I’m honestly worried I can’t go back to 1v4

I took a break from DBD over the last week or so as I was expecting 2v8 to be phased out and thought it would be wise. I enjoyed 2v8 a lot for it more quick paced nature and streamlined perks etc. I know it’s still active but I decided I’ll go back to 1v4 as there’s only a few days left and everything is just so slow, arduous and monotonous in that mode now. Sure it’s nice to have some of the perks I haven’t used for a bit and see killers other than Huntress, but most matches are 4k wins at 3 gens remaining. I know there needs to be a transition period as it’s a different play style but honestly I think I’ve been ruined by the enjoyment I’ve had with 2v8 and I’m struggling to get back into 1v4 - especially with some of the changes that have happened in the background too. Does anyone else feel the same?
Im right there with you. I loved 2v8 so much that I have 0 interest in returning to the base game. It was just that much fun for me.
I dont even know why its not going to be a permanent mode. What are they worried about? Profits? People are always gonna buy the new killer if theyre good or interesting, they just need to have a weekly shuffle to keep it fresh and give interesting team options for killers so they remain interested and excited. On the survivor side they just have to make new classes that unlock if you have the relative survivor perks already unlocked.
Just for example: A Stealth class would need...
Urban Evasion, Calm Spirit, Distortion (4th perk is always self-care, so it should just be three required). If you have all of them, then you get access to that class in 2v8. Could do the same for a deception class with Red Herring, Diversion, and Deception.
And as long as the new killer is always available in the 2v8 weekly shuffle on release then that should make the mode profitable.
If its bugs...I dunno. Im not a coder. lol So I cant actually speak to how difficult it would be in an already buggy game.
Post edited by Orionbash on4 -
I love 2v8. I wasn't one asking for it, I actually thought I wouldn't like it at all but I've had a ton of fun playing it. I wish they'd extend 2v8 again.
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the great thing about 2v8 is its consistent but also really fun, and its even fun waiting for updates because we can speculate on how they will integrate different killers! I love the concept as a whole.
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Not y’all going through withdrawals lol. Survivor mains especially are gonna have a tough time getting back into 1v4. It was much easier to escape in 2v8.
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It's gonna be a massive slaughter @Ayodam… :/ Survivors will need to adapt FAST.
I love 2v8 bit this version of it is extremely, deeply problematic and flawed. I want it back, but NOT until it goes through some serious fixes and tweaking, not until it adds more maps killers and classes, not until we can pip in it, and not until it's completely ready to stand on its own two feet. It clearly has the desire for it and the playerbase for it, but it just isn't there yet and badly needs a lot more work and testing before it EVER comes back or goes permanent.I honestly would not mind seeing 1v4 turned into a ranked mode, we had the rotating modifier queue, AND we had 2v8 for quickplay. That means three different experiences to shift between so nobody ever feels like they HAVE to sweat. Then repurpose grades to ONLY be important or used in ranked mode. Because there's certain Killers I would prefer to keep in the chill zone in an unranked less MMR important setting where I do not feel pressured to win so hard (either to practice someone new, to vibe, or to just not have to worry about doing so well I run into sweats after five wins), and certain Killers I wanna test my skills and get better with (so a ranked mode is perfect for that). The same is true of Survivor - I am a very competitive minded SWF-running Survivor, but sometimes that is too much and I really just want a space I can chill out a bit, where MMR isn't as important and I don't feel pressured to win so hard. Having multiple modes is good for that, as long as I can still gain pips or BP in both, and still feel like I am having a goal accomplished in both.
I just want the option of how hard to make the game for myself. Because I don't always wanna have to time when the best time to not have sweats is, or run into a super SWF when I'm trying to learn Doctor, or run into a hardcore sweaty Nurse when I'm just trying to Adept Yui. And I think most people want that. Most people WANT a casual mode and a ranked mode and they want BOTH to give us something for doing it so everyone feels like they're able to get something at every level of play. It baffles me BHVR has not gotten us that yet. This game could cater to so many people who love horror, casual and comp and heavy "I gotta win" and "I just wanna derp with my friends" alike. There's space for everyone in this community and we all just wanna play the game in the big horror playground, so it's strange BHVR hasn't made it yet.
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Ironically, it's overall easier to escape in 1v4 right now precisely because the majority of the casual/unseasoned players are still in 2v8.
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It did take a little adjusting to get back into it, but just a couple games, then it was back to normal. Although I can't say interest will last. My friends and I came back to try out the mode. We did try PTB and ehhh. it didn't wow us so I hope 2v8, or some other mode that plays faster, comes back soon. And for god's sake, in the next 2v8, give survivors something cool to do, like throw rocks at killers or even our own teammates. Something.
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2v8 definitely felt much less toxic and stressful on both sides imo. Having played quite a few survivor & killer matches in 1v4 over the last week or so I started the see an increase in toxic SWF, rage quitting and proximity camping. Basically all the negative aspects of the game.
If they could sort out the queue times and introduce more killers and survivor mechanics I would probably just play 2v8 mode due to it not being plagued by those issues. However I don't think it would take too long until that mode also became riddled with those problems.
Its probably time for another 2-3 month break for me personally. Haven't really been able to get excited about any of the new content recently and 2v8 was a nice change. I wasn't sure in the beginning about the negative effect on the queues, but comparing the 2 modes now it's the more casual and less toxic nature of 2v8 that really appeals to me.
