Can we get rid of Map offerings already?

All it does is make killers hard tunnel 1 person and for survivors it's often used to get an "advantage" over the other side, whether that works out or not. Usually leading to the survivors hook-suididing when it doesn't work out in their favour.
It adds zero value to the games. Can we please just get rid of them already??
As uncommon as it might be, not all players are bringing offerings to gain an advantage, some truly do just want to play on a specific map and that's fine. Though the system has a whole does need to be reworked.
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This is not necessary. If you wish to block Map Offerings you can ALREADY do that. Use the offering which counters all Map Offerings and you are set.
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You still can't do anything against worst kind of users, the one who takes four of offering as a SWF
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is this really happening that often….
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Yeah but that literally prevents me from using the ones I actually like using, like for example points for everyone.
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I bring maps often in solo cause after a while playing crap like Hawkins, swamp or red forest gets old. Sometimes I just want to have a semi decent match
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And no one is talking as if this is happening every matches, how often is irrelevant
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I don't think I've ever seen that happen to me, honestly.
I've only seen it happen on twitter, and that was one single time in 4 years. Outside of that one instance I've never seen a Sac Ward get countered like that.
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Doesn't change the fact there is no reason to have funny mechanics like that at all
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Yes you can. Learn the game. The offering that blocks map offerings blocks ALL of them. A SWF could all take the same map and your one offering would still block them. Learn the game before you start saying there is a problem or that you need something.
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That is a choice you make. If you don't like map offerings, block them. Otherwise you roll the dice and take your chances that you might get a map someone wants to play.
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sorry but I need maps to play jumpscare mikey.
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As long as they want to do boosted maps they need to keep them the way they are or you won't be catching me playing during boosted maps. It gets to be too much of the same map.
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Since you definitely aren't talking about this offering, there should be some special offering I don't know of, can you please teach me the thing I haven't learn yet?
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Actually I was and I recall it blocking even four. So either I misremembered it or they updated it. Touche. :) Even so, I don't recall the last time in the last EIGHT YEARS that I ever saw a SWF put four of the same map offerings in. And between my various Alts I am approaching 25K hours. So, just how often are you seeing four of the same Map Offering put in? :)
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Cool, please try to double check and actually learn the game before trying to call someone out, and I never said anything about how often it happens so please stop moving goalpost when you are proven wrong by official description
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Absolutely. I said Touche didn't I? I called out your silly rant. You called me out on getting that offering wrong (however slightly). But the fact remains your original argument holds ZERO water. You already have a way to block map offerings. You simply have to choose to use it. They give the Sacrificial Ward out like candy in the Blood Web. I have well over a thousand. You have the tool; use it. There is nothing wrong with Map Offerings.
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No, the ratio of sac ward and the players who bring map offerings differs a lot. There is literally no need to allow one side choose a specific map, if you want to do it that bad go play customs where you can micro-manage the entire lobby.
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Here to suggest once again that map offering should be changed to ensure you do not go to a realm.
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My point is that it doesn't have to differ. Someone could bring a Sacrificial Ward every match they they so chose, and certainly as often as someone puts in a map offering. It is a choice. Micromanging a Lobby would be trying to outlaw choices, kind of like what is being suggested here. The DEV give us tools to do MOST of the things we claim we need. It isn't their fault or a failing of the game that we choose not to use them more often than not. I use the Sacrificial Ward all the time. :)
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It does not. You can still be sent to that map.
Literally my game rn:if you play on EU servers, especially at night it happens almost every other game. You try having a horde of sac wards to block that. Those in here who are so adamantly against it is because they are the ones who are using sac wards exactly like I explained.
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It is true that when you use a Sacrificial Ward you MIGHT still get sent to a map offering someone put in, but that doesn't mean the Sacrificial Ward didn't work. It just means you randomly still got that map. This topic comes up off and on over the years. If you don't like Map Offerings, you can try to stop them. There are lots of things I don't like seeing put in, either as add-ons, maps, etc. but I accept it is part of the game. Sometimes I like to throw in a map. Sometimes I ride the lightning to do it random. Usually I end up going where someone sends me with their offering. It has not affected my enjoyment of the game.
