Killers being mad at surviviors giving up is insane

k3ijus Member Posts: 279

I somewhat play both sides and i just dont really get it, most hook suicides are when theres a teammate dead or 5+ hooks at 5 generators… at that point the best the surviviors can aim for is a 1-man escape—which is provided by hatch

Literally if a killer is stomping on a survivior match to the point where its utter hopelessness in public games can you really blame surviviors for just wanting to hit next? Not everyone has 1k hours (which ironically is considered medicore)

Also im not advocating for surviviors who just give up when they go down or face a certain killer, which is why i said MOST hook suicides. People who do that ruin the experience for ALL the players.


  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    Yeah i agree, and it is same for killer to feel annoying either, because game is almost = end when a survivor kill itself in early game.

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 279

    I addressed the fact surviviors just giving out without reason isnt what i defended, and you can test your builds;most of which i can promise 99% of surviviors will not dc and prefer your creative perks over meta so thanks for your creativity and playstyle, surviviors mains appreciate it

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 279

    You find it annoying when killer dcs? I thought that was a universal “haha- i made them dc moment”.. and i dont really even mind them dcing, still a escape for me.

    and 2v8 showed the killer dcing and being replaced with a bot is still fun if not the same experience- without the tunneling and camping.Lol

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    That's the thing though, isn't it. In 2v8 if one only killer DCing, the rest is given a Bot. But that doesn't go for DCing in main mode. Once a Killer DCs game is over.

    Once the game gets going, any time a Survivor DCs they given a Bot. And to be fair, that Bot is given hacks that makes it seem much of a better player than the player IRL. And if a Survivor DCing at the loading screen before game even starts, everyone is halted by a wasted waited lot of time for a trial to begin again. (Which I believe will be fixed soon, but idk)

    If you go against a Bot because of DCers. What then will the fun be if these bots have Hacks that make the trial 10x harder than going against a real person?

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    Im not mad, im just making fun out of people giving up because they are weak.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    I think most people missed the point of this as you are talking about mid to late game give ups.

    Would you feel mad if killer dc with hopelessness when you guys complete 4 gens with killer only got 1-2 hooks?

    I'd need a little more info on this if the killer has created lots of deadzones they still have a chance.

    Would you feel mad if killer dc with hopelessness when you guys break the hex in first 10 secs of the match?

    Nah, I'd understand that. I'd never quit in that circumstance as killer, but I certainly wouldn't be mad.

    Would you feel mad if killer dc with hopelessness when you guys do a flash save after a 2 minutes chasing?

    Yeah, because that's a rage quit. I'm mad when survivors rage quit after they lose a chase as well.


    To give a different example, if gens are done and the killer opens the gates, I'm never mad about that. I just leave.

    Also, OP isn't talking about DCing. He's discussing when players stop trying. In your first scenario if the killer just stood in the corner and let us finish the gens and leave, no problem. It's not what I would do, but I'm not mad about it. Same with the survivor who runs up to the killer once it's down to two survivors left.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Whenever somebody disconnects early, I.. Get disappointed.
    The match gets ruined by that due to the skill and gameplay variety between an AI and players, both, from the killer's perspective (2 Vs. 8 game mode) or the survivor side (both game modes).

    I don't really get the reasoning to .. Leave early, unless it's an emergency or a network connection blows up mid-match.
    Those are the only reasons and cases I can tolerate, but it's mostly players throwing tantrums, which is why it's that disappointing to begin with.

    Surprisingly enough, the most fun matches are the most balanced matches - Matches when both sides keep making the other side losing and winning the very next moment or both sides being equally good.
    Ah.. That takes me back to the old days when players were sticking within the match until the very end.. Daydreaming sure feels nice.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited August 2024

    Believe it or not, not all killers are sweaty tryhards.

    Some of us just want to have fun with chases, develop our skills and play the game out normally. When a player leaves prematurely the game is basically over and players like this no longer have any interest in continuing to play out the game.

    Ironically the only people you punish are the survivors who want to try to win, and the killers who try to make a game of DBD and don't play uber sweaty.

    Whenever a player quits now, I basically continue to play normally up to getting two hooks on everyone. Anyone else who quits, I let them and take a third hook stage off them. Anyone who keeps trying to play (or politely asks to be let go), I'll let complete the gens and leave, or get hatch.

    Quitters ruin games, and there is literally no excuse for doing so.

    Even Skull Merchant, you may hate playing against her, that is a reason to quit, but it is not an excuse and has no justification.

    I have more respect for someone who says "I don't care about everyone else, I hate her that much that I'm saying damn the rest of my team, I'm leaving", over someone trying to justify quitting just because it's Skull Merchant, or whatever reason they come up with.

    Leave if you want, but don't try to justify it.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't enjoy waiting in lobby/queue.

    If killer DC in first chase, I didn't get many BP for it and I have to wait in queue again.

    I don't care if I escape...

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Anyone playing normally has a right to complain when someone decide to literally ruin the game for everyone by circumventing intended penalty, I don't get what you can't get

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,182

    Yes I can and will blame them because of that, even in that case I always still try to win.

    I never give up in any match and I don't really like it if other people do it:

    Of course a early death isn't very good for winning the round but you know what will make completely impossible? You're right, more people giving up!

    Same with 5+ hooks it's not impossible you just have to play better from now on and make the chases as long as possible. Of course that requires people to want to take any challenge at all.

