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Why are you ruining this game?

RineranFawkes Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

For the past 8 months there have continued to be changes to DBD that are inherently only in favor of killers. This most recent patch you stated that you were changing the Midwhich map but also changed several other maps to be super small, removed several pallets and dull totems and tiles. I love this game but you guys are ruining it and quickly. If you keep cowtowing to Killer players that whine and complain that they can't get a 4K every game with minimal effot you're going to lose your survivor player base. It's very obvious that you're constantly making DBD more Killer favored and you're losing faith with your customers. Stop nerfing survivors into the ground just because Killers don't want to work for their kills.


  • RineranFawkes
    RineranFawkes Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    You're also destroying the new player experience by making it impossible for newer players to have a fun experience learning the game when you cripple survivors just to appease Killers. I've had several friends want to try DBD and then quit rather quickly because instead of fixing the MMR to keep experienced Killers in games with experienced Survivors you just keep nerfing the survivors.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 151

    I agree with OP that the game has gotten a bit too killer sided lately especially at the lower levels. I don't see how patch notes can tell you much until you see how the changes manifest in actual games. I will say OP I believe (hope) that Bhvr might have realized they have gone a bit too far to the killer side with balance considering they increased the hook timer and looks like they are going to be nerfing some of the more OP "features" such as Weave and Billy.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 151

    I mean you can't just list a bunch of changes with no context and say it proves anything. All of those changes don't even make that much difference most of the time except for the ultimate weapon nerf which I don't see how anyone could say was not busted, and the anti 3 gen feature which was obviously needed to keep the game playable for both sides. The anti-camp is essentially useless except for face-camping and everything else you listed were very minor changes. The recent changes Bhvr. have made by ruining maps, and just all the new maps in general being full of dead-zones have resulted in a much bigger change to the actual gameplay.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 782
    edited August 28

    You can do the opposite side too, survivors lost way more than killers did and killers also gained a lot more than survivors did.

    I‘m not defending OP on this one since there was literally no survivor nerf this update.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    Survivors have gotten a lot in their favor in the past year, mostly in the form of things like anti-grief features, buffed Sabotage, etc. Just because it's not a massive nerf doesn't mean Survivors didn't get anything, and remember Killers had many things nerfed too including all the biggest gen control perks. I don't think the game is too "Killer-sided" now at all in light of this, I just think it's balanced the way a survival horror experience is meant to be? What kind of survival horror do you always survive, anyway?

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 151
    edited August 28

    Well they need to get kicked just a bit more still. However I did not know the hook anti-camp radius was increased and that is a good step. Mainly what we need is to fix some of these maps so that they're not 3/4 deadzones.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,826
    edited August 28

    Just a heads up, the anti-face camp radius increase was mentioned in the live stream. I'm not sure if it made it into the patch notes.

    I was incorrect - this nerf is only going into effect in Lights Out 2.0 gamemode.

    Post edited by RpTheHotrod on
  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,826

    I was half mistaken here - that anti-face camp radius increase is going to only be for the Lights Out 2.0 gamemode.

  • joybonru22
    joybonru22 Member Posts: 7
    edited August 28

    I've often seen posts like this on forums, and they usually end up like talking to a wall.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    I was going to comment but I am absolutely appalled that anyone else in this thread could say something as heartless as "Side I don't play needs to get punished more because I am not winning as often as I would like". Killers don't "need to be kicked in the nuts more". They get nerfs at the same rate as Survivors. Both sides equally get kicked in the nuts every patch.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,066
    edited August 29

    So Midwich isn't smaller for one, it's Ormond and the like which have small variations which are the unwelcome additions IMO.

    Recent changes like buffs to lesser used perks and the increase to the hook timer in response to the gen time increase are great!

    my main complaint you I agree with is Ormond/Coldwind/Yamaoka's temple or whatever it's calleds smaller variations need removed, they are incredibly inconsistent with other map designs, and make playing against high mobility killers an utter nightmare.

    **IMO we should instead look at making some global map traversal options like the dungeons portals so m1's have more options to get about, bridging the gap lesser mobile killers have in the 1v4 instead of constantly buffing the 1v1 like a bandaid that makes them miserable to play against. Nemesis is the recent offender for this, he needed help but not in the way that was chosen, you just made him a better tunneler (as a main of him), he needs a better way to 4v1, like tell his zombies to patrol a specific POI using the parasite or something, or the above traversal suggested would help a ton too… ALSO FIX HIS NO SOUND BUG FOR PREPPING HIS TENTACLE.**

    But that's my personal rant on the situation.

    The new player experience really needs help for both killer (low mobility) and survivor (which they have been doing gradually).

    Another thing they could do for survivor is add the revealed noise from 2v8 into the base game so newer players can learn what perks do what, instead of needing distortion

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 251

    I am losing my faith too tbh. Killers are easily stomping on newer players, mmr doesn't work if i am getting into match with 200 hours surviviors against killer with 5k hours - this all makes me not able to win a game as survivior.

    I really need to que up with 3 more good surviviors to win games as swf, and that's not granted.

    current matchmaking system is result of what loud part of playerbase wanted . People wanted instant queues, which mean highly inaccurate matchmaking.

    Killers with 10 times hours less than me win because they can easily tunnel out my mate.

    so killers with 10 hours less than you learned when to drop a chase and chase an actual weaker link? Or you simply wanted to avoid chases despite having 10 times more hours than you?

    Making windows and pallets unsafe against killers like nemesis, alien, nurse, huntress, deathslinger, trickster, artist, unknown and now the dark lord isn't a good thing too, they can easily get hits.

    those killers have unique counterplay compared to other killers. You shouldn't just rely on your M1 looping skills in order to win.

    killers with high mobility stacking gen regression perks are not healthly either.

    agree on this one tho

    On top of that game favors killers toward hit detection, and people get hits that should have never landed.

    game favors killers with high ping and survivors with <20 ping.

    It has become hard tbh, especially for new players.

    again, mainly because of kind of matchmaking players chose to have