I already miss 2V8

That gamemode was way more balanced than the game itself
At least in 2V8 there was no OP build, no infinite chases. Gens weren't annoying for both sides…
They could at least try to do something, because getting stuck in a chase where you have 2 pallets next to each others (Greenville Square for exemple). That's a no no.
I'm getting tired of having to play only the nurse to give pressure to the survivors (Ngl, when you can pass trough wall, survivors gameplay is way more different)
There was already a meta midway through week three.
The mode has issues and should not come back until ALL of them are fixed. The queues cannot handle it.
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I'm finally seeing the bloodpoint bonus on killer again.
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Miss it too but if you can only win with Nurse that's the definition of skill issue.
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"At least in 2V8 there was no OP build, no infinite chases. Gens weren't annoying for both sides" one would think their skill would be the primarily factor of a win or L......but nope. Perks, item/addons, and tactics decide that. Arbitrary time waste through random exhaust perks every chase making it where u don't even have to loop well for gens to pop. Meanwhile u can be complete garbage and win still just because u follow one guy around to death. The normal game mode is all about advantage while skill is secondary.
i miss the 2v8 as well. Tactics and perks was way more under control in that mode. And the chasing aspect of dbd was finally being push. Solo q actually felt viable to win in instead of this suicide simulator that i keep having to deal with every other match.
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After playing a few regular survivor matches with a 100% tunneling rate, i miss the 2v8 too and just stopped playing.
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It still had far less issues than 1vs4. If you mean tunneling in 2vs8 that happened rarely and was often more back luck. But in 1vs4 that happens half the games and meta is worse. Queques handled it well in europe at least.
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OK, but the queues in NA were abysmal. I literally had to take a two week break because I got bored of 2v8 and could not get into a KIller game in 1v4. For two weeks.
It cannot be permanent in this state no matter how good or how much better some people found it to be than other modes.
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2vs8 was perfekt. The normal Game is on both Sides to sweaty.
2vs8 was the perfekt Chaos Game!
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With the introduction of 2v8 people, survivors especially, realized the issues with the base game. Issues like killer skill no longer mattering in most base games with the bloat of tons of unhealthy perks into the game, insane new killer abilities, and just how problematic tunneling/proxy camping really is. And on the killer side, its evident that adding another killer into the game made it fun for the killers as it took a lot of the burden/stress of being alone in every single match. BHVR has a LOT of work to do and really should consider a major health patch for the base game with major nerfs to killer, a few tweaks to survivor, and rebalancing maps.
For most players, 2v8 was a return to when DBD was FUN. Its no longer that for most players as evident by the number of people wanting 2v8 back. Ive tried my hardest to stick with DBD through everything and Im finding it very, very difficult to return to the base game after getting to experience 2v8. And the fact that the base game queues were painful while 2v8 was around should be an indicator to BHVR that 2v8 is the future of the game and what people really want.4 -
With the introduction of 2v8 people, survivors especially, realized the issues with the base game. Issues like killer skill no longer mattering in most base games with the bloat of tons of unhealthy perks into the game, insane new killer abilities, and just how problematic tunneling/proxy camping really is. And on the killer side, its evident that adding another killer into the game made it fun for the killers as it took a lot of the burden/stress of being alone in every single match. BHVR has a LOT of work to do and really should consider a major health patch for the base game with major nerfs to killer, a few tweaks to survivor, and rebalancing maps.
For most players, 2v8 was a return to when DBD was FUN. Its no longer that for most players as evident by the number of people wanting 2v8 back. Ive tried my hardest to stick with DBD through everything and Im finding it very, very difficult to return to the base game after getting to experience 2v8. And the fact that the base game queues were painful while 2v8 was around should be an indicator to BHVR that 2v8 is the future of the game and what people really want.0 -
I see a lot of people saying this, but what are the issues exactly? Nobody is really explaining anything beyond Medic needing a buff.
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The Killer Meta was Huntress and Wraith, or Nurse. Speed and quick downs.
The Survivor Meta was a combo of at least 6 people running Guide or Escapist, and maybe a Scout or Medic… because Guide and Escapist were the only two truly viable classes in a mode when two Killers are M1 only, one is heavily nerfed, and one needs to reload. So, gens and chase.The exact damn same as it is in 1v4, except bigger.
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Scout was pretty meta in my games. Thats what I played after the first few days and unless it was wraith, I just stayed behind them granting my entire team nearly 100% aura reading the entire game. Gens fly when people have information. In fact, most games I had towards the end you rarely saw guides. Id actually be curious to see the official stats on classes picked during 2v8.
