How can we workaround certain possible killers for 2v8
The killers I’m referring to are ones that give survivors another objective, meaning nemesis, wesker, plague, pig I think y’all get where I’m going. It would definitely be a lot of work for survivors if two of them are together.
well pig traps would stop every time they were in any chase, and only start after a gen is done, plus huge maps mean her traps wouldn’t be very powerful. For Wesker and Nemi the infection really isn’t going to do much beside a slight hinder for them since that’s all Wesker does right now and for Nemi it literally just makes them louder and able to be hit by his whip + zombies. And as for plague once again with such big maps, so many pools it shouldn’t be that hard to easily cleanse yourself of the infections.
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I just don't think objective-based Killers COULD come to 2v8 with their extra objectives. They'd need to make Nemmy's whip do something else, Pinhead could not have his box, Xeno turrets could not exist, etc. Having the objectives there would make them too weak in 2v8 because the maps are just too big and too many of the objectives could spawn.
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take away all the pig traps and uber buff the dash. Also give her the wall hack irl. The bear traps already extremely problematic in the normal mode so i don't see them fixing it in the 2v8 with two killers running around.
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I saw a suggestion that the Pig traps be changed so that they can be removed at any station in 2v8. That way they aren't constantly putting the Survivor in the path of two Killers, but they still will get the Survivor to spend some time off objectives to survive.
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Gotta love how no one even mentions Legion.
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- Pig - Everyone starts with a headset. The first box will always get the trap off. There is 1 box per survivor. Each box can only be used once. Evil rules: traps starts active.
- Wesker - Double the sprays. Survivors caught by wesker's power (damaged or not) are revealed to their partner for X seconds.
- Nemesis - 1 vaccine per survivor. Extra zombi or 2 (leaning towards 1 or 1 wild zombie and 1 follows your partner around like a good trooper)
- Plague - More fountains. Aura of corrupt fountains are shown to your partner as well. Kinda it as she can get absurd in that mode if given a way and we want some form of balance despite these crazy ramblins of ours.
- Xeno - 6-8 turrets max. More tunnels. Your partner gets killer instincts as well when xeno exits tunnels. Xeno changes into crawler mode much more slower outside tunnels or more than x meters from your partner, which then rapidly changes them.
- Hux - More printers. Overclock lasts longer when near your partner. Survivors auras are revealed to your partner when you look at someone in a bipod. Alternative: Survivors are revealed when tagged or slipstreamed to.
- Pinhead - 1. The box is hidden until a chain hunt activates or 2. Chain Hunts start much quicker. Either way survivors caught by a possessed chain are revealed to your partner.
- Legion (because someone wanted us to mention them) - Your partner also sees everyone revealed by killer instincts. Mending is faster.
These are just some random ideas we made on the spot. Did we miss anyone?
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I thought this too.
With two killers and the potential for both killers to have 'stations', e.g. Pig and Freddy, you would have to reduce the number of stations to ensure there's enough capacity for both killers and chests to spawn.
So for Pig, have just three Jigsaw boxes spawn, and have survivors able to search boxes multiple times. You still get the RNG for how many searches are required, but if the killers are camping two of the boxes you can go to the third and use all your searches there.
But three is the mimum you could have due to having two killers. If that's too few, or if there are killers who need significantly more (Alien and it's tunnels for example) then I don't think stations are going to work at all.
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Freddy - More clocks. Has both puddles and pallets, but a smaller or shared number. Whenever a survivor falls asleep they're revealed for x seconds. Not sure if cages should wake survivors (personally leaning to yes, but we think he could get away with it)
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Or Sadako.
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The thing about being able to do all your searches on one box makes it so you get rid of 90% of the time extension the traps are there for to begin with. There's no travel time... Keep in mind, these maps are specifically altered for 2v8. There's no reason they couldn't simply add more places for stations to spawn.
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Killers with additional objectives simply can't work in 2v8. The only one that might work is nemesis because other killers can't benefit from his infection, but killers like pig, pinhead or plague would need a lot of changes before they can be put into 2v8. They are balanced if they are only on their own, but would be broken with a partner.
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three boxes will just leave to a high movement speed killer rotating around them.
or even something more horrible with singularity
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I think that making it so Legion doesn't Deep Wound survivors would be enjoyable for everyone. The mechanic of downing a survivor on the final hit would stay, even the part where you can't hit the person you hit before. Just removing Deep Wound.
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She doesn't need nerfs in any form for her to be functional in 2v8. Only buffs.
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Sadako - More Tvs. Shorter TP cooldown when near your partner or your partner gains undetectable when your phased near them. 1. When she teleports survivors are exposed instead of gaining an insta kill ring piece. 2. Plays as normal and survivors pray for the best. 3. It takes more than 7 ring pieces to get insta death (we dislike this for flavor reasons)
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1 to 1 some just don't work. But some of them don't even need side objectives or could have them work if changed
Doctor - Madness, no change just be careful of overlap with other powers that would have you hold m1
Freddy - Add more clock spawns (for arguments sake lets say 8) and make 4 furthest light up (so technically the furthest one is at most 3/4ths of the large map away instead of corner to corner) and make another one light up every 15s so eventually it will reach you so you don't have to cross huge maps or at least not as far if you want to eek out a bit more objective
Pig - Either way this one will have issues, probably just make it so the first time each survivor is caged they get a trap, 12 boxes spawn and standard rules apply 2.5 minutes, max 3 searches, 18 total searches in any random pattern across 8 traps. This one just wouldn't be fun to have to do more than once but also frustrating to be slugged so the pig can walk all the way over too you then even more frustrating with box spreads on large maps then frustrating^4 if you end up with max rolls so in exchange for making it easier to apply traps (aka both killers apply it just by virtue of a survivor becoming caged) it becomes a much more passive but weaker slowdown
Plague - Needs more fountains, fountains should have a limited duration they spend red / cap to make sure that more open up from time to time, not as needed as in the regular gamemode though since the cages make it easier to not have to healthy to uncage. But make it so that infection doesn't apply on uncaging
Nemesis - More boxes
Cenobite - Probably just remove the box and give him passive chain abilities and effects, if a survivor walks through another survivors chain it connects to them instead, if you land a chain it also chains all other survivors within the same range the gateway + chain traveled (max gateway range is 16m and max chain range is unknown but for arguments sake lets call it 20m if you land that chain all survivors within 36m of you get chained as well). Chains broken on the environment summon 2 chains to try and replace it (like the addon)
Thats all I got for now since a lot of them get even more complicated with similar spawning areas like tvs and turrets on top of the 20 chests which take up their spawn areas
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I didn’t say she needed nerfs. 😅
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Legion im fine with removing his deep wounds however due to map sizes in 2v8 his Frenzy would need a duration buff and his final hit would have to be moved to the 6 hit cause at 4 he would be downing alot since theres 8 survs
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Whats wrong with objective killers? Maps are bigger... Killers wont just camp box or things like that, gens will just pop all the time. Pig is perfectly fonctional? Same as cenobite?? Whats wrong?
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In my opinion, Sadako isn't a killer that can cause huge balance issues in 2v8. Giving her a similar set of buffs to everyone else should work out just fine.
This discussion focuses on killer who need their powers to be restricted or changed completely, doesn't it? So that's probably why she is not mentioned here a lot.
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In the OG post he mentioned killers that had side objectives. That’s why I mentioned Sadako.
I agree though, she will need to be buffed. After 3k hours into her and 3 reworks, I can safely say Sadako is still very weak especially for 1v4 not to mention if it’s a team with any level competence.