We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Welp, Hillbilly had a good run. Rest in Peace in advance

FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

GG Hillbilly mains, we ate well for a few months before BHVR decided to put him in their scopes again. It was nice being able to play this character with how nice he felt, but alas nothing lasts forever. See you guys back in C tier Hillbilly arc.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    my prediction is that they're going to add a cooldown to overdrive like you have normal chainsaw → Overdrive →Overheat. Overheat won't disable chainsaw but it might make chainsaw unable to overdrive for like… 30 seconds. they'll probably change those add-on that reduce heat dissipation which will like lower cooldown of overheat for overdrive. A killer that went from S-tier to something more middle of the road.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 875
    edited August 2

    I wouldn't even mind that too much, if I'm honest. Overdrive always seems to kick in when I don't want it to and then I end up mistiming a curve at a loop.

    I only started playing him after his buffs though, so I'm not going to pretend I'm the world's best Billy player. I'm sure there are plenty who have all this stuff locked in to muscle memory and this will feel like a significant nerf. But the overdrive has hindered me as much as it's ever helped.

    I guess we have to wait and see what BHVR have in store for him.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,890

    I wouldn't assume too much. Wait and see. That way you don't make an "ass out of u and me".

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Not at all every survivor has been complaining about hillbilly so its a pretty safe bet

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    I hope this will mainly be an add-on update, since his add-ons are uninventive. I loved the changes they did to his power, but I do miss the variety the previous add-ons had.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531
    edited August 3

    i mean i think some of it comes from remembering the devs made overheat in the first place. So theres a fear of dropping him to a point he becomes boring to play again. And the usual of "hey we are nerfing these parts" but what about his 10 addons that do absolutely nothing? And how sometimes they go just half way on how they do these tweaks? Will they improve the 10 addons that suck or just nerf him and thats it? Ya know. Stuff like that. Like he has a purple i think that improves the time before his chainsaw dissipates heat by like 5 seconds? Oh no….*taps the saw for 1 second* addon achived. We had a good example of this with Knight where all they did was really improve what made him boring to face against (People still go next though anyway) but now the knight player isnt having fun either.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    if that's it I be fine with it I sometime hate overdrive go so fast I run into thing easily.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Nothing is overdramatic because basically every "tweak" on higher tier killer has been catastrophic for pretty much all the time. the probability is over 90%

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    When was the last time that even happened?

    Like, as in, the killer was both actually very good and ended up terrible afterwards? That's a high bar and I can't think of the last time a change met it. I'm sure some people would be inclined to move the goalposts and point to like, Knight, even though he doesn't meet the first criteria, but even then it's not like it happens often.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Didn't Mandy just say that tweaks means slight number adjustments? I doubt it's anything worth having a dramatic meltdown over.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 333

    Lmao, how were the Nurse, Spirit, Chucky and Blight nerfs in any way catastrophic? They got slaps on the wrist in comparison to what killers like Slinger or Knight got.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Billy can be overwhelmed for a lot of players because he's a bit overtuned.

    Lopro has to go, a bit longer overdrive cooldown, and add ons should be disabled in overdrive.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,126

    Still, it is just dumb. This is not even one of those cases where someone has read the changes and thinks that a Killer is gutted opens a Thread. This is someone just looking on the Roadmap and ASSUMING that Billy will end up a few Tiers lower. And I personally wish that Threads like this would be closed, they have nothing to do with a discussion. This is just being overly negative and nothing more.

    I also dont see a point in bringing up Overheat, which happened YEARS ago.

    It is overdramatic. Furthermore, when has a Tweak to a strong Killer be catastrophic? The most recent example is Chucky, who is fine as ever, if you were somewhat decent with him in the first place and not only relied on cheap Scamper Hits. Same for Blight and Wesker, I dont really see any drop in their popularity, despite both receiving Nerfs.

    And dont let me start about Nurse, who only received slaps on the wrist all the time and is still busted and a pure design failure.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited August 3

    He has a pretty high kill rate, but the most common annoyance is that Billies just spam revving to get into overdrive all the time, and overdrive is REALLY annoying to counterplay. Especially when his base ability already does something very similar.

    My guess is like others, that they will put a longer cooldown on Overdrive so it cant be spammed, but also give Billy more control on WHEN you activate it, a bit more like Trickster's main event.

    Either that, or basekit should instadown, but overdrive should inflict deepwound when they are healthy, to give reasons for either state (if a survivor is already injured, you go for speed to down them faster, but if they are healthy, you're slightly slower)

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Hillbilly is an S tier Killer and completely boxes out every other Killer in the game apart from Nurse. Some of his addons, my personal favorite being the engravings, can turn him into a nightmare for most players who haven't played him and don't know how to counter him. With Overdrive and the .25 extra seconds they gave for him to curve you can nearly curve a complete 180 making him extremely powerful in many scenarios.

