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If i cant catch to someone should i assume they are hacking?

Just had this game where this feng could just out run me every single time there was time she speed up instantly i am pretty sure she was subtitle hacking, like i had bloodlust 3 and i could not catch up to her i did not even get into m1 range. is that even possible?

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  • Member Posts: 90

    I feel like dbd is not worth playing due to the hackers

  • Member Posts: 1,225

    Well I don't have any evidence if she was hacking so obviously don't know if it was that or anything else related to pathing, your character or perks.

    That being said I play against hackers super rarely so I wouldn't say there are many xD

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Without video we can't say 100% for sure cause there are a few odd combos and situations of perks that can get a survivor that fast but that wouldn't last for very long. If you're not catching them over an extended period of time running in a straight line, they're almost certainly cheating.

  • Member Posts: 8,919

    My 2v8 teammate was saying something similar the other day. He was playing Huntress and had the no hatchet speed boost+ bloodlust and couldn't catch up to a Dwight who was just looping a simple haybale.

  • Member Posts: 679

    After playing this game for a few years you start to get a feel for when things are off. I think more people use subtle hacks than we think, especially when you have base game sales happening all the time on different platforms. I still don't see it as a massive issue, but I've certainly noticed some questionable behaviour with speed and wall hacks from time to time.

  • Member Posts: 90

    she had the typical hacking perks to make you think you're crazy, i know she had balance landing and hope perks to gashlight you thinking you're are just trash to hide the hacks even more.

  • Member Posts: 90

    she had hope and balance landing to gaslight you to think you're playing trash and sprint burst, but i know she was hacking cause when she was not using those perks i could not even get into m1 range that is not possible

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Without video, it's impossible to say. There are so many perks an situations that you'd need a video for anyone here to really confirm your suspicions. Not being able to catch someone doesn't always mean their cheating.

    It's always best to rewatch if possible before making a call since in the moment, things tend to look worse then they are.

  • Member Posts: 90

    the only reason why i think she was hacking i could not get into m1 range of her one bit the hole game even tho she had all those perks that help her to get away from me, but they should not be that op i never get into m1 range

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Probably, since BHVR can't seem to get rid of the issue. Launching the game on Epic was a really, really bad idea in the long run.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Ive had seen all sorts of subtle hackers but it really doesnt happen that often. your way more likely to have someone dc or kill themselves on hook and ruin the game that way

  • Member Posts: 6,155

    It's possible. I rarely see hackers personally, or if I do they're good at hiding it. I sometimes have strong suspicions but dont let it bother me because there's nothing i can do. They come with the territory sadly.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    If you see something suspiscious, even if you're uncertain, make sure you catch a video of it and report it.

    So long as you're not reporting every Survivor just because, you won't get in trouble for sending the report. If it's not a cheat, then it will be resolved without incident. If it was a cheat, then you took another twat off the game.

    Always report if you have legitimate concerns and you can get video evidence.

  • Member Posts: 7,088

    Theres 0 way to tell since we don't have a video

    But just because youre getting outplayed, doesnt automatically mean theyre cheating.

  • Member Posts: 795

    It's possible that it was Nick Cages perk that made up for the speed boost, but I feel like some details are being left out which is why everyone else is saying that without video, it's impossible to tell.

    If a killer is weak enough and a survivor is good enough, that survivor can still loop the killer pretty well even in bloodlust provided they have the resources. If it was a dead zone, then the chances they were hacking are pretty high.

  • Member Posts: 380

    Wonder if it was the same Dwight I was playing against the other day. He seemed to be going way too fast constantly and at the end of the game when the other killer and I closed in from both sides and downed him, he just disappeared and escaped (it wasn't hatch because there were more than 2 survivors left)

  • Member Posts: 8,919

    It WAS a Dwight. Guy was a TTV playing with 3 other dwights.

  • Member Posts: 10,390

    More like, if you can catch one then assume you're hacking.

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