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Can we update the survivors?

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

can we update the survivors? And stop making this game a killer game? Can we run faster? 2v8 is a joke. I run like a snail. And I don’t even have a chance to escape when they get me down. The gens need to stop taking 5 years as well. Let’s make this fair now. Ugh

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  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I literally know all of this. But this is literally a killer game. Sometimes a little something for the survivors would be nice

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    2v8 is literally completely different then normal game play… I’m talking about 2v8

  • Member Posts: 478

    So you complain you go down to fast in 2v8 because your "running like a snail" and that gens take 5 years to pop.
    So gen speeds are faster in 2v8 mode and them going slow has nothing to do with the game it has everything to do with your team.

    The running slow i don't understand this. You run just as fast as you would in normal games. Bring the sprint burst class if your bothered by it. The fact that every tree and rock has a pallet on it means that a survivor if they wanted to could just run pallet to pallet for ages while being chased (yes 2 killers could outplay you but for this example its 1v1) meaning you distract a killer for an extreamly long amount of time.

    I'm a killer main but played a lot of survivor in this event due to que times and as someone who is hot garbage at looping i was able to run a wraith for a good 40 seconds before my first hit.

    Bottom line is the speeds are fine. if survivors wanted to win every game simply slam gens there is nothing killers can do about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited August 2024

    You have 20 seconds CD AOE sprintburst and somehow still "feels like a snail" huh, have you ever played a survivor before?

    You even have an absolutely free pre nerf MFT

  • Member Posts: 614

    Nope the Devs are not doing anything because u just have insane Skill Issue learn to get better in the Game and stop crying

    Making Survivor fester because u dont know how to run effectly and Loop is going to make most of the M1 Killer unplayable we already had the MFT Meta where Survivor got a Pernament 3% Speed Boost just for being injured and it was the Worst time DbD ever had and saying the Gens take 5 years just show how Bad u are

    The Gen Speed is already insane play a weak Killer on High Rank and u will see how Survivor Sided the Game ist

  • Member Posts: 3,935

    You don't need to run faster, survivors in 2vs8 spawn significantly more pallets for them to use, to the point that if you know how to loop modestly well you should have a resource to use almost every single time.

    As a result its actually much easier in 2vs8 to face killers 1 on 1, its only when 2 come after you that your options get really slim.

    I'm actually looking forward to going back to 1vs4, cause I feel like 2vs8 is making me lazy as a survivor...

  • Member Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2024

    No we can't made for this already showed that a higher movementspeed basically permanent is a horrible idea and way too overtuned. Efficient survivors are already too fast to keep up with IF you don't tunnel or camp.

    There are 2 ways to fix that:

    You make killer much stronger so you have super fast chases and make the gens take less a lot less time. You'd have fast rounds where you can't do very much as survivor.

    You make gens take longer or give basekit-regression buffs and at the same time nerf regression-perks. After that you fix tunneling and camping and give killers a lot more and better chase-perks. That way killers have the chance to get 12 hooks without camping and tunneling and survivors won't go down in seconds like it would be in the first option.

    The last option would be that it stays like it is because it's more or less balanced when the matchmaking works.

    Oh yeah I forgot:

    2vs8 is meant to be more killer than survivor-sided, so it's probably intended from bhvr that it's much harder to win as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    In 1vs4 gens take much longer. One gen takes 90s whereas in 2vs8 only 70s and you usually can work together so gen takes under 40s easily. I find escaping much easier in 2vs8 and you get many sprint burst running escapist.

  • Member Posts: 135

    They are never going to buff survivor. SWF bully squads upset the power dynamic and caused a lot of killer players to lose their cool. The devs slowed gens, removed dead hard, nerfed medkits, and created survivor bots.

    Why do you think killers have unique abilities and survivors are all the same?

    This was always a killer game that needed survivor players early on, until the devs could get the AI where it needed to be.

    In spite of all the nerfing, survivor is way stronger than killer. Some killer players can stomp low skill players, but as soon as they go against a player with skill, it's over.

    A popular streamer once said killer players sometimes use tactics or perks that get them wins, but put them in an MMR they don't necessarily belong. Then the tactics that worked on lower skill players don't work as well on more skillful players.

    I don't want to stop playing this game. I main survivor and play as killer for tomes and dailies.

    There's a lot of ego in this game community. But there are plenty of people who just want to play. I've been playing DBD since SAW chapter. I've been hit with all the worst things mean players have.

    I usually play solo queue, so if the killer player does bad form plays, I take an L and move on to the next game. There is nothing at stake in this game.

    Play on.

  • Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2024

    This is a good point and a great argument for why the maps with tons of vaults and pallets badly need less of them. When a map has too many resources and is too safe, it makes Survivor too easy and thus too safe. You are supposed to exhibit skill in chaining loops as Survivor, what skill is there in using a map with a billion safe pallets and vaults? It actively as you put it here makes you "lazy" as Survivor because now looping is trivial. What skill is there in such easy looping? I too found the sheer number of escape options so high in 2v8, it was almost kinda boring.

    You aren't supposed to feel safe as Survivor in a survival horror experience. What good survival horror game has an abundance of resources for players, anyway?

  • Member Posts: 663

    Just play survivor pre 6.1.0 patch.

  • Member Posts: 401

    changing survivor runspeed forces the devs to entire readjust every tile setup on every map in every configuration in the game for balance.

    if youre getting downed quickly, there are a lot of tools out there to help you approach tiles more strategically.

  • Member Posts: 9,416

    I guess we can make it a game where survivors frolic in an open field chased by the classic slow moving zombie.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    gens in 2v8 go faster than in 1v4, I believe they're 70s? Also there are way more pallets to use, so you absolute have a chance to stop the killer from getting you. PLus if you get 2v1d then thats 7 survivors on gens. seven.

  • Member Posts: 192

    The best thing they could do is make hits server validated. It's objectively the most fair and what should happen. Unfortunately when devs did this killer mains complained that the game was not rigged in their favor so they reverted it.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah no was already tried with MFT. Didn't turn out well.

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