What skin do yall think Dracula is gonna get?

Im at least hoping for a gabriel belmont and a carmilla skin
Oooooooh! I am not really sure because I don't know much about him other than that he is a vampire LOL…I wonder what his powers will be. I know he was powerful
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symphony of the night Dracula skin
I mean it’s castlevania after all
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16 bit in all its chunky glory
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i know it may be asking alot but i hope if he does get a SOTN skin, it has the voice
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This better be his default design. It's his most iconic and his most-used.
They could use his original form from Lament of Innocence, back before he first became Dracula and was known by his original name, Mathias Cronqvist.
It wouldn't make much sense, but they could also give him a skin based on his human reincarnation Soma Cruz.
Castlevania's Dracula is insanely powerful, he's almost a god of evil and chaos. The Grim Reaper himself is Dracula's right-hand minion. People thought Vecna was too strong for the Entity to control and I'd argue Dracula is even stronger than him.
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Very interesting! This is so cool, I had no idea. I am looking forward to August to seeing what he can do :D
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The PTB has to be coming soon because the chapter is set to be released in August and it takes 3 weeks from the PTB to release to public servers I'm guessing this week or next well see it but I'm stoked there's alot of cool stuff they could do power and cosmetic wise.
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They’re all so amazing. It’s really hard to choose. My number one has to go to Gabriel from Lords of Shadow. Satan would be an awesome alternate costume.
Then there’s Circle of the Moon Dracula that I would love to see:A more “classical”- looking Dracula can be found in Portrait of Ruin:
And then there’s the Curse of Darkness Dracula that I find to look imposing:And not to spoil anything but Lament of Innocence Dracula would be complete fan service.
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He always resurrects. He even has conquered different incarnations of Satan. Often times devils like Beelzebub serve inside Castlevania which I interpret as an analogue to Pandemonium (palace of Hell where demons reside). So in a sense, he’s the Devil of all devils.
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That's INSANE! So neat! Wow, I didn't realize he was powerful. Here I am thinking Dracula from the 50's and 70's LOL
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it seems to be considering he looks exactly like that in the teaser even down to his hair part
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God, i can't wait for the Castlevania Chapter. I'm really exited for literally everything in this Chapter: Dracula, Simon (and all the other) Belmont(s), the Cosmetics/Skins, the Music, the Perks and even the Lore.
I hope that BHVR got the permission for some "extended" Lore, like they did with the Nightmare on Elm Street-, Evil Dead- and of course the Silent Hill Chapter. I really like these Continuations.
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Assuming the next killer is Dracula, my pick would be for Bram Stoker's Dracula.
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So… damn… RETRO
We need it
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SotN skin, please.
And I want him to chuck a wine glass at the survs in the lobby right before the match loads, lol (or right on the ground when the match loads in)
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Dracula from castlevania is confirmed to be the next killer
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Why everyone is saying Symphony of the Night skin while in the trailer it literally shows the SotN attire?
SotN Dracula is THE Castlevania's Dracula. It is going to be the base skin.
Now, about another skin, there are two other skins that i really like about him.
Castlevania Chronicles:
And Castlevania Curse of Darkness:
I would love one of these two, but my favourite is the CoD one.
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We are on the same boat here! Of all the killers this game could have, i think its impossible for me to find another one that i like as much as Castlevania's Dracula. Will be my main of all time.
One of the things that Castlevania allways had is an incredible music, i really want to hear the chase music. I think it will be awesome.
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Seeing that the PTB takes 3 weeks to release, i'm pretty sure that the "learn more on August 6" did mean the PTB's date.
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I wrote some of his feats in a thread some time ago:
He's pretty much god's opposite. Also can warp realms/dimensions meaning he can go in and out of entity's realm at will. In every game during 2nd or 3rd form he transports the Belmont into some kind of a hell dimension likely related to chaos.
Maybe he will port the Belmont into entity's realm ?2 -
I also would really enjoy a Portrait of ruin skin for Dracula, it gives a Bela Lugosi's Dracula vibes.
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I don't really know Dracula outfits but I'm sure they would all look good.
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wow!!!! Oh my! So cool!!
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It's like Wesker at launch.
He HAD to had STARS outfit as a skin from the start much like Dracula NEEDS his SoTN skin.
AND I hope he gets a Blight one on Halloween.
Also if the skin or even default Dracula was voices by Norio Wakamoto… GOD DAMN IT!
It would be awesome!1 -
I can't decide between him and Wesker.
Love these dudes A LOT. Will co main them.2 -
Yes, he is THAT powerful.
It will be an insult if he don't have the same Entity leash as Vecna.2 -
I am really looking forward to Dracula - the potential cosmetics from this thread do look promising! I just hope they incorporate the bats in an interesting way
(Even though i still think bats should be added with their own mechanic kinda like crows so they are in every match present)
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Lore wise when you say "Entities Leash" what do you mean by that?
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I never really played the games but that last one is 🔥.
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Fun fact: Wesker has been my main since his release, so i think both of us will probably use tje same both killers. Heh
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Vecna in Dead by Daylight has actually some "rune" on his back, at his neck level i think. This is not fom DnD and i think the developers said that the entity did put that rune on Vecna as a way to "nerf" him because he was that powerful.
If we take Castlevania's Dracula lore into account, he would also need a similar rune to nerf him because he is just the counterpart of God on those games.
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Bela Legosi and the Cookie Monster or I riot.
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That depends on if Entity has captured Dracula or if Dracula is involved in the trials by his own will. I made a post a while back where I imagined Dracula is in the trials intentionally and siphons power from them for himself to help fuel his resurrections. He may be aiding the Entity at the same time but I doubt that would matter to him, he's just here for some juice.
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I started playing DbD with Pinhead and too became a Wesker main since he got in.
We are both people of excellent taste then. :)2 -
Carmilla would be cool be it's probably very unlikely.
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I actually like that idea a lot.
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this guy has to get my vote for a skin. in hat with glasses, as the voice actor for alucard from hellsing is the voice for dracula in the game if i heard right will try to find the link. Also Alucard in hellsing is indeed dracula just in a different form. :)
Edit: for more clarity
Post edited by VirosaAmanita on1 -
I would never play anything else...
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I would like something close to the show version…
I would love to see this one and I don't care it's not a Dracula
EDIT: Seems like he is, so even better.Post edited by VomitMommy on0 -
Obviously a Legendary Skin:
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He literally IS Bram Stoker's Dracula. It is revealed in the final few ova episodes. Even his name is Dracula backwards.
Nobody remembers this resurrection of Drac ? :0 -
I hope that he'll get a Skin that looks like his second Demonic Form.
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My bad then, I don't remember this part. It's many ears since I have seen it. I just remember he was savage :D
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Honestly if BHVR can manage getting the license I would love to see a Strahd skin.
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I'm going to regret this…
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Only as survivor. So Dracula can sacrifice him.