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What a baseless argument you're trying to make. You do understand that EVERYTHING in this game is RNG based, right? Just because your BW happens to have a lot of sac wards, doesn't mean everyone else's does. And again, the sac ward doesn't block the map always, there is always a chance of you STILL going to that map. I even have screenshots of it happening multiple times. Case in point:
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I'm always in favor of ways to get people to use more BP offerings
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Yes, I answered this already above. Scroll back and you will see. However, what we are talking about is whether or not there is a statistical issue or are these statistical outliers? Map Offerings are not a problem, nor have they ever been a problem. You have tools to try and mitigate them. You could also take your own advice and play custom games if you don't like the fact people might try to influence where you go. Statistically, you have a better chance (far better) of stopping a map offering if you try than they have of forcing it. You may indeed stop it, and then randomly get sent to that same map. It is ironic and funny, but very true.
I never understand why people get so passionate and want to die on some hill over these kinds of issues in the game. There are actual problems like hackers which deserve attention. Getting sent to a map you don't like now and then is just well, a nothing burger.
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Stop acting like you know what you are talking about with your "statistics" do you have those for EVERY player to back it up? I don't think so, so stop trying to use empty words thinking you are proving a point, when all you're proving is the fact that you have no idea how other people's games or, how often maps offs are used, how often sac wards are in the BW, how often you can buy them with enough BP, or how often they actually negate an offering. Please stop, you're not fooling anyone here.
<i>I never understand why people get so passionate and want to die on some hill over these kinds of issues in the game. </i> Pot calling kettle much?
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It's funny how you trying to downplay an opinion by "but meh hackers", 25k hours of dbd certainly did not taught you how to properly discuss things without falling into fallacy
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I think a better option is to combine all map offerings (and Sac Ward) into 1 offering (with a menu on selection). It would reduce the frequency of maps being in the bloodpool, make it so that a player always has access to a Sac Ward, and also make useless map offerings less useless. When you select a map/Sac Ward, if would display that symbol in the offering screens.
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I'm suppose to have a sac ward for EVERY game I play to avoid other people stacking the odds before we even load in? If it was a reusable offering or something and I just had to eat the fact I can't use a BP offering if I wanted to ensure fairness, it would be different. You're asking for the impossible.
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devs hold love for map offerings for reasons i have never understood. aren't they disliked and even hated by the overwhelming majority? absolutely yes. didn't mods make polls here on how one sided maps are and some got over 85% votes that it favored one side? definitely yes. yet we still have to play with this broken nonsense mechanic and stress over it.
no i don't have fun playing on badham preschool and dbd being "just a videogame" doesn't change that fact; devs know it won't be a fun experience, i know it and the survivor offering it very well knows it.
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I don't like map offerings either…so maybe i use one in 100 games (eg. scratch mirror miguel)
Yesterday i was playing suvivor and the killer (miguel) tried to go to leyrs with the scratch mirror build.
Unfortunately a team mate brought an Azarov's Key and we won the 50/50….
Well it was one of the easiest games ever and i felt bad for the killer because you could see he was struggling a lot.
He still got 2 downs and 1 kill in the end.
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Map offerings seem to be fine. Especially now that there is an offering that basically throws map offerings to the dumpster. Thing is it is fair, both sides can use them. And you are also kinda wrong since map offerings DO add value to the game. Take a scratch mirror Myers for example. Using certain map offerings to ensure you go to a map where the build works is mandatory when using that build. Or using a Condwing offering with Hillbilly so that youi can use the chainsaw in a comfortable way. Or using Gideon's as a survivor in order to have those good pallets at your disposal.
And the situations you are describing don't happen that often. Most times survivors will kill themselves on hook for the most pointless reasons such as downing them fast, playing skull merchant or being a good nurse. I have never seen someone disconnect because of a map offering.1 -
Which maps are "so unfair" that your blood boils when you see an offering for it and you want to quit the game?
Does the same thing happen when you end up on that same map without an offering?
If yes: that map needs to be reworked.
If no: the problem is not the map, it's the psychological impact of seeing a map offering, you would be absolutely fine if you simply look away, or if they made map offerings hidden.
Map offerings have never been the problem, and I'm kinda sick of this fallacy at this point. They serve a valuable tool for game expression and are just as valid as any other offering, or your ability to choose which perks you use, or which character you play.
Plenty of people use them as purely aesthetic, some use them for the miniscule advantage they can sometimes offer, but they're really no different to other offerings that also give you an advantage such as Coins, Oaks, etc.
And if any individual map offering truly provides enouh of an advantage that its use is unfair, then the solution is to rework that map.
