What are your thoughts on tunneling?

No2Loser Member Posts: 83
edited October 2024 in Polls

What are your thoughts on tunneling? 63 votes

Hate doing it, and being a victim of it
NymaasSlayer192845[Deleted User]glitchboiVattghernMuttGuiltiimizark3ChikyDOOMSAYERTits09SHARKBOSSEEPOrthaneSkillfulstoneBlightedTrapperMusxussu575YulechkaLiveSoGoTyler3wesleyrobertsimpson 24 votes
Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary
OnryosTapeRentalsNickMilianUnenthusiasticGamerEvilTwinMarc_go_soloSepexGiveAshMoreCosmeticsWowieSpirit_IsTheBestCypheriusVantablackPharaoh91bebetterSleepyHYggleifNoobking3000GladSkullP0rshulzcyferinglufutufu 19 votes
Don't love or hate it
dashvizionPrincesse_nicoMrRetsejA_T_ERumplestiltskinRenoPro 6 votes
I do tunnel; and that is ok
Leonardo1itaGlamourousLeviathanFobboViktor1853KMDKatsuhxPRoyvalVidavoidJim_TonicDaddyPyramidI_mean_yeah 11 votes
OctoCatReverseVelocityTRizzle 3 votes
Post edited by Rizzo on


  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary

    I never set OUT to tunnel but if there's a valid tactical reason to focus one Survivor more, I don't see any issue with that. But I would never go in with the intent to just hard focus someone out.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    im a killer main and i will lose the game just to not tunnel bc its just suky to be tunneled and it makes the game way too easy

  • Musxussu575
    Musxussu575 Member Posts: 90
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    "Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary" is some post-WW2 Nuremberg Trial excuse rofl.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 2024
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    If you intentionally bodyblock a doorframe to prevent me from getting the rescuer, it isn't tunneling, that's just you taking chase.

    I hate even my randoms or IRL friends being the victim of it. It makes it a free win for Killer (soloq or with friends, as long as more than 1 gen remains). Also I've had 1 friend perma-quit, and another tentatively quit because of tunneling.

    When someone gets tunneled out, it highly increases the chances of giga-rats. Almost like the mindset of 'you didn't want me to have fun, so I'll do the same to you'. I don't like dealing with a teammate refusing to touch gens, and I also don't like having to patrol gens for 10m for a report. By intentionally not tunneling, it is more likely they have fewer gens remaining, and will continue to try to play the game.

    Edit: I just saw the S.T.A.R.S. option, I think roleplay tunneling is always OK if you let everyone else go. I love memelords that will only Kill Jill as Nemmy, and let the Leon/Ada/Claire out since they ain't S.T.A.R.S. Same for any other franchise, like Pyramid Head and James Sunderland, or letting Cheryl go and killing the rest. Also Myers letting Laurie go since it's canon she is the ultimate final girl, but killing the rest in her story. Same with Xeno letting Ripley go because the facehugger egg is likely in her stomach. Whatever roleplay reason is a perma-justification, like taking a child (Nancy/Steve/Mikaela/Sable/Feng) hostage in basement as Huntress. That stuff is great.

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    Just to clarify, it wasn't a memelord thing (even though I do it quite often). I made it S.T.A.R.S due to Nemesis players tunnelling often. No offense btw, and I love the Huntress one, got a good laugh out of me

  • GladSkull
    GladSkull Member Posts: 12
    Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary

    I picked the "If Necessary" option but I'd like to clarify.

    The ONLY reason I will ever tunnel is if a survivor is being extremely toxic. I'm not one to say a perk shouldn't be played or that you can't loop me, that's the game. I don't appreciate being T-bagged on emoted and stuff like that though. I don't even just tunnel if that happens at all or something but if you're trolling me super freaking hard? I'm no longer playing the match to play, I'm solely playing that game to ruin that person's life at that point. I play Dead By Daylight because it's my favorite game and it's a blast and I love a good bit of the community. But in my opinion that's just not cool to do to someone who isn't being toxic.

