how to stop dc's

Make it so someone can dc like 10-20 games in 1 week. But if they dc they don't lose a pip they lose BP. let's say they lose 20k bp / dc. if they don't have it they go in -bp so they have like -20k bp if they let's say have 0bp when they dc. that would be fair to other players who have to play without 1 member of the team and ppl would stop dcing. if they still dc more than 20 times per week they lose 1m bp and are banned for 1 day/ 3 days/ 7 days/ 2 weeks... you know where i'm going.
That makes no sense at all. Bloodpoint penalties won't stop them from DC as they obviously don't care about bloodpoints, otherwise they wouldn't DC in first place.
The only thing that will stop DCs are temporary bans (or permanent if it happens too often) or a low priority system where DCs get put in a separate queue with much longer waiting times. This would also help the fair players to get quicker matches.
That still won't stop people from suiciding though...
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they do care for bp, just don't want to play against a certain killer or if they missed dc, or get found 1st. it should be at least 20k bp penalty, i'd give 100k bp penalty so it's more fair. and like you said, put them in different q times with waaaay longer q times.
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I don't care about BP.
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i dc againts legion i dont care BP, i dont care temporaly ban.... BUT if i start loosing perks...maybe yes!
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The people that DC don't give a ######### about bloodpoints, they want to punish the killer or survivors. Make it give points to everyone in the lobby if someone DCs and put the person that DCd on a 30 minute cooldown. If they DC'd for a genuine reason they will probably be bust for the next 30 minutes if they DC'd out of rage then HAHA no game for you.
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30 minutes is too much, there certainly are cases when something comes up in RL. Repeated (say, same day) DC-s should be punished. This will still give a hard time to people who happen to have poor connection, but this is a fair price to pay. You shouldn't play anyway, if you have poor connection. If you just had a temporary hickup with your otherwise stable internet connection, you won't be effected by it.
Some people suggested that the "secrecy" the devs treat their DC ban policy with does more harm than good. I'd definitely go for a system where, after a DC, you get a warning message, which should both say something like "one more and you'll get a temporary ban", but also a few words about how it ruins the experience for the other players. Call me naive, but I believe most DC-ers are not complete #########, just frustrated about a game. A little reminder about how not to screw with others can go a long way.
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I don't believe 30 minutes is too long. If something has come up IRL then like I said the chances are you won't be playing for the next 30 minutes. If you need to chat to someone or open the door for 30 seconds hide in a locker don't DC. Anyone that thinks 30 minutes is too long obviously DC's for reasons other than "IRL reasons"
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If there was a 30 minute ban I'd quit playing.
Load into a game and there are only 2 survivors in it due to loading screen issues....yeah no thanks. I'm not wasting time looking for the killer, I'm taking the quick way out.
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That is a problem with the game that needs fixing first. But if there is only 2 people loaded in because of a load error you have less gens to do. The only person you ######### over when only 2 people load in is the 4th person that is left to do 3 gens by themselves or do at least 2 before he can find the hatch. That is bullshit and ruins other peoples fun.
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Lol that other person normally quits anyway. Less gens? Its still 3 gens between 2 survivors. 2 need doing for the hatch to spawn. 1 does gens while the other gets instadowned to a Billy. Good game.
Its garbage and nobody wants to play it. But there is this entitled killer mentality of "stay in and let me get the EZ win u guys". No I'm sorry but nobody wants to play a tilted game like that.
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Imagine if there was a bug where 5-6 survivors spawn in rather than 4.
Would killers stay in or disconnect? I think we all know the answer, though I'm sure some would pretend otherwise.
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There actually used to be a bug just like that, and killers stuck around killing every single survivor who spawned, until the game crashed or they stopped coming. So yes, I think we all know the answer, though I'm sure some would pretend otherwise.
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dude you should still play it. I am the one that gets left behind and doesn't DC. I tell you what happens when killers load in with 2 survivors a majority of the time:
Survivor crouches and looks at killer-> killer either kills them straight away or understand this survivor wants to farm just to safety pip and lets them do it.
If you run away like a moron at the beginning when the killer finds you then yes it is gunna be ######### but you can either lose 2 pips and all your bloodpoints or you can stay and give the other person time to safety while you do the same and get a few points. That game is in the toilet yes but there is never a valid reason to DC unless you have an IRL thing to deal with. If you don't want to play it either go find the killer and let them kill you or AFK till the killer finds you.
DCing is toxic and only ruins someone fun.
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Me neither. I don't care about BP, Pips nor rank. I only want to watch survivors squirm and collect salt, blood and tears from them.
I have a blast everytime. I am aware I can't win them all though.
