New mechanics and features you would want?

As the title states, I'm asking what players want that would be new to the game. What I want to focus on, however, is ideas that are possible within the current state of the game and are within the developers capabilities.
This could also include expanding on things already in the game that could have more potential than initially realized, but this doesn't mean bringing up old mechanics that are no longer part of the game, or mechanics tested that will never make the live game. Infinite unbreakable being a good example.
It's question that isn't asked enough and when new idea are brought up they often disappear pretty quickly. Even if it's small or even for a specific killer/perk, then don't be afraid to bring it up.
it was never added to the game sadly but that one time they tested where your clothes get continuously bloody throughout the match I don’t remember what ptb that was though and I’m now realizing this ignores the whole point of ur question
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A rematch option.
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Make the survivor objective more interesting. Holding M1 on gens all game is just so tedious at this point.
It's been suggested a million times before, but something along the lines of having to find resources like fuel, gears, engine keys etc around the map in order to repair the gens. Then obviously shorten the repair times dramatically.