I Think I Know The Distortion Change

With the introduction of the 2v8 game mode and the presence of near constant aura reads, the devs created the mechanic that pops up showing that your aura has been read. If I had to guess, Distortion will no longer hide your aura but rather let you know that your aura has been read and for how long, possibly having even more tokens or maybe no tokens at all since it doesn't block the aura read.
I think that this might be even stronger for the perk as you know the killer can see you and wont get caught by any long range shots at all and can actively mislead the killer by faking a direction and then changing directions after the aura read runs out.
Wow maybe. I really hope not but it could happen.
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wow. that is worse then original version of distortion before it got buffed in 6.1.0. I just expect them to revert the perk to only grants 3 tokens, No longer grants any token regeneration. It will probably neuter the perk but it will still have some niche use for extremely limited aura denial.
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My guess is that they nerf it the way most people want: recharge during chase. Which is a bad idea, since that is basicly saying you need to give a hook state for free to the killer. Because, yes, you will go down eventually during a chase.
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I doubt they’d make Distortion that bad. It’s supposed to be ‘tweaked’, not overhauled. I can however see another perk releasing that does something similar to what we saw in 2v8.
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Yeah that and limiting to 3 tokens will effectively kill the perk. No one is gonna run distortion and have the perk be made useless in 2 minutes against a full aura build.
A lot of people are asking for it not to regain tokens while in chase. While I don’t think messing with it at all is necessary, I wouldn’t have an issue with that. I still think nerfing it while not touching the countless aura reading perks themselves, is ridiculous tho.13 -
I suspect it will be changed to instead by blocking a # of instances of aura reading, that it will block some duration of aura reading. I.E. it blocks 10 seconds of aura reading, instead of 3 instances. That way if they have short aura reading they don't quickly burn through it, but also if they have long aura reading perks it won't totally counter them.
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I still think building tokens off of chases is bad. It should be on gen repairs, saves, and healing a full health state on another survivor. Kills it for usage by teammates just hiding the whole match waiting for hatch or someone else to pop the gate, but still makes it useful for survivors that contribute to the team getting out. On the killer side, we have plenty of other ways to track/locate survivors so it's a non-issue for me.
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That's exactly what I was thinking. The only reason distortion is a valuable perk is because there are lots of killers that run builds where they are constantly popping aura readings throughout the whole match. If distortion gets changed in a way that it's no longer useful against that kind of killer then it's simply no longer useful.
Personally I would be ok with there being no need for distortion in the first place. I'd happily eliminate all aura reading perks on both sides completely. No reading auras of killers, survivors, generators, chests, totems, hooks. None. Aura reading perks are the absolute worst part of this game in my personal opinion. Even something like bond where it's not one side being able to see the other. The majority of survivors that run bond only do so because it makes sandbagging other survivors much easier.
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You're really telling on yourself if you're saying you go down in every chase.
People don't really commit to chases indefinitely anymore. They drop you if you're too much trouble.
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i don't think it needs any nerf. it depends on how hard they nerf it. it is not uncommon for BVHR to soft-nerf survivor perk. It is usually only killer perk that whenever they listed for a change, they're basically dead unless it is something like pain res.
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that would actually be a buff to good survivors. Knowing your aura is revealed you can just hold W and hide behind los for killers like huntress.
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Tokens from chases makes the most sense. You're rewarding killer engagement with stealth later on. You should be in a chase at some point in the game, and if you're not getting found and chased, then you likely don't need the tokens anyway.
The biggest problem with Distortion is having that one teammate who never gets found, and ends up a final lone survivor with no hooks. When if they had taken a chase and eaten a hook state or two, the survivors could have come out much better off. 8 hooks with 3/4 out is much better outcome for survivors than a 3K in 9 hookstates.
Lot's of tunneling cases are also likely because the other survivors have Distortion, so you're the only one the killer can find.
I actually think the 'shows when your aura is revealed' mechanic would be better suited to Spine Chill. And with it being a generic perk, it would serve as a base game alternative to Distortion, a less effective one but in a way that helps you learn the game.
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So fun fact, this is actually how it works already. If you can get an aura read for more than 10 seconds (I think there's only a few very niche ways to do this, like Nurse's Bad Man's Keepsake add-on, or Legion's Stylish Sunglasses, or combining Larry's Crew Manifest with Lethal Pursuer) then it will take 2 tokens, because it only blocks the 10 second duration, not the entire instance. It just so happens that there's not much aura reading that lasts for 10 seconds or more.
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that info is worthless because current distortion already gives it and so does object. hopefully that aura read information doesn't come anywhere near main game, with a perk or not.
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Fun fact 2: I think in the past Distortions uptime was just 7s, and because they buffed Lethal Pursuer at one point (wasnt it the infamous 6.1?) to show the aura of survivors for 9s (7s base +2s by its own power), it ate 2 stacks of Distortion, right off the bat.
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Object already does, what OP proposes and even shows the Killers aura while doing it and it's played very rarely, so I don't think it would.
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claiming "giving a hook state for free" for simply doing a chase is something I've never heard of
All you need to do is play normally instead of cowardly hiding all the time, that will regenerate tokens
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I very much doubt it. The point of Distortion is to hide your aura and I can't see that changing. I'm pretty sure the only killer aura reading perks out at the time Distortion was released was Nurses Calling. So why, when we now have several aura reading perks, would it suddenly stop hiding your aura? It's the only counter to LP as well.
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Isn't that basically OoO, but worse?