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(This is a joke) How to stop DC's
Step one: Pause your game
Step two:Leave match
Congrats, you stopped survivors from disconnecting
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Lmfao, I KNEW it would be you of all people that would claim this.
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I've stayed, other person disconnects.
I've stayed, killer hooks other person, they suicide on hook - happens with 3 people also.
Last time I stayed the other guy suicided on hook, I ran the killer for a bit then I got hooked, they hit me repeatedly, nodded at me, then gave me "ez ez noob team" in the post game chat and I depipped. Never again.
Ruins their fun? What fun? Game is broken at that point. Its faster to just realize the game is busted, leave and find a proper game.
Why am I staying? Whats the point? I'm depipping anyway, all because the game is broken and not through my own fault.
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It's a well known fact that in the early days of DBD (back when infinites were still a thing), there was a bug that kept spawning survivors into trials until they were all dead or the game crashed. If you were unlucky enough to not kill the last guy before a new one spawned, you had to go find the new one and hope they wouldn't both struggle on the hook (which they often did, because they knew the game would crash and you'd get nothing).
So yeah, excuse me for pointing out that the exact scenario you claim would support your case actually happened and doesn't support your case.
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To stop disconnecting you have to remove the incentives for disconnecting. You could make it so disconnecting no longer depips but then people will slowly throw / afk although it would be an easier excuse to ban them if it results in that.
For other disconnect reasons such as playing against certain enemies or on certain maps it's going to take a lot of iterations to balance everything to have a nice middle ground for both sides.
If those don't happen you're not going to stop disconnecting with how lenient BHVR is on the matter. Although with that in mind I'm very much against banning players for DC'ing because I feel like it's not fixing the issue. I'm hopeful that when dedicated servers come around BHVR has a plan specifically for this issue that only servers can solve.
With that in mind regardless of the reason I'd support the removal of depipping down a rank completely so it's only the pips on that specific rank number. Since BHVR made ranking up more difficult I don't really see depipping being necessary.
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The only way I think they will stop people from DCing is to prevent them from playing immediately afterwards with a progressive punishment.
They know the difference between the disconnects now, at more than in the past. They know if you crashed... lost the connection... left the match... task managed it...
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Just punishing players for DCing ist nonsense. Its just like @Dustin said. Get rid of the incentives that causes players to dc.
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@MegsAreEvil -In a very annoyed voice- lemme guess, you want to remove legion because you cannot counter them....
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Which is:
Being downed
Being found first
Being so bad that you play only against the killers that are easy to loop for years
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Here we go again. Wanna get your cookie? You wont get it!
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back when i was new, i could not handle the wraith. so i d/c'd. then my mom got mad.
next time, i was forced off because i wanted to protect the chest in the basement with insidious. my mom got mad.
the next time, really mad connection to the point i couldn't even like... drop a pallet.
those are three separate events. now, if im against the clown, i give him a run then immediately suicide because im not dealing with that.
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And how hard can in be to give killer points when someone dc's it should ######### count as a 3 hooks and kill. How stupid must you be to not do that especially with these idiotic emblem changes on killer's end. it's stupid.
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How to stop dcs, well step 1 don't play Legion heh.
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oh i'm gonna ######### buy legion and play like the biggest piece of #########. survivors will be sorry to ever buy this game if they will vs me. i don't give a ######### anymore, if devs don't want to balance the ######### game, if they won't at least try to slow the gen rush then why the ######### should i care about survivors. basement bubba incoming. idgaf about a rank, if i go to rank 15 so be it, then new players will suffer. idgaf
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Don't be toxic to decent survivors only toxic ones. That is the right way to do it. Punish bad behaviour reward good.
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nah ######### that #########, like i've been ever rewarded for good behaviour on my end, when i didn't tunnel someone. nah not anymore. ######### this game and since bhvr is not banning dc's i'm gonna dc on every map offering that takes me to farm map or to haddonfield. i will be the toxic king, and i'm really dissapointed in me that i bought the plague instead of legion with my shards. ######### nice play when all i get in return is gen rush and tbag infront of an opened gate. oh and prepare for noed.
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As long as you have fun doing it there is nothing wrong about it. Devs are giving you tools and you can do whatever you want with it.
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What you do is you just let the survivors win that's the only way to stop them to let the survivors get what they want honestly idk about dcs anymore not pipping just means easier games for me
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Then get rid of them... Where is the list so BHVR can do that.
BHVR already knows why. This isn't a new issue, however it is starting to compound into a bigger one.
Quick fix... Lay out harsher punishment... Then spend the time correcting it.... or
Continue to do nothing and spend time correcting it...
Doesn't matter to me...
But would be nice for them to at least come out and start talking about it and seeing how to go about fixing it.
Right now we got silence....