why cant dracula see survivors in bat form

too much of a hassle and you cant even attack from bat form unlike spirit. so what gives?
I think it's meant more for traversal and stealth approaches.
I've gotten some good value from it so far, though I do wish footsteps like the Xeno tunnels was added, basekit or as an addon.
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it because you can switch forms while on top of the survivor. the problem is that you get slowed for switching forms.
how are you suppose make stealthy approaches when your so loud. all these sound cues that survivor get make it impossible to stealth anyone good.
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Footsteps like that should be added in general to the game as an accessibility option for people who are hard of hearing.
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You teleport to pallets or vaults near the gens, 9/10 times it catches the survivors off guard and is usually a free hit
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Beats me, I jumped a few survivors with it. Could be they weren't paying attention though.
That is true as well.
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Its purpose is map traversal, nothing more. Dracula's shifting is pretty fast with almost no cooldown after shifting so if you could freely see them, you could chase them down as a 6 ms killer that can bypass any vaults and as soon as you're close just shift to any other form and m1.
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but they can see an animation for you teleporting and hear you.
my experience is just boring pre-run stuff. I am pretty sure the way i am suppose to play this killer is stay in bat form, ambush survivor out of position, change into wolf form, use pounce hit them, survivor gets to a loop, change bat form, get to loop, change back to vampire form, use fire fissure attack.
the issue is that i am not able ambush anyone so i am mostly just stuck using vampire form because every survivor is at loops.
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Same if you would look in my games procentigewhise how long i am in which form its like 90% Vampire form.
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I only use it to teleport tbh, then if I hear someone nearby I shapeshift
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Bats use echolocation to find prey.
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As someone whos half deaf using his batform is honestly not worth it half the time
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Bats aren't blind
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As has been said, it gives you map traversal.
Being able to teleport into buildings on the second floor is great for saving time.
You move at 6 metres per second, so you can get around the map faster in general.
You can close the gap faster after landing a hit.
You are undectable. So your aura cannot be read.
You can ignore god pallets.
It is a good form, that should not be anywhere near as strong as Spirit's phase walk. It's more for mobility rather than lethality.
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it doesnt matter ur undetectable because bat form has a loud 48 meter lullaby so u cant stealth, and the devs said undetectable is the reason for not seeing survivors, but if your loud and visible, why hide survivors.
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because you fly at 6.0m/s, can phase through windows/dropped pallets and tp to them.
though, bats are unnecessarily loud to hear and pinpoint survivors.
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Just like Sadako 🤣
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Neither are you. You just can't see the survivors.
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Sure, but I can't hear anything over that high pitch sound. It's so annoying and loud.
I wonder, if I can fix it with equalizer...
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Yeah, the many forms of Dracula are a mystery to ponder. While I get some individual design decisions, the sum of it all doesn't add up. Yeah, its still very early, but no matter of a Dracula players experience and game sense, you will never change the fact, that survivors can see AND hear the bats, while there still is a lullaby in play. Its so overkill on the counterplay department. I already think that Spirit is way to easy to pinpoint, but with Dracula der is just nothing to pinpoint as there is just every cue in the game imaginable stacked on him, besides the terror radius. And to me at least the batform also moves like a bad 3rd person car game with wonky swaying left an right … again, this could be explained by the fact that you control a whole swarm of bats and not just a single creature, but this is even more
I could life with a somewhat fluffy and fun design like "only get Killer Instinct while in bat form" as to simulate their echolocation, but as is it right now, it feels overnerfed in so many ways. I also understand how they want to err on the side of reason with killer powers, but right now I guess that Dracula will not remain a strong presense in the fog,
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You can lower the volume but cannot isolate it out of the mix.
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So I won't hear survivors anyway… annoying
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I have tested it anyway and if you lower everything above 4.5 kHz, then it helps a lot with Bat sound.
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This is my setting, it doesn't change sound much for me except Bat. You can do definetly more, but it starts affecting other sounds little.
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Im half deaf so my ears make it a skill issue