The best thing they can do, which they have started doing, is to add more maps to single-map realms. This gives you multiple options for each offering, reducing your chances of being sent to any specific map, but still preserving the aesthetic intent of the offering. If you have a 50% chance of a map sending you to a killer/survivor sided map, then that's really no different to getting any map at random.
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Fixing map offering is thousand times easier than reworking maps which often ends up with worse maps, though
The truth is it's much more reliable, easier, and cheaper
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No good comes from map offerings for sure… weirdly my PC crashes every time a map offering is burned…
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Perks are also difficult to balance, but the solution isn't to remove all perks.
Survivor cosmetics can make it easier/harder to see them, but the solution isn't to remove cosmetics.
Some survivors have an advatage through quieter cries and footsteps, the solution isn't to force everyone to play as Dwight.
Did you read my last paragraph? That's also easier and doesn't remove a feature of the game.
And again, if a map is truely so imbalanced as to be unfair to play, it needs to be reworked anyway. If it's bad enough when an offering is used, then it's bad enough when an offering is not used, and that map shouldn't be in the rotation regardless.
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I'm talking about 4 offerings to counter a sac ward specifically.
I play on EU servers, at varying times of the day (some way later than I'd like to admit). Never ever seen it happen.
I get map offerings relatively often in general, but most of them are like Azarov's Key and Phalanx Bone which I don't really have an issue with. If I see a Crow's Eye it's on sight though.
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I agree with this ever since I got sent to RPD 4 games in a row 😭
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If no: the problem is not the map, it's the psychological impact of seeing a map offering.
mhm definitely the chances of naturally getting select broken maps is equal to getting it with an offering, that makes sense.
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"Broken maps"
So the problem is the map?
Awesome, fix the map
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how do you fix rpd so it doesn't make a billy for example do unspeakable things in loading screen?
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I really wish the developers would rework or remove map offering. They are just annoying and many players abuse them to get an advantage on their own or to make the match miserable for the own side (e.g. one random Claudette wants to do the "stay in killers terrorradius for xxx seconds and sends the match to Midwich).
It is impossible to make every map unique but also 100% balanced for both sides. It is also difficult to make bigger balance changes on licensed maps like Midwich or RPD. There will always be maps that are rather survivor- or killersided but this is not so terrible as long as it is only slightly and not extremly like Garden Of Joy for survivors and current Midwich for many killers. We have to remove the extremes in this game and map offerings are extremes because it gives you a huge advantage (knowing the map enables you to use the best Perks and strategies for it). Lastly, it takes much longer to fix every map than to rework or remove map offerings, especially when the developers still introduce new maps, new variants or do a bad rework of a map.
Saying we need map offerings so we can play jumpscare Myers is kinda low. The killer needs a rework and an Addon rework and not stupid map offerings to perform better or to be playable. You can also play this build in a custom game with your friends. Billy is also playable on many other maps and already a strong killer. Some killers have really difficult maps due to their power but this also gives the players a chance to impove. It is like math: you are not good at mathematics and your solution is to skip every mathematic lesson but you have to write the mathematics exam in one day and then you will mess it up so badly and this is your own fault but your solution after this is still to skip mathematics lession. What I wanna say: Using map offerings for an advantage prevents you from improving and getting better (You can also use the NOED example if you want).
Lastly, for the green Hand argument: They are not very effective because you only have a few of them and many players rather wanna use BP Offerings. BP Offerings are always welcome and nobody gets hurt when someone uses them.
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i always say, unless they make every map a mere skin of the same layout, they won't ever be perfectly balanced. even if they managed to do that the collisions of props will still differ. making all maps balanced is impossible and they will always provide advantages the offerer can abuse. stealth killers, zone control killers, balanced landing users, projectile killers etc.
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Maps don't need to be 100% perfectly balanced. The vast majority are fine as they are, and the small advantage the others give is vastly overblown, and in most cases negated by the fact that it is one of many maps within a realm.
I've played this game long enough, I've escaped and died on every map multiple times, I've 4K'd and 0K'd on every map multiple times, I've won when my opponents have played map offerings and I've lost when I've played map offerings. The problem is very very rarely the map, it still takes skill and co-ordination from your opponent to actually use it against you to their advantage. Sometimes you just get outplayed.
There's also a ton of confirmation bias when it comes to maps.
