Killers using 4 gen perks are valid

With the state of the game right now I think its pretty valid to run 4 gen perks. The only way your gonna have a fun and enjoyable time playing killer is if you have 4 gen perks. If you try to use a fun chase build your just gonna get gen rushed and if you try playing with a fun aura build everyone's just gonna have distortion. If you want to have a fun chill match bring 4 gen perks and if you wanna use a fun build good luck on having to play to the max just to win
i think 2 gen perks are pretty much enough.
I stopped using aura perks long ago since you build up game sense with time, and i managed to have a final go-to build consisting of Pop-PainRes-Corrupt-Agitation
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Play whatever you like, but dont expect others to like it and then also dont blame others for what they are running.
IMO 4 Slowdowns are overkill and not needed and if you decide to run 4 Slowdowns, it shows that you are not really confident in playing Killer. This is just my opinion (which will never change), but at max you need 2 Slowdown-Perks and you will still be able to win the majority of the games.
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People are allowed to run whatever they want, but what they run can be commented on too.
Some will point out that four slowdown perks can be obnoxious to play against. I'd sooner point out that four slowdown perks is extremely suboptimal and you'd really be better off with a build that only has one or two.
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Run whatever you want. It’s there for a reason
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Remember that 4 slowdown isn't optimal on all killers. Some killers could get more value out of 1-3 slowdown and bringing more info or chase perks instead. Bring whatever you want.
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I wonder how many killers run 4 gen perks and still blame gen speeds for losing.
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Hmm… I usually play killer without any slowdowns and I'm still having a good time.
Am I in the wrong here? 🧐
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I would put an asterisk there. It depends on the killer.
Four slowdowns on, say, Myers is one thing. For most others in the D/C/low B tier it might be excessive, but largely a non-issue.
Now four slowdowns on Blight/Nurse/Spirit/etc. would be an absolute joke, and while it's obviously allowed, I would look all the way down my nose at such a player.
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Use 4 if you like, it's your game afterall. In general though most killers I face tend to only use 1 or 2 and do fine
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Any combination of perks and strategy are valid. The only thing that isn’t valid is cheating (hacks/exploits). No one needs to justify how they play or what perks they pick
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I get away with just running Oppression as Bubba.
If you are removing pallets as you should, you'll be fine.
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Cool but please don't complain when the slowdowns get nerfed again.
It will be your fault.
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As others have said, play how you want, it really depends on the killer, but the amount of time most good survivors can get out of a strong loop if you don't have something like bamboozle is going to exceed what you can gain from gen regression.
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bring whatever you want - but don't complain about people getting pissed at you for making their game obnoxiously tedious for them and don't blame them for not wanting to stick around so you can chill while they have to play M1 simulator. If everyone's on the same page regarding that; do by all means bring whatever you like and do whatever you want.
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that’s three gen perks
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I've been running Trail of Torment - Hex: Plaything - Coup De Grace - ???
The random perk can be whatever, but I've been using Haunted Grounds to muddy the Plaything cleansing, or Make your choice to create anxiety in survivors as I roam undetectable, or even Dragon's Grip for that pesky survivor hiding behind a close rock.
Not claiming high MMR as I tend to let submissive survivors go, but when I do get a SWF, it seems to cause them to stumble now and then.
Whenever I try a gen regression perk, I usually get stomped. I've learned how to combat Gen regress perks as survivor since its mostly what I play, but any survivor who knows how those perks work can fight through it pretty good nowadays. Its an old tactic and I feel killers need to find something new.No, I don't know what that could be. Not my problem as its simply not a problem imo.
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This is basically my feelings on it. If I'm running Ghostface or Myers, I throw on like two gen perks. If I'm running Dredge or Spirit, it's one usually. If it's someone who handles hexes well like Pinhead, it's probably a hex build instead.
Not every Killer does well with the same gen control perks either. For example I get really little value out of Corrupt Intervention on Ghostface because my experience is people always just run into him trying to escape the block gens and reveal me. But on Trapper, it's almost necessary to run Corrupt.0 -
”Fun aura-reading build” sounds like an oxymoron to me. Especially if it’s on a killer that has high mobility and/or range. Not everyone runs distortion, and having the killer constantly know where you are is brutal.
But people can run whatever they want. If you prefer 4 slowdown/regression perks, then have at it. Like you said, it’s as valid as any other legal build.0 -
Corrupt is NOT a "gen slowdown" perk. It's literally early game zoning perk meant to help you zone survivors into a tighter area to make your search for them more profitable. Idk how is it possible that yall still consider it an actual slowdown.