Anyone else tired of Hillbilly?

Seems like another Blight scenario where if the player is above average it's fine but the exceptional players are just a slog to engage with.
I think it’s fun to face both but with Billy his hitbox needs to be nerfed. At least with old blight his hitbox wasn’t enormous.
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I dont think he should be changed much, but I never enjoyed facing Billy even before the buff and now he just sucks to face even more.
Ive been discussing him with some experienced players and they all say the 0.25 curve buff was unnecessary. Honestly agreed, it made him so consistent with doing what was supposed to be kinda hard. Dont think they should revert it, but I think they should start with that. Or making overdrive harder to get.
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A bit, but only if the Killer plays in a ######### way.
In general I like to go against Billy, but I also main him, so I know what to do most of the time. But ever since he was buffed and is easier to play and also stronger, you dont encounter only Gigachad-Billys who just want to go for some cool Curves and play for fun. Now you also encounter the sweaty and the annoying Billys.
The amount of times I got slugged the whole match by a Billy really increased the last few days. And always different Billy-players, not just the same dude I run into. I really dont understand why people play just to be annoying.
Maybe it will be better when he gets nerfed. It will probably just be a minor Nerf (which is fine, I dont think they need to nerf much, just a Cooldown on his Overdrive so that he cannot generate it as quick once he is out of it and a bigger Terror Radius and this should be it), but usually the Killer Community thinks a Killer is gutted, so there will be less Billys for a time.
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Yeah I got tired of new Billy pretty quick. Before you could outplay him and make real gains but now if he messes up and you outplay him there's no much of a reward since he just uses his chainsaw again.
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I played against UncleStanBana and let me tell you what, he was so good that it was legitimately the most unfun match I have ever played in DBD. Constantly bouncing back and forth between unhooks before we could do anything. He said himself he would hate to go against his Billy because how oppressive he can be.
But what can you do? You just have to deal with it because that’s like 1% of players
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Nope. I love facing and playing against him. Probably because I'm one of the originals from way back when with him. People seem to enjoy facing me as well on him because I don't go for the sweaty playstyle. Curving and stealthing lol. I just try to have fun with him. And I will continue to even after his nerf. As long as it's not to heavy handed. This is a screenshot of a match where I took myself to haddonfield. Kicked a gen with trail of torment. And just started diving off the house with the saw lol.
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Spiked boots again ? Hikes… 'Apex Muffler' add-on (for a sneaky billy ?), Letal Pursuer, Plaything ?
Gosh, I already hate you so much lol
But yeah, I hate to face on Billy now because they all are playing in the same way & they don't want to learn good timing without these add-ons to assist them during the curves…0 -
i mean its not pain res,pop,deadlock,corrupt,grim embrace. Ect lol. I don't try to run mass gen regression or control. Stealth is a lot more fun. And with trail you can always get rid of the stealth. Same with plaything clensing the totems.
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At least he doesn't have any strange bugs, heh
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Only against Engravings Billy, who really good with it. Or like 1 out of every 10-15 Billys. Other than this, Billy is one of the most interactive and fun killers to go against for me.
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i dislike playing vs billy because of his ability return to hooks and proxy camp →tunnel survivors out of the game. i don't have a problem with his chase. billy is like pre-nerfed blight. strong chase but oppressive proxy camping →tunnel out of the game. old billy had same issue. it is why he was originally nerfed and even rate to be strongest killer in the game at one point.
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I’ve never been a fan of playing against hillbilly regardless of what version he’s been he’s just the most mindnumbing insta down killer imo
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oh and especially engravings hillbilly curve hillbilly is absolutely not fun to play against
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Billys hitbox is actually quite normal sized given you're able to crouch his power sometimes.
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The Billy's chainsaw just prioritizes too much the acton of breaking the pallet when the survivor is vaulting it.
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So wait, you're mad that a Killer that is strong and maybe a bit overtuned is a problem if someone is very good at the Killer?
… why? Why is being good at a strong Killer an issue? What's wrong with someone being a very good Hillbilly? I don't mean to imply anything, but this kind of sounds like you're really overly focused on being able to win and upset that it's much harder to handle Hillbilly anymore.
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This is really my only issue with Hillbilly, Blight, Nurse, and even Huntress and Slinger - they can proxy camp in a way no other Killers really can and it's obnoxious, because now it's getting Hook timers lengthened to prevent it, which affects everyone solely because of a handful of players playing another handful of Killers in an obnoxious way just to be obnoxious.