    There is zero chance they aren't going to nerf him in some way, it's just not possible.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Like how everyone was "overdramatic" when they killed Hillbilly 4 years ago, killed the knight, killed Deathslinger, completely butchered the Twins rework, created COH and made for this?

  • Moodyy
    Moodyy Member Posts: 124
    edited August 3

    How I would nerf the hillbilly:

    Revert the initial turn rate timing.

    Change Lopros to something else

    Make overdrive take longer to gain

    Overdrive deactivates after each chainsaw hit.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    Because put simply, why wouldn't they nerf Hillbilly? He's the second strongest Killer in the game and while he's arguably one of the hardest to learn, if people can climb that skill ladder and reach the top he becomes an insanely difficult Killer to play against. Combining overdrive and engravings make him nigh impossible to react to, and given how unlike any other Killer he has no cool down on his power, why wouldn't they nerf him? It's more than possible for BHVR to feel as though they overturned his kit and dial it back down.

    I didn't ask the question in this post but I was going to make one asking the question if BHVR wants any S tier Killers, and if being in S Tier warrants a nerf.

    There have been plenty of examples of BHVR messing up strong Killers. I don't agree with your assessment on Chucky. He might still be a decent Killer, but in terms of any depth he has little to none. He's had all his techs and anything he can do besides just dashing neutered making him a fairly boring Killer to play. I didn't like Scamper, but there were better ways of changing it rather than taking it out.

    With Blight they completely murdered most of his addons and removed the one tech that made him an S Tier Killer, the hug tech. Without the hug tech it becomes very easy for good players to gimp him and force him into cooldown, making him play like a normal M1 killer for most pallet loops. And like I said, apart from the OP iridescent combo they created most of Blights addons got butchered. No one talks about it but without speed addons, Blight is just not good enough to compete at very high levels because he's too slow. That's the one thing Hillbilly has that Blight now lacks, and that's speed. With speed you can just barely reach around loops and hit a survivor, or you can create situations where the survivor cannot react fast enough to whatever you're doing.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    Obviously it's likely to be a nerf, but it's also obviously premature to act like it's a nerf that'll completely kill him and push him back down to the C tier, as you're doing here.

    We don't know what they're doing yet. It could be a tiny basekit nerf and some addon reworks for all we know.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    Ah. I know he seems pretty oppressive in games where I see him. I assume the devS want to tone him down some to give survivors some kind of counter play beyond trying to maybe, hopefully, hide behind a wall and hope he can’t curve.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,126

    It will without a doubt be a Nerf.

    BUT - you make it sound like they will kill him. Which I highly doubt. And there are certain aspects on Billy which 100% deserve to be nerfed, e.g. in my opinion he generates Overdrive way too quickly (plus it is something he gains when messing up as well). So I think putting a Cooldown on the Overdrive generation once he is out of Overdrive is more than fair.

    Increasing his Terror Radius would be another thing. In Overdrive you will have roughly 1 second from the moment you first hear the Terror Radius when he arrives. This is a bit less to be honest and considering that Wesker has a 40m Terror Radius, IMO Billy gaining one as well should be fine.

    I also think Lopro-Chains can be nerfed. (I personally dont care for them, they can nerf them or not, I dont have a problem with them nor do I use them)

    And even if all of the 3 things mentioned will happen, this will not come close to gutting him.

    So MAYBE before opening some overdramatic threads to activate the echo chamber of this forum, wait a bit until they actually announce the changes or - even better - until you tested it, before being overly negative?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, there is a bit of other counterplay, but its just that he can tunnel so easily with overdrive. And if he cant instadown in overdrive, that means that he wont down quick enough to tunnel someone out at 4 gens. Could probably tunnel someone out at 3 gens tho, but at the very least thats winnable for survivors.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808
    edited August 3

    "Slight" Overdrive requirement to reach overdrive increased by 20 seconds

    Turnrate reduced by 5 degrees

    Chainsaw miss cooldown increased by 3 seconds.

    My point is all it takes it slight tweaks to make him feel like garbage to play

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Billy is their only well received rework. I doubt they will do anything much with him. He's their golden potato.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    You acting like overheat mechanic for 4 years we wouldn't take anything other then that mess of a rework they could have just removed overheat and people would have celebrated

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684

    Schrodinger's Roadmap. Until we see the patch notes the forums will treat this as both meaningless QoL that will amount to nothing and an earthshattering nerf specifically aimed to ruin your Sunday.