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Dead by daylight has fallen off

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Been playing dbd on console as a solo Q survivor for the best part of 2 years now. Over the past year or so things have really fallen off to the point i can maybe manage 2 games before turning off my console and not playing for weeks on end, whereas before I'd play for hours as loops were fun abd it was more about mind games rather than killers hitting you in annimations or with wall reading perks.

Firstly as a console player it's so much harder to do things PC take for granted (such as, if you look backwards on a controller you have to swivel your right joystick 180 whilst keeping your left in the exact same position (this is very difficult to do as both actions are the same forbthe brain to compute -like patting your head whilst rubbing your belly type thing. Whereas on pc you just hold down a key with left so no room for error). Which feels cheap when coming up against quick flick pc killers constantly. Moving on from the console issue though i think behaviour forgot in a game there are 5 players. By making it a 60% 4k rate for survivors (this is the figure quoted by devs as ideal) they are alienating 80% of their player base for the sake of 20%. That doesnt make any sense, be it as a game dev or from a busuness stand point . It's pushing more and more people away, you just need to look at the player numbers decreasing on steam. Is it just me or do you think things need to change? I personally cant decide if they need a new game/game mode which strips everything back or if they just need to make dbd 2 and try again. (I'd also prefer it if there was no crossplay between pc and consoles as think this would be more fair games).

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  • Member Posts: 895
    edited August 2024

    i dont miss losing to perks and bad design rather than to people being better than me at the game.

    when i start missing losing to good survivors as that rarely happens to me in pubs since I mostly play my main killers, i go play scrims and i get the hard matches i want as most skilled survivors play there.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2024

    Sounds like you might be a bit burned out. Most games are always more fun in the beginning but I do agree that I don’t like alot of the directions the devs seem to be taking. The game is in the most balanced state it’s ever been in but ironically it seems that the more balanced it is the less fun it becomes.

    As for playing survivor on controller, many comp players have said it’s an advantage which I do agree with. It’s just easier to loop things tight and control your character in general on controller, only thing that’s harder is flashlight saves but that too isn’t an issue with enough practice. Killer on controller is definitely at a disadvantage though but I’ve seen some incredible controller killers playing on a very high level, even Huntresses and Blights.

    I started playing dbd 5 years ago and have felt burned out many times, go play something else for a few months and come back after a new chapter release or two. I guarantee the game will feel more fresh and enjoyable!

    Btw, you do know that you can simply turn off crossplay if you don’t want to play against pc players right?

  • Member Posts: 33

    I try to stay neutral logically even though I personally only find survivor fun to play. I've played killer just for challenges, but it has never stuck for me... that being said, it is my opinion after playing for over 600+ hours at this point, watching many many hours of youtubers plays this game, and looking at these forums that the variability/fun behavior accounts for is on the killer side and any attempts to make each survivor a threat on their own is met with backlash.

    1. Killer is where the true variables shine. You get new powers, add ons, perks, skins, etc. New ways to play. With survivor it's just perks and skins. Same way to play. Many times you dont even get value from your perks unless you somewhat steer away from the regular game play loop which can cost you. I think the majority of thought is "how do we make this new Killer enticing to play AS, not enticing to play AGAINST." Look at clown...

    2. As the game exists, survivor gameplay is you live and die by your team. You're splashing to stay above water with each teammate holding another's ankle in a chain effect hoping it turns out well. This is why there are so many loose ends in the game play (2v1 where you're just left to bleed for 4 minutes while someone HAS to play a certain way to have a chance at survival) and many others. I suggested a "give up" button where that bleeding survivor in the 2v1 has to only wait maybe 2 minutes before they CAN strategically die so the other could maybe escape without lasting 4+ minutes. Killer sided people basically said "no I should be able to keep you hostage to ensure my 4k otherwise it isn't fair."

    3. There are no side objectives. TCM is flawed, but at least with the 4v3 mechanic, you allow for multiple escape paths where it may be hard but you can strategically win on your own if need be. You're not just stuck. You can then add more escape types as you go. Even hatch in DBD is considered bad for the game by many even though it functions as a fail-safe for a single individual. Killers are "balanced" around needing to hook 12 times so there are no meaningful cool downs and now it seems they're gonna keep giving each new Killer multiple powers (Dredge, Chuck, Vecna, Alien, and Dracula).

  • Member Posts: 33

    The thing about that cross play option is not only do you have to have it turned off, but the other people in your lobby do to. You need 5 people who have specifically sought out the off switch which is rare. I did to test it and sat there for a very long time and couldn't find a game. Even if you do find a game after a century, you're probably gonna have to get real close with those people because you'll be seeing them again soon (next game.)