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i don't think hook timer does anything for billy because he can leave hooks, pressure a chase and once he gets unhook notification, he just goes back to the hook. it is like he is globally proxy camping the map. The 10 second timer isn't going to do anything for him. the 10 second change is more likely to affect weaker killer that camp but don't really have any other good map pressure options.
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I think, Devil, that's why Billy is getting some coming tweaks. Probably nerfs. Not major ones, but enough to make this much less possible because it and easy chainsaw spam are both currently the biggest issues with Hillbilly.
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what do you expect them to do? add 16 second cooldown every time a survivor unhook themselves so he can't use chainsaw to return the hook? i guess we'll see what they nerf on billy.
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I have no idea what they will do, and I hope it doesn't kill Billy again. :(
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You can imply it. I do like winning.
My issue with the killers with a high skill ceiling is that it becomes obscenely difficult to play against people who are good at them because you don't get to practice against them often, so it feels helpless.
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Depends what you mean by "above average". I'd say the killer is insufferable even when the player is only above average now.
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Ah, that makes more sense, thanks for the clarification.
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I'm starting to think that some survivors just don't like having strong killers in the game….
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I mean some people ironically said they had more fun facing overheat one. So when he was practically useless except for those who curved because you got to see some cool stuff before they lost? Now that he can actually hold his own the tides have shifted again.
Post edited by supersonic853 on3 -
Nah, I'd rather go against this billy than old blight or current nurse. This billy has significantly more survivor skill expression than blight or nurse ever did.
I don't know why, but it's super satisfying to crouch tech or dodge his chainsaw. I recommend you watch a guide on how to counter him (when to crouch, how to force side-to-side 50/50, how to listen to his chainsaw to know how much charge he currently has, especially if you want to waste billy's time with lockers).
I mean, he is getting nerfed anyway, might as well learn now and weaponise it later.
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I absolutely loathe playing against Billy. Nurse, Skull Merchant, Thana Plague, hell even impossible skill check Doctor is preferable to going against a Billy for me. At least with all of those I listed there is actual strategy involved in playing against them, as well as understanding how their kit and common load-outs affect their play style. With Billy it just comes down to how fast your reflexes are.
Sorry, but if I wanted to play a fast-twitch dodge simulator, I'd go somewhere else. Take Billy out behind the killer shack and get rid of him, please.0 -
Wasn't that mostly because of his overtuned addons?
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it is not add-on, it is play-style. Billy min-maxes the meta strategies of the game. that is why he is strong. When billy's chase is strong, he's fanatic camp→ tunneler. When billy chase is weak, he is weak tunneller. The way they fixed billy proxy camp tunneling is they added new mechanic called overheat. the idea behind mechanic is that billy using his chainsaw to return the hook would overheat his chainsaw. this would put his ability on cooldown preventing from being used for a brief time. the mechanic that every billy dislike is same mechanic that kept his gameplay in check.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
And they alsoo butchered all of his addons because they where deemed way too strong. Insta-saw comes to mind.
The mechanic you mention was also added too Bubba. Its was more of a general anti-camp - update for the chainsaw bro´s.
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No, not really.
I still see more Blight players than Billy players, personally. I'd also much rather vs a Billy than a Blight.
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Bubba never had an overheat mechanic. If you mean tantrum that wasn’t to deal with his (face) camping ability. What made Hillbilly lethal was that he had Bubba‘s strength and Blight’s speed. So when he’s nerfed again—and he will be nerfed again, the devs have already all but confirmed it—he’ll likely get some variant of the Overheat mechanic back.
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So, when Bubba was able to 99% his chainsaw right next to the hook and that got nerfed where his tantrum meter goes up if he keeps revving for a long time, that was not an intended change to counter his face camping? Thought it was. thx for clarifying.
Why was it implemented then?
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Much tired of other default killers. Like, everytime you get faced with some Huntresses or some like that. But everytime its something boring, everytime, again and again same killers. Facing Hillbilly as a rare killer is fun for me, nevermind if I get killed or easily escape, just because its something different.
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He's definitely getting nerfed in the midchapter in october, so I'm not worried about him. My bet is that they'll tweak overdrive to be less powerful, which I think is deserved.