The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

When a player thinks it's hopeless to continue...

There should not be a disconnect penalty for survivors. Bots take over. The game goes on. The bot might be more fun for the killer or more helpful to the survivors.

Also, serious question. Is it okay to let go on second hook? Usually I watch to see if someone is coming for the rescue. If not, I just let go. No one was coming.

Sometimes the killer player face/proxy camps and I get the unhook myself ability. I won't use it if the killer just stands in front of me and hits me on hook.

And if the killer player is afk or goofing around, I don't escape. I'm not raising my MMR for that. Usually, if the killer player is afk I just go stand next to the killer and wait.

Anybody ever been body blocked into a corner by a killer player?


  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,844

    The survivor bots also used to be quite good but after multiple rounds of nerfs they're terrible now.

    Also, the only reason why the game is worthless against bots is because custom games don't award bp. I'm fairly sure there is a not insignificant amount of players that would prefer to go against bots if there was anything to gain from those matches.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,580

    It's because mind-gaming an algorithm isn't nearly as fun as mind-gaming a player.

    If you remove that, the game holds no interest.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,844

    Maybe for you.

    How many posts do we get on a daily basis that lament the behavior of other players in this game? A bot mode would alleviate a lot of those complaints.

    Those who do not wish to play against real players could simply go against bots that could be programmed to not play in the most miserable ways possible.

    And those who seek to compete against other players would still be free to do so but now they are more likely to meet like minded people.

    It would be a win win for everyone.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,118

    Bots would be everywhere, kill rates would skyrocket, and people who don't fight on get to plague far too many trials more often. It would be bad for the health of the game.

    There have been many trials I've been in that looked hopeless but ended with me escaping. I still remember one of the best games I played was when there were just 2 remaining survivors with 3 gens to go and we both escaped. Even in trials when it isn't winnable, then I'll use the trial to practice a specific aspect, such as seeing how long I can keep a Killer at a certain tile, or Totem Hunt in the EGC.

    Often, people who quit do this not because the game is unwinnable, but because they can't win. That's a poison that will constantly blight (pun not intended) this game. I don't see how it can be completely dealt with.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 627

    There should be absolutely one and it should be even harder because there's no okay reason to leave besides emergencys and cheaters (1. case shouldn't happen too often and you don't play after that anyways probably and 2. is annoying but shouldn't happen too often aswell).

    Bots don't fix anything, the killer will probably still win because of that. While I personally don't care about bots and I just chase the people that stayed most killers probably don't find it really fun to play a match that's basically won. So you effectively ruined a match for 4 other people for no reason by leaving, and no it's not okay to leave against tunneling and no it's not okay to leave against camping, both cases get even worse for your team if you do. (And yes I know it's probably not fun for you to be tunneled or camped, but survivor is the side where you play as team, so ether you play in a way that benefits your team or you're probably on the wrong side. Besides that I love being tunneled it's really fun to annoy the killer by just not dying for ages xD).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187
    edited August 26

    I'd rather not play against bots at all and think there should be no dc penalty once bots are involved. BHVR just straight up ignored a decent chunk of the playerbase when they forced bots on us. It's ok for a crappy game to end quickly. Dragging out inevitable outcomes is a waste of everyone's time. Heck, I'd be happy if there was no dc penalty after someone else dc'd. Stop holding me hostage in terrible matches. I want to play your game. Don't punish me for it. I promise, nobody is being robbed of a good time by letting people out of a 3v1 at 5 gens because someone dc'd.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 836
    edited August 26

    It doesn't feel good to play out a trial with a player that simply doesn't want to be there. Not from the Survivor or Killer perspective. I'd honestly rather play with (or against bots), so long as there's at least one other human interested in playing on. There's nothing worse than a player going AFK or dropping / spamming pallets because they want out quickly but they've already ramped up their DC match making bans for the day.

    There should be a 15 minute maximum ban and it should take more DCs to get there. Half my games are being ruined by Survivors that won't (or can't) eat a DC penalty to give the rest of us a bot to play with.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    DC penalty is needed, but if they aren't ever going to 'fix' survivors suiciding on first hook, I'd take no DC penalties on hook over that.

    Letting go on 2nd hook? It depends.

    Is the game completely and absolutely lost? One survivor already dead, four gens left to go, another slugged? Yeah, go ahead and move on. Likewise, go ahead and give hatch if its down to 2. Basically, no reason to stick around a lost game, just don't rush to presume the game is lost.

    Also, survivors have plenty of time to get to the hook. There's been quite a few times I've saved/been saved in the last few seconds when I thought there was no chance of getting to the hook. Especially if the killer is proxy camping, the right survivor play is to wait till the last second for the unhook. So if you get hooked and no one is coming, do not panic, that's completely normal. Rushing unhooks is, generally speaking, a bad strategy.

    If you get the unhook self ability, wait until the last second to use it if the killer is standing right there, but you should use it (unless insta kill Myers). You have time after the unhook to make it to a loop and at least have a chance.

    Take the free AFK outs. You'd rather be at higher MMR as a survivor, especially if you are soloq. The lower MMRs are just a slaughter.

    I've never been blocked in by a killer, but I did have a game once where survivors blocked me in, but I do try to avoid corners.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Whether or not people agree, I'm under the belief that each player makes an implicit social agreement to try their best when they decide to queue up for a game. Disconnecting, giving up, or otherwise leaving the game violates this agreement to the detriment of others and is an incredibly selfish act.

    So no, I hope that disconnect penalties continue. I would even go as far as to say I want them to become more stern with their penalties in the future.

    That said, I do think the fact that roughly ~20% of games have at least one rage quitter is a symptom of one or multiple issues that needs to be addressed beforehand.

    As to what those issues are, I believe it is a combination of the following:

    1. Boring core objective (generators)
    2. Linear and uninteractive hatch mechanic
    3. Archaic hook system

    While these are quick ideas, I bet rage quit rates would drop if something like the following were implemented:

    1. Make generators more fun to do
      1. There's changes to this already in the works, so I'm waiting to see what the devs are doing
    2. Triple the number of chests in a match and make the last chest opened always have a hatch key
      1. Survivors therefore have a reason to open chests, get a secondary objective, and increases interaction opportunities when hatch closes
    3. Reduce unhook attempts to 1 per person with reduced penalties on a failed attempt
      1. Removes ability to give up on hook while still allowing deliverance, wicked, Up the Ante, Slippery meat, etc to continue working (buff the unhook chance luck perks though to match the reduce unhook attempts)

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,844

    Because those games award neither bp nor exp. If that were to change I'd say a fair amount of players would prefer to play with bots.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    But you have everything unlocked and maxed out, theres nothing to grind for except if you decided to poke into a multiplayer game just to run unfair combinations of items / addons that you earned while playing against bots only to make a real player suffer from time to time

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    Killers to not wait in queue to fight robots. There'd be a DC everymatch just because somebody didnt like that they got nurse.

  • Necrobot
    Necrobot Member Posts: 51

    I think the dc penalty should be more severe at the beginning. Many survivors gave up as soon as there's a bot. And i kinda understand that as they are often bad.

    They should pair the dcers together to make special lobby for them.