Which killer was heavily nerfed? Billy? I had a couple of games with Wraith/Billy and we got slaughtered because Billy was buffing Wraith with Instadown. Cages were popping and there wasnt much we can do about it due to them being mobility killers. But they were also incredibly skilled.1 -
You keep saying 2v8 has issues, what are they? I only know 2
- Killers slugging survivors when caging them only takes a second (basekit unbreakable from the start would solve this
- 7 survivors letting you hit struggle for no reason (bystander effect, basekit kindred would solve this)
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I love 2v8, devs need to hurry and bring it back. I never want to play 1v4 again
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I agree with point 1, but I only had 2 happen in like 2 games out of the 50 or so that I played.
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That doesn't mean we shouldn't address it, I had it happen to me 3 games in a row
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I didn't enjoy playing 2v8 as the killer, and it was extremely boring as a survivor. I didn't even unlock all of the rewards, which was disappointing considering how much I liked the badge. I couldn't force myself to play it anymore.
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Base kit kindred would be crazy, though. Someone is always caged. Perhaps take away the Scouts ability to see the killer when they break pallets and add kindred or something. But to give it to everyone would be mad.
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The queue times? Did we all already forget just how bad Killer queue times were? The fact Killers SO could not get into rounds enough due to there being too many Killers that the Surv bonus was made 400% (skewing data on the mode's popularity), and yet waits still were up to 20 minutes long for Killer?
How about the fact that the queue times and MMR were messed up for Killer in 1v4, too, and how they STILL have not quite recovered in some servers like NA?
Or what about them needing to change the event tome because you literally could not complete the Killer challenges in the original two weeks due to how bad the Killer queues were?
If that wasn't enough of a problem (it was), how about how bland and basic Survivor was in this mode, lacking any real interactions besides looping?
How limited our options, maps, classes, and Killers were?
How easily Killers quickly discovered how to read where cages were?
The fact that everyone realized Huntress and Wraith dominated a week in, and that the only two viable good classes that won rounds were Guide and Escapist, with people even dodging lobbies that had too many Scouts and Healers (as happened to me more than once)?
Being sandbagged by 7 Survivors, as you said? Slugging Killers, as you said?
The fact that a WHOLE MAP was glitched for the entire first week of it in such a way you could run OUTSIDE the map and get to the exit gate at the start because a gate tile never rendered?
Huntresses standing on hills sniping slugs?
The Free Weekend adding CHEATERS into the mode?
How can you say there were only two issues, man? Did we even play the same mode?
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Not really
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Yes it should be pernament just some regions need to be increased. If queques are issue it just tells no-one wants to play 1vs4 expect solo killers in your region. In future they definetely should make survivor role more appealing I don't doubt that.
But 2vs8 just shows lot of people only play survivor in 1vs4 because they have no other choise. Fornite has dozens of game modes and it has no issues with queques. Dbd has problem with survivor role being too boring we definetely have enough players for multiple modes. Friday 13th is basically death game bit has still instant queques…
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and despite all that it was still better than 1v4. At least if you got tunnelled out you were out the match and in another one within two mins.
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Totally agree with this post. Even when you ran into a team of excellent killers...you still got a good full game. The tunneling was minimal and when it was done, it was really just unlucky. The game was balanced. Not once did I have a short game even when we got whooped. Such a breath of fresh air than the sweaty short killer matches it went back to. I really wish they would keep this as an option. Even like they did it before....no pips for having a good game....no chance or ranking etc. I'd be happy with that. It even made me want to play killer...even with the long waits.
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It is true that, even if the killer queue time was very long.
I didn't mind it at all
I'm looking forward for more killers2 -
If I can be honest - if it wasn't for a q-times being 10+minutes, I wasn't been able to play the game at all.
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2v8 helped me play harder killers like huntress and nurse. I was always way too scared to practice in a real lobby but having another killer to help while I learn the aim/power was amazing. I recently played 1v4 as huntress and nurse and got 4k's on both. I would have never tried if I didn't have 2v8 to practice with real people.
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I'm sorry but that genuinely wasn't my experience. In my experience 2v8 wore off its welcome fast, became overwhelming, and was much more fun as KIller but you didn't get a round until 30+ minutes had elapsed. In my experience, 2v8 meant more waiting for fewer rounds and less fun. As the weeks progressed, for me it meant sweaty duos slapping around a bunch of randoms and maybe my 3-4 friends. Either we decimated the duo and got an easy escape that didn't feel as earned, or we got destroyed because the duo wanted to sweat really hard. Getting a faster round still doesn't make tunnelling feel any better. It's still unfun.
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Fortnite is also larger with a much bigger playerbase than DBD… but I agree. Survivor needs more to do besides gens and looping.
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Fornite has slipped it playerbase in so many modes and has still not issue with queques. The problem dbd has that everyone wants to play killer. The problem is not playerbase even if dbd was as big as fortnite the queques would be same. So the solution is to improve survivor experience in 2vs8.
For me 1vs4 had no queque issues after first week both modes can easily co-exist. 2vs8 probably will always have longer killer queques but goal should be reduce them around 5 minutes.
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It felt "balanced" because pretty much everyone playing this mode after the first 3 days were bad/new at the game.