Should killer players need a perk to "slug"?

It is way too powerful to get for free. Always slugging for the 4k. Makes hatch irrelevant. Ruins the experience for survivor solo queue. Allows the killer player to punish survivor players.
I’m assuming you’re referring to Deer Stalker which is definitely a slugging perk. I don’t think a single killer main would be mad if it got reworked. Well besides all 3 twins mains.
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No. I mean a perk to leave survivors in the dying state until dead. It's too powerful to have basekit.
Survivors should be able to revive themselves unless the killer takes the perk that let's them slug.
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They tested basekit unbreakable at one point, never again should that return. NEVER. It is overly abusable.
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Like slugging?
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Slugging can still be in the game, but killers should need to use a perk slot for it.
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it really was survivors just could get away for free if killer ever went for the second down that was trying to distract or just being foolish the first one would get up and run away before killer could return without the help of another surv. It could become basekit to stop 4 man slugs but pickup recovery speed would need a 50% nerf to give killer some kinda pressure
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It doesn't have to be a guarantee to get up. Slugging for 4k is bogus. Activate it for the last 2 survivors if needs be. Every match I have had today has been slug for 4k. It's bogus and a little over powered. 2 v 8 had a perk that let survivors pick themselves up and it didn't break anyone's game. I've got vids of killer players leaving 3 players on the ground to bleed out because they can. It's a QoL enhancement so I don't have to sit on my hands while an anonymous player gets their jollies. It's bogus. And if you're not hooking straight away because of players with flashlights, then go after them.
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what's next?
killer should required a perk for lunge atk?
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No. Just slugging.
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No slugging are fine
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Slugging is a tactik, Like Body Block. Killer hate Body Block Situations but this is a tactik to.
Learn to get Not in this Situation.
The Problem is you have to many god perks to get Out of Hook Situations. If the Killer wants a 4k He musst Most time slug the survivor.
I don't Play the tactik because i don't want the 4k.
I can understand that the Most Killer wants the 4 k Like survivor want all the time a all escape. I played many Matches where the survivor Play so toxic with bodyblocks. That the Game make No Fun for me as Killer , where survivor can escape but don't earn this in normal way.
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No perk needed.
All we really need is a way for a slugged survivor to accelerate their bleed out or a "give up" option to save people from being slugged for 4 minutes. There's no excuse for not having this already.
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Or a get up option. And there does exist a give up option, but it incurs a penalty.
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2v8 also took away flashlight/pallet saves, which is the big reasons why a killer would NEED to slug.
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No, it's nowhere near too powerful to get for free, and hatches deserves to be irrelevant if killer puts enough effort because it's literally a free escape somehow granted to last survivors without any effort except pure RNG
Survivor solo queue is definitely not the place where balance matters, so using that as an any excuse is honestly wild
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maybe survivors should not be able to heal other survivors. it is too powerful. they should need to run a perk to unlock healing action. equivalent statement.
for reference, No mither does allow you to endless pick yourself up but removes your healing action.
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I'm not going to have this argument with you because clearly you weren't around at the time of that ptb otherwise you'd realize what you just said isn't an argument against what I said. I advise you to look into that ptb and see why base kit unbreakable was such an issue. If you think slugging is bad, base kit unbreakable could have killed the game because no killers wanted to deal with that. Before you say "killers are too soft," again, I advise you to go back and watch those videos to see just how much easier base kit unbreakable was to abuse than slugging.