    I also am not a killer that shakes my head at people for playing the game, I don't hit people on the hook, I don't camp in anyway, and I will go out of my way not to tunnel. I've literally had survivors that got off the hook last run straight into me after being insta unhooked. And I just look past them to the meanie who threw their friend at me. So it feels super disrespectful to get trolled when I'm trying to give a good experience to the survivors. I mainly play survivor so I've been on the other end enough to know what sucks, and I do my damnedest to not do that.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138
    Don't love or hate it

    I take whomever is tactically viable at the time. I don't give any thought to Tunneling as a strategy, although I could care less that there are people who do. If you are in front of me, and I can get the hit/down, I'm going to take it. It isn't my job to keep up with anything beyond that.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374
    Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary

    I don't like doing it but in the current meta it's necessary.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
    I do tunnel; and that is ok

    My golden rule is to mind my own business. I play how i want and dont often want to blame others for how they play. Whether i tunnel or not depends on tome challenges. If i need a 4k i will definitly tunnel and slugg aswell. If its something like kick generators 1102 times in a trial then im probably not sweating at all.
    Even though i dont hold back or handicap myself for other ever, so if opportunity is there i will tunnel occasionaly even if i dont neccessarily need to.

    Why the opportunism? well, i made the mistake assuming treating this game as a game and having respect towards others for their preferred playstyles is common sense but i underestimated this community where you get death threats and all sorts of nasty comments for what you did in a PVP video game.
    So i dont feel like being the nice one at all, i often dont put mutch thought into who got hooked how often.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
    I do tunnel; and that is ok

    you did not just compare tunneling in this game with ww2????!

    And you want to talk about respect.. wow.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,168
    I do tunnel; and that is ok

    I mostly take who I find, but that doesn't mean I won't tunnel. If I have to choose between 2 survivors and one of the them is the tunnel-out I will choose the tunneling, same with auras if I see the tunnel-out on BBQ I will go there as long as it's in a reasonable location.

    I don't see anything wrong with tunneling and I personally don't care if I'm getting tunneled I just have my fun annoying the killer by stealing him as much time as possible xD

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    Last night, I was up against a bully squad of a Sable, Lara and Meg (There was also an Ace but he was just minding his own business). Every time I grabbed someone… FLASHBANG. Every time I was about to hook… SABOTAGE. Every time I get pallet stunned… T-BAG. When I got them all down, I hooked them all one by one and stared at the Sable as she got sacrificed (she was the worst one btw). I let the Ace go because he was just being chill

  • GladSkull
    GladSkull Member Posts: 12
    Don't like doing it but will do it if necessary

    Had to be done.

  • Musxussu575
    Musxussu575 Member Posts: 90
    edited August 2024
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    Nope, I sure didn't!

    I said that ** the argument to justify tunneling ** is akin to a lousy excuse that cannot legally hold up in court or any other debate.

    I also never used the word "respect", either.

    And tunneling is never "necessary" per definition.

  • I_mean_yeah
    I_mean_yeah Member Posts: 43
    I do tunnel; and that is ok

    I think tunneling is mostly a side effect of swfs, believe it or not.

    Cause you're having a few nice games as a killer, then u meet some annoying swfs that troll the heck out of you, and then u tunnel the f out of whoever you find next game in hopes that you don't experienced again what you did against the swfs.

    Tunneling is basically the killer's SWF

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787
    I do tunnel; and that is ok

    I really tunnel when using m1 killers like Legion, Trapper, Wraith, Knight. But I do like being tunneled when playing survivor I think it’s fun having a killer that wants to kill you try their hardest to try and catch you makes dbd fun to me.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    In almost any case I avoid tunneling. It's only when I have a challenge or achievement demanding that I get a 4K that I'll do it, if I think it's the only way to win.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 909
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    simply pathetic

    DOOMSAYER Member Posts: 7
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    It makes me not want to play the game to be honest, as it feels like an oversight in design that's being taken advantage of. Simple solution: A new perk that allows for silent unhooks - no explosion notification. It could work similarly to Distortion, where you have to be in the killer's terror radius to build up tokens. To balance this, unhooking could be just a tad slower than normal. Pressing a secondary ability button when you're in front of a hooked player would activate it, allowing the user to decide what kind of unhooking they want to perform.

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    Hate doing it, and being a victim of it

    I'm actually surprised they haven't made a perk like that yet. Great idea!

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