  • Member Posts: 2,450

    Its not very difficult to look back on console. What are you talking about? Its hard for new player (pc+console) bc they run into walls, but mechanically its not. Walking and looking in another direction is one of the basics of most games.

    And the game is roughly the same. I have 3500 hours and there were always time where it wasnt that mich fun anymore. Its just happens, take a break and after some time it changes.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Meh. It's a silly little game. I have only played since SAW chapter, but I buy all the DLC and almost all the new cosmetics (at least the ones for my mains). I like to play survivor because my friends play multiplayer with me and that's fun. We don't have comms but I know they'll do gens/rescue. Killer feels like god mode, plus it's lonely. I do play killer but I only main the killers people say are weak or stupid. I don't use meta perks on purpose. I would say I get sacrificed 80% of my games. I don't mind, but I do not care for some killer player tactics.

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited August 2024

    No, it's not falling off lmao. These posts have been creeping up ever since it launched but it's still the #1 asymm horror game. Everything you mentioned is legitimately a skill issue

    "such as, if you look backwards on a controller you have to swivel your right joystick 180 whilst keeping your left in the exact same position"

    Lmao what even is this complaint? You mean what console players have been doing for 20+ years with absolutely no issue? Nothing you say has any legitimacy after an abomination of a "point" like this

    Edit - player numbers decreasing on steam? Not in the slightest lol. A majority of players are console players as well. So if steam averages 30k players most days, consoles hold similar, if not more players. So at any given day dbd has an average of about 100k players. Id say it's doing just fine.

    And just for some actual stats instead of my estimates (which after checking were pretty dead on) the game currently has 37k players on steam, with a 24 hour peak of 52k. That's 52k players in game at the same time, on steam alone. So adding epic games, windows game store, Xbox, PlayStation and switch that number is easily well over 100k players

  • Member Posts: 135

    It's not as competitive as it should be. I understand the devs say it's not supposed to be competitive, but I know the difference between when it's raining and when someone is...

  • Member Posts: 895

    no, thats my experience back up by objective data - in all 9 incomplete years of this game's existence that i were around to witness, years 8&9 were my biggest playtime.

  • Member Posts: 1,695

    The survivor experience did definitely get a lot worse since the last one and a half year. They care so much more about killer experience. At this point just play killer, there you can have fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    It is more awkward than it needs to be, though. There's no reason why BHVR couldn't program a dedicated button that would quickly swing the camera to look directly behind the Survivor and then return it to facing forward when it's no longer being pressed. This would be a decent quality of life change for controller players.

    I have a love / hate relationship with the Survivor role. I have a slight preference for Survivor game play, but it sure is difficult to enjoy sometimes. I get that Survivor is meant to be the more difficult role, but it never feels good to go on a losing streak. It's the only online game with MMR that I can think of that actually gets harder the more you lose.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I do mainly play survivor, and burnout is real, it isn't just a killer thing. Take a break.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    A 60% kill rate doesn't mean YOU die 60% of the time. Unless you are just bad at the game or unlucky, like me when I play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Most of the things you mention aren't things that are new. Console vs PC controller hasn't changed, the 60% KR has been around for quite awhile. Nothing wrong with complaining about them, but those things haven't changed in the last year.

  • Member Posts: 5

    So funny enough I just started playing on PC. I've been exclusively Xbox until just the other day. It is so much easier for me to turn around and run backwards to hit a flashlight with a controller than with a mouse and keyboard. I don't really PC game much so it doesn't feel as organic for me.

    On the other hand skill checks on PC? ######### so much easier. Using the perk that makes your progress faster while maintaining great skill checks I was able to get to six great skill checks where as on Xbox I relied on a perk for it.

    You do sound burnt out on the game. It's nice to escape, but so long as I have a good time that's all that matters to me. Maybe shift your thinking to enjoying facing a good opponent than escaping as your only 'win' condition.

    Unrelated I am tired of killers slugging the second to last survivor to avoid someone hatching. That's just poor sportsmanship.

  • Member Posts: 446

    The game was never in a worse state gameplay-wise, unless you consider year 1.

  • Member Posts: 895

    really weird criterias you have to call current dbd worse than anything but year 1

  • Member Posts: 452

    The devs have stated that they think the game is more fun for survivors when they die most of the time because it's a horror game, while most players instead view it like a competitive pvp game.

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