Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

How can I find out what rank I am as Legion?

I've been running a personal challenge of playing my killer main Legion without perks, and someone complimented my playstyle and asked if I was the top Legion player, I don't think I am but I'm curious where I stand in the rankings as a Legion main?


  • Noobking3000
    Noobking3000 Member Posts: 33

    There is an unofficial website named "Dbd info"

    It uses your steam achievements to accurately calculate how many "whatevers" you have, but it is limited to what the achievements are.

    E.g you won't get how many hits you missed since there's not an achievement for that.

    If you don't play on steam, it won't work though

  • Whateley
    Whateley Member Posts: 6

    youll never really know. theres no ranking system. once you hit the mmr cap (you wont know until you see that survivors are noticably better) youll just get any survivors who also passed the barrier. mmr is hidden

  • Hecata_Harbinger
    Hecata_Harbinger Member Posts: 28

    I found it I'm in the top 1% of Legion players who get downs via Feral Frenzy