When do you find map offerings to be a problem? It's when they're played by highly co-ordinated SWFs right? So you don't think that the fact they're a highly co-ordinated SWF might be a bigger factor in why you lost that game?
No, must be the map. There must be something you can blame besides the performance of the players.
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It is not about winning or losing - some players care more about how the match was and not how the result was. I'm okay with winning or losing because I care more about the match itself and if it was exciting, funny, or good. If I would always 4K at 5gens or would escape every match with 0 hooks, I would leave this game because that would be more than boring. If I would 0K every match or would never escape, I could still play this game because it is still fun. Winning is not always fun and losing is not always bad.
I'm okay when the game sends me to a map that I don't like, is bad for the killer I play, or that the map is unbalanced (RNG happens) but I don't like it when the otherside sends me to a map just because they want to play on it with a boring strategy or to abuse the advantage that the map gives them. I had many matches that I won against SWF and SoloQ teams even though they used a strong map offering but many of these matches were not really funny.
Same when I play survivor. I'm okay when the game sends me to Midwich but when the killer or even the other random survivor does it, it just feels bad and often results in rather boring matches. I even feel bad when I play survivor and one of my teammates drops GoJ, Badham, or Eyerie. it is simply an unsportsmanlike action like when you have a 100 meter race against someone and your opponent pushes you slightly at the start to get an advantage. Even if you still win, it just feels unfairly clear. Sure, the first few times you feel good because you still won, but at some point it just gets annoying. You still play against these players but it leaves a bad taste.
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These hand offerings are extremely rare to get, let alone have them every match available.
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All due respect, no they are not rare. They are GREEN. I get one every couple of blood webs. I have a TON of them and I actually use them frequently. If I am a regular user of them, and I don't run out, then someone who only uses them every now and then will have some. And no, you shouldn't have to throw them in every single match. Or throw your own darn map offering in because it has just as good a chance of winning over the other map. I'm sure you have LOTS of maps.
Seriously. Learn to play ALL the maps. Then this won't be an issue for anyone. If you learn all the maps why do you care which one you are sent to, regardless of whether it is random or some other Player's fancy? If you find a map hard, you should WANT to play it more often. It is the only way you are going to overcome your limitations on it. As a Killer I used to hate getting Ormond. I started putting it in MYSELF and forcing myself to play Scratch Mirror Myers there. Now I can fight there despite the advantage to Survivor side. Instead of demanding the maps be somehow locked out as an offering, learning to play them is a better option.
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I know all the maps and i dont care which map it is, some are better for certain killers, some favor survivors lol.
Good for you that you get alot of them. I play since 3 years and i have extremely low number on that specific offering, doesnt matter that they are green. And having your own map offering is a 50/50 game if there is another one.
Im indifferent to maps, i like their aesthetic design and i dont have issiues navigating on them either. Only one i despise is hawkins since it follows map layout rules that have been a thing before i started playing this game, when maps were alot more frustrating than they are now.
Suggesting hand offerings doesnt help the people that hate map offerings though.0 -
That depends. I can't help them with their "hate," no. I can help them by giving them unvarnished, pragmatic truth. Map Offerings aren't going anywhere. They might as well be demanding that the DEV pay them to play the game. That has just as much chance of happening as Map Offerings going away. What I am suggesting to people who hate map offerings is that they simply learn to live with it, take steps to mitigate it, and accept that there are things in this game that we have no control over. There are lots of things I don't like in the game. I don't generally mention them here because my not liking them, doesn't mean there is anything WRONG with them. It is personal bias and I might as well keep it to myself.
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I just wanted to share with you that these hand offerings are not as common what you think.
The chance of map offerings going away is null, yeah. Maybe ( a like 2% scenario maybe ) in the future the map offerings are not 100% chance when played but rather map "banns" so to say. I think that would make them a less pain in the ass for people that really hate going certain maps.. Because lets be honest, majority of people play the offerings to gain an advantage.
Like just today i tried to get my Iridiscent gatekeeper emblem challenge done, where i have to get 2 of those. So i knew i needed 0 gens popping in 9 minutes. I choose doctor with max TR static blast and had surge with me too, while also having Gideon meatplant as map offering. The survivors couldnt do anything because of the map, they couldnt hide from my shock, they couldnt do gens due to surge. I bet they hate this map now 🤷♂️
So yeah, if they were map banns rather than 100% (or 50 when its 2) chance that would probably solve a view issiues.0