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What happened to the 400% in 2v8?

xerox8521 Member Posts: 112

Last 48 hours and the lobby shows only 150%


  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I was playing last night and it was still 400%. I haven't been on yet today but I'm guessing a chunk of the killerbase switched over to the PTB to try Dracula out.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,094

    Its 400% for me

  • xerox8521
    xerox8521 Member Posts: 112

    Rip BP grind.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    Killer queues today are manageable, so it's not necessary.

  • Bearded_Nea
    Bearded_Nea Member Posts: 9
    edited August 6

    So 1v4 is hands down the best for BP then because we can still stack the hundreds of cobblers we have and get +150%. This will provide a poor data comparison if that was their goal.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    But that's exactly the data comparison they wanted, are survivors only playing 2v8 because of the BP bonus or are they playing because they enjoy the mode.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    My friends and I didn't even notice that it dropped down to 150 until finding a lobby took a few minutes. We figured it was PTB so that's where we went. Not sticking around if it's only 150%. We get more on 1v4 with offerings. Besides, PTB is out. If BHVR wanted to test the turnout, now's not the time to do it. Haha. Wth.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 146

    I know I've only been playing it for the BP bonus. It was getting old very quickly playing against the same killer every single match and the complete lack of variety in it. I've done all the event tome and the various challenges from past tomes I hadn't done that were way easier in 2v8. It stopped being fun about a week ago for me.

    Now fully back to the normal mode and having decent matches and fun again.

  • Bearded_Nea
    Bearded_Nea Member Posts: 9

    It's flawed because survivors will just play 1v4 if they want far and away more BP. It would only be comparable it the maximum amount of BP achievable for both modes is the same and it is not because of BP offerings in 1v4 and their absence in 2v8.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    But you have two sets of data to compare. Survivors where still playing 1v4 even with no bonus, and I assume some survivors would play 2v8 even if they got 0 bloodpoints. You don't need perfect equal scenarios, you can get a good idea of the importance of the BP boost via tracking as people move.

    Probably the thing that will more mar the data is that its just the last days of 2v8 and survivors might want to give it a final go.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584

    I am not in game right now, have queues improved at all? I'm ngl, if they wanted accurate data they should have made this mode NOT be during a new player weekend. That clearly skewed it.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    I quess survivors enjoy being tunneled/camped/slugged in 1vs4 at 5 gens. 2vs8 could have more variety but every other way it's superior mode. Escaped today 10/14 games and 2 of those died in endgame in soloQ. Tried 1vs4 and was tunneled and them camped out. Both matches had 400-600% bonus not enough to keep me playing though.

    Queque times were great last few days on killer. But yes give me 1000% bonus I gladly take that I need to P100 my favourite characters 😃. My only complain on 2vs8 for now it's too easy and just every game I expect to escape best time to play survivor though. M

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Last few days they been great in 2vs8 mostly I have had to wait around 5-7 minutes on killer.

  • stanheights
    stanheights Member Posts: 18

    I’m also wondering how this will affect killer queue times on 2v8. To me it feels like BHVR killed their event a few days early because I don’t know a single survivor (including myself) that was still playing 2v8 except to get the bloodpoint bonus. It’s gotten quite boring and repetitive at this point as survivor but the BP bonus kept us. Going back to 1v4 a few days earlier than planned I suppose :-)

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584

    I feel like everyone was so overhyped for 2v8, it sunk the mode before it got the chance to shine. It needs another test run under more favorable conditions, but before it gets that it really needs more Killers, more maps, and a few more Surv classes and things for Survs to do.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,396

    Oh bugger, was actually gonna hop on for a few hours of 400% goodness. Won't worry about it now 😅

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 112

    I know I was only playing survivor in 2v8 for the bloodpoint bonus, with fast games it was a real easy way to get a ton of bloodpoints. Oh well, back to 1v4 it is for me!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045

    I dont see any difference gameplay-wise in 2v8 or 1v4, you get tunneled in both modes.

    I would also not say that the queue times were great as Killer, I waited 10 minutes to get into a 2v8 game. Would not really call that "great".

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,396

    Same 😭 you could play like two 2v8 games in the space of time it took to play one 1v4 game, so the bp added up so fast it was great. Given the choice though with the 150%, I opted to play a few 1v4 games today. I needed the pips too.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Most often tunneling that happens in 2vs8 is accident but it's not common. 1vs4 tunneling/camping seem to happen every game. Games I played were very unfun. Every killer also uses strongest regression gens take so long. It's only playable with swf and map offerings. Bp incentives made me only try 1vs4. 2vs8 I had lot more fun playing survivor. I would like to see items and saves added.

    Recently killer queque were even down to 3-5 minutes but then bp bonus was taken away now they might be back to 10 minutes. It's worth it as playing with other killer is twice the fun. But swf who want to bp go back to 1vs4 and use cakes.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 387

    They're testing whether BP bonuses have any noticeable effect on queue times or if it's a marginal gain at best.

    I'm really not surprised. Survivor queue has been on 400% bonus for the entirety of the event. They probably just realized most people don't really care about BP, which honestly, there's a point you really don't.

    I have all my survivors p3'd and I only ever play a handful of killers so I only need to p1 the rest, so BP for me is more a nuisance (I have to spend the next 5 minutes spending 2 million BP on the bloodweb to prevent capping) than an actual reward.

    I suppose if they see queue times not budge even without the BP bonus they'll start testing other bonuses, like maybe tome EXP or maybe some new resource which would be a fraction of that.

    I'd be surprised if they tried iri shards at all, but that'd be awesome. Playing in the losers queue to get free skins sounds like a fair trade.

  • xerox8521
    xerox8521 Member Posts: 112

    So instead of 150% in both make 400% in both. Same test but with more BP

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,209

    I think they don't want to make 400% a normal incentive number, so they will only risk the 'normal' 100% (+50% event bonus). That likely means they will need to make Survivor more fun in the next iteration (as I only played Survivor due to the incentive, and had more fun soloqing as Killer than soloqing as Survivor).

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    You might be right but it's still often ramdom luck and can be purely accident still sometimes.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,816

    it’s not random. The cages spawn with the same algorithm as pyramid head’s cages, and tbh you can easily triangulate where they’ll spawn through survivor aura reveal and just knowing they’re going to be diametric from where you down the survivor. Not hard.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Killer queues are about the same, maybe slightly longer but it's clear the huge BP incentive doesn't really do that much, at least in my region.