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I thought that with all the aura readings from both sides 2v8 might be a testing ground for this to become basekit? might be a bit much but imo the aura readings are a little bit out of hand already and they can’t really take away all these perks and addons.. both sides could benefit from knowing that their aura is being read (though i guess killers don’t really know which surv would read them…)
As for Distortion - I can see some change in how to get tokens. Either increased time or different condition (being in chase/healing/gen progress or something else) - going back to only 3 tokens with the current aura perks/addons would make the perk pretty much useless..
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BBQ was already in the game and a meta perk. Also bitter murmur and technically territorial imperativ and bloodwarden.
I do agree with your general point though.
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And the meta counter to BBQ during that time was to hop in a locker and count out the timer before you hopped out again. You knew based on pickup that the hook, and likely the perk/aura read was imminent and could react most of the time. And, I'd like to add that lockers are on every map, so denying that aura read was possible base kit if you used game sense and had good timing.
The power creep with aura read has grown by an awful lot, and it's effectively impossible for survivors to predict things like "killer is kicking the gen on the floor below me", "my solo q teammate is unhooking in 5 seconds", "the killer is opening a locker" either "near me" or "anywhere on the map", or "someone dropped their toolbox at this tile".
You'd spend the entire match in lockers if you tried to avoid current aura reading that way.
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God I hope not, that would just be a strictly worse version of Object of Obsession. They need to keep the aura blocking.
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i think the coolest rework for distortion would be making it into a quiet mode but as a perk.
3 tokens, no way to replenish, use active ability button while running to use.
hides your scratchmarks, noises, blood, footstep, fast vault sounds for like 10 seconds.
is way less boring and fits the perk's idea more thematically.
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I know. Distortion was still nice in sometimes (albeit quickly out of tokens if the Killer hooked often) but not as needed as today.
That's why I said that I agree with the general point of the original post I answered.
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I was a faithful distorsion user post-buff until recently, now i try more chase oriented build because I am trash (2k hours lmao but hey i play as i like)
But even as a killer, that perk never really bothered me to find the survivors using it, I think it's in a pretty good spot right now
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I hope not. Aura reading perks will be essentially useless if survivors know there aura is being read basekit.
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Object of Obsession does exactly that already. Everytime the Killer sees you you see them as well. It's kinda similar.
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I tough the same but that is not true . Lethal which lasts 11 seconds only takes one token from distorsion. Once it activates a token it will hide your aura for an unlimited duration of that token even . Be it 11 seconds or one hour. Try it in privates.
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lethal only eats one token from distorsion a so does any aura that goes past 10 seconds . Try it yourself with a friend in privates
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It does now, when they tweaked it again, but right after 6.1 Leathal Pursuer would eat 2 tokens right at the start of the trial. But I already said so in that comment of mine.
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But thats what Object of Obsession does and even better since you also see the killer's aura
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Not quite, it blocks instances, so for example if something causes your aura to be read for only 2 seconds, it consumes a token.
I'm saying that the tokens instead are just duration based period. So you just get some amount of aura blocking based on time instead of tokens.
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Knowing that your aura has been read is in no way stronger than not having your aura read in the first place. I hope that isn't the change as Perks like No Where To Hide would have no counter whatsoever. In that case you will know instantly that your aura was read because they are going to hit you immediately. :)
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knowing that your aura has been read is far stronger than not having your aura read. feeding misinformation to a killer can be extremely rewarding for a survivor, and i am doing it constantly in 2v8, the game mode that tells me that my aura is being read.
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Uh huh. If you think this is stronger than hiding one's aura in the first place, you and I have nothing to talk about because we apparently are from two different realities.
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I could get behind this for the change. I stopped using Distortion once I realized how it actually hurts your teammates.
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Why are they changing it? It's just fine the way it is. Having to be near the killer sometimes to use it is all the interactivity it needs.
Don't let tryhard killers who think you should never escape, and tryhard survivors who think you should be able to loop a killer for 15 minutes, determine balance in this game.
Normal people who have a life outside this game (and aren't using cheats) get caught when the killer sees them, and it's nice to have a tool against that.
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They will give it like 6 tokens that don't recharge and call it a day. Devs want to encourage chase, and hiding with Distortion means effectively only the people without it get tunnelled.
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The most requested change i've heard is "you only get tokens while being chased." I like that idea
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Have to disagree with that, I can't be the only one that will chase to the end. Usually I go against teams of loopers so doesn't make sense to drop a chase to then chase another looper doing the same thing. One way or another that looper I'm chasing is being taken out even if it means tunneling lol
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That’s the most requested change because it’s - very light nerf, and most of the comments are from people that don’t really want the perk nerfed in a meaningful way.
We wanted SO LONG, and had so many complaints about this perk, that we really deserve for it to have a real nerf, have tokens not being able to recharge at all
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That'd be a pretty surprising nerf. That change would make the perk devoid of use entirely. I really do not understand peoples hatred of distortion, but I also think once you get a few hundred hours on killer aura reading becomes way less important. Interestingly, Distortion is a weird perk in that weak killer players find it wildly over powered and extraordinarily strong, but any killer who has reached right about average skill level does care one bit about distortion. This paradox is found inversely in the issue as well because any survivor who is good will never consider distortion worth running.
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I mean that's why I said "don't really" and not "never".
The majority of killers don't commit to a chase indefinitely because it can end up throwing the game.
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Nowhere to Hide is literally not a problem in 2v8 because you know for a fact it's working so you can play around it
In 1v4 the perk is annoying
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Survivors need a way to prevent aura reading with the amount of powerful aura reading perks and addons available. I'd be happy if the only thing they changed with Distortion is that you regain stacks while in chase, not while in the killers terror radius. Would reward players that actually take chase, and punish players that use Distortion to hide the entire game and pray for hatch.