    Well in the end I play more killer than survivor so I don't care too much, but it's pretty annoying in the rare cases I play survivor xD

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    There are some times I totally understand giving up but it isn't just killers who get frustrated when a team mate goes next first hook or DC's on first down.

    Though personally, I don't care anymore as I get it and I cant say I have not done this myself.

    I do wish you had the option to just concede the match when the killer slugs for the 4k… being slugged for 4 minutes because the killer desperately wants to avoid a potential hatch escape is a bad mechanic (the hatch is the problem really) and making your players endure 4 minutes of not being able to do anything is not great.

    Otherwise… meh, I have always said you cant make people play matches they don't want to play.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922
    edited August 2024

    It's more so when they DC early rather than late game where it is frustrating. I don't think most complaints about survivor DCs come from games where they are already on death hook or have someone else already dead early, most complaints are when they DC for petty reasons early on or when the game is still winnable for the survivors.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I guess those survivors ‘giving up’ aren’t having fun. Maybe they believe the killer tunneling them down or proxy camping their hook is ruining their fun. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Because you are screwing my MMR by giving up after the first chase in the match. Means if i just get my intended sacrifices im winning a match when maybe if people would just play the game for a second i wouldn't.

    So you are forcing me to play nice and let them escape so my MMR does not get falesly higher. If i climb i want to earn it, so i dont face people 10 times above my skill level just because so many people dont want to play the game properly..

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    Some people give up even when winning. Amount of games i had were the killer gets their first hook and 1 gen an the person instantly gives up an there is also people who at very start of match run striaght up to the killer to be downed and hooked

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    I've seen a couple times where a killer has DC'd right after a survivor had went next on hook at 5 gens. Literally match started, downed a survivor, hooked, and quit after survivor died.

    It's a weird feeling tbh. It's like the other side of a coin where a killer relentlessly tunnels out a survivor and then proceeds to farm the rest of the match.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 295

    I guess it depends on why they give up, at least for me. They get tunneled or camped or the killer is stomping hard and they are on last hook stage, I'm fine with them saying they want to go next.

    But most of the time, its more that they lose the first chase and instantly go "nah dude, thats bs and I'm out" while most of the time they would still have had a good chance to win the game in that situation. Annoys me that it ruins it for the other survivors and also for the killer. Especially during archives or adept attempts.

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 279

    Wrong, the killer bots in 2v8 were so much more better to face. If this was put into the real gamemode it would mean no toxic gamestyle or gameplay

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    AND the exact same thing can be said with survivors toxicity. What's the point playing a MULTIPLAYER game, if your experienceis far better to go against a bot? The actual issue is sensitive players on both ends of the game. Like Religion, no other will believe in what yourself believes in.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Sometimes I'm glad for the DC because I don't want a stressful match, which is what you get against good survivors who actually try. But other times I'm mad because I do want some kind of challenge. At least let me feel like I've earned the win, not just because it became a 3v1 since someone got mad. So it depends on how I'm feeling.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited August 2024

    As someone who also uses off meta builds when I play killer, I have a lot more than 1% of people who DC lol. I wouldn't make that promise if I were you.

    Also survivor mains are generally still just as toxic regardless of the build, if they "appreciate it" then they aren't showing it. Still get t-bag, chat BM, gate waiting ect. If anything it's worse using weaker builds as you'll end up losing more so they'll BM more. In my experience at least.

    More on topic, survivors get upset the match isn't going their way and leave whether it's early or late in the match.

    As you said, when it's done when the game is basically lost it's kinda whatever imo. Doesn't justify it and there are still downsides for the other players like less points and such, but it's not as annoying. But there's so so so many who do it when they could reasonably, or even easily, win. I dislike it on survivor so I dislike it on killer.

    But then there's the people who think "the game is lost" when it's really not. For example, the games not lost just because there's 2 hooks at 5 gens when 3-4 are at 80-90%. But someone will think otherwise and nope right out. Even worse they might just use the "I'm not having fun so I have a right to leave" mindset as an excuse.

    There's also plenty of people who want to play out the whole match regardless of the outcome. If many games where you're winning is cut short, the games you mostly get to see till the end are the ones where you lose. Since killer can't leave without penalties, which is also kind of not fair to the killer.

    The ability to leave with no consequence needs to be addressed, early or late. Imo either both sides should be able to or neither should. Of those two I'd prefer if neither could.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Glaive
    Glaive Member Posts: 108

    Fix MMR and people might stay, when the killer has 5 hooks and no gens are done, the match is dead time to move on.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I'd be mad if they could do it for free every game without penalty at the slightest inconvenience.

    People are mad that you can leave without penalty(actively ruining the game for every other person in the game) 30 seconds into the game and then do it again next game. A killer dcing isn't even close to the same thing.

    Let me phrase it like this, imagine every other game you go against a killer who has a bad first chase or even a good chase and then farms until the game is over. All you can do is essentially the "work" that is doing 5 gens without chase. Is that fun? Do you endorse doing nothing half your games?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited August 2024

    When would you ever expect the hook suicide player to be in the room to complain to? I've never known a SoH player stick around after they take themselves out...

    What's the killer gonna say? "Man, that SoH Nancy is a real piece of work, literally handed me the game!"

    Somehow I don't think that'd go down very well.