I've also started to develop a real disdain towards SWF teams, especially want to be bully squads after playing a relatively relaxed game mode for the last few weeks. It's not even about the winning or losing. I used to pride myself on outplaying them, but now the incessant mid/end game taunting and snidey comments in end game chat just really annoy me. I guess 2v8 has shown me what this game could actually be and has amplified the negative aspects ten fold upon returning to the same old BS we're all accustomed to dealing with in the core game.
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I don't think I can go back 1vs4 soloQ. In 2vs8 Im just used to having chance to escape but 1vs4 feels often hopeless like you have no chance and many games end multiple gens remaining. I like the faster pace of 2vs8.
But I probably play lot less dbd after 2vs8 is gone I have many other games waiting to be played.
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I have a feeling the amount of people playing the game after it goes back will show a huge drop in player population
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wow im either very resistant to addiction or im just that guy
but yeah make it a permanent thing and gimme my baby dredge
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Exactly what I feel like when playing the casual mode. Everything feels so slow and "dead", even at 4 man standing. The 2v8 is just more chaotic in a funny and good way, + all the buffs/boosts that you don't have in the casual. They really should make it a permanent mode, not gonna lie. I mean, we gotta have something else than just 1v4 everytime. And the fact it's now gone, I feel like I'll have to get used to the normal mode again, somehow.
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I actually got bored of 2 v 8 and have been doing most tome challenges in regular 1 v 4 the past week. Some challenges, like escaping a trial two times or getting an unhook in egc were considerably easier to do in 2 v 8 so I did go for that.
Although I had an absolute blast playing the new mode, I actually found it refreshing to go back to good ol' regular DBD again.1 -
As a survivor I'm taking a break until 2v8 comes back. 1v4 just feels too frustrating and boring in comparison.
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I played a lot during 2v8 and felt positive emotions 95% of the time. I was going to try to keep playing this week to get the bonus shards and finish out the rift, but my 1v4 games tonight were so annoying. I was tense and frustrated most of the time, and I remembered everything I don't like about the game normally.
In my survivor matches, I did enjoy being able to go to a different map and not have to look for bear traps every single time. And in my killer matches I enjoyed playing killers I haven't touched in a while.
I agree with what someone said above — the ultimate set-up would be to have 1v4 for ranked mode, 2v8 for casual, and a rotating playlist of weird/fun modifiers.
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2v8 > 1v4
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Oh man, tonight was like hitting a wall.
I honestly don't know how I ever tolerated
M1 simulatorsurvivor gameplay in the past.I'm going to have to become a killer main because at least that role is still fun.
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It was good while it lasted. Now we can say we've had 2v8 finally and it was memorable.
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Love me some 2v8
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I got bored of 2v8 because every match was huntress and something else.( I'm guilty of this as well since i was mostly playing huntress or nurse ) Pretty much 99% matches was huntress. I hope if and when they bring this mode back they put more killers in. Hopefully at least all the none licensed ones.
I don't miss the feeling of playing killer in 1v4. I stopped playing killer for almost a year and only played survivor due to the toxicity and stress i got from playing killer.
2v8 brought back my love playing killer, but im afraid 1v4 is going to take it away again. All im going to be seeing is the same 4 perks and map offerings to badham and eyrie.
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Finding this to be true. Was quickly bored by the lack of depth in 2v8 and constant Huntress. Only played it to do tome challenges that were a lot easier to complete in it.
The last few days when I went on there, it was mostly terrible survivors that were allegic to generators and just crouched around the edge of the map hiding. Interacting with a blue glyph and escaping two trials challenge took about 12 games to do in 2v8 this week. Eventually got a couple of hatch escapes. Every game I would be the only person on gens, out of the 8 Survivors. They just wouldn't do anything useful!
Have had a lot of great matches on the normal 1v4 mode recently.
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First time posting here and a returning DBD player after a year or two. Funny enough, 2v8 felt less overwhelming for me returning to the game. I got to purchase new cool characters and immediately play them at their "full potential". I loved that!!
I also loved how alive 2v8's felt. Even if you got 2 DCs every match is teaming with life and action.
That's my 2 cents and support for the mode in hopes they do bring it back again <3Post edited by DEATHGARDENER on0 -
By the way… yeah it's been a massive slaughter so far, LMAO.
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Honestly I haven't even played the game in a few days, killer was a ton of fun even with the que times and survivor was a hair too simple in my opinion during 2v8 there were so many pallets it's hard to mess that up, I think knowing it was going away and the thought of going back to the same thing I've been doing for most of the last decade just doesn't sound enjoyable to me anymore, BHVR tells us to adapt but I think it's time for them to adapt with different things instead of regurgitating the same old thing back at us, there's alot of different things they could do with just the standard number of players that wouldn't hurt que times at all, if halo infinite can have 47 modes and me narrow it down to 3 on a quick play selection and still get a lobby within a minute, this game should be able to do the same unless the servers are truly just that bad in this game that it's the issue and not the player count
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I found it amusing when there'd be like 4 Guides but none of them touching gens, or 4 Medics and people were going to second stage or being left to die on hook lol or the Escapists who would save their speed boost for when they'd need it instead of using it when it could help a team mate.