I wish they'd leave these small things alone and focus on more pressing issues. There is more they could be looking at than something which isn't broken.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,286

    mhhhm. Between the near perma aura reveal during 2v8 at times and the mention of distortion I get the impression being able to hide from the killer in any way is an unwanted playstyle. I guess killers are supposed to always be able to find any survivor at any time if they so wish (by equipping the aura perk that best fits their killer and playstyle). - I mean, if survs get the basekit notification about their aura being revealed that might even be okay. But not holding my breath.

    Well, maybe Pharmacy becomes useful again though. Loved that perk before it got changed.

    As for killers; curious to see what most of those changes are going to be about. Bit worried about Billy; he is a bit overtuned atm ... but kinda afraid he's gonna be underwhelming again.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    BHVR should look at the stats of the top 20 survivor perks, to see if Distortion has a disproportionally high escape rate via hatch, because that would show that too many Distortion users are excessively hiding and waiting for their teammates to die, so they can try to get hatch. Distortion is helping enable an unhealthy playstyle.

    As I mentioned before, players can still get value out of Distortion even if tokens can't be recharged… It's just that players wouldn't be able to excessively hide for large portions of the game.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 314

    I wonder what devs want to change about Plague and Pinhead. Plague is completely fine as it is, but Pinhead could use some buff to his chain projectile

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    Probably something similar to Dredge where they reduce her noise. The voices and whispers during Corrupt Purge can be way too loud sometimes.

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 39

    I hope the only nerf distortion gets is the removal of scratch marks. What are you supposed to do against aura-reading nurse?

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 862

    I hope they only reduce the speed of recharging stacks, but I also never understood why it hides scratch marks.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 85

    I imagine they want it to be like Emmits mind from the Lego movie, where it's just an open white expanse. Race to the finish, so to speak.

  • Erasox
    Erasox Member Posts: 230

    More gen regress nerfs please and more static killer gameplay. ! /s