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Exultations' new tier item lost after escape

Rastabooze Member Posts: 154

Is this how it´s supposed to be?

  1. Steam
  2. You will not keep your new tier item when escaping
  • run exultation
  • pallet-stun killer to get new tier on your item
  • escape
  • you won´t keep that item

4. always

1 votes

Need more info · Last Updated

Hello, can you provide additional information such as screenshots or a short video? Thank you!


  • Rastabooze
    Rastabooze Member Posts: 154

    I could do a video about it, but the information here is simple:

    When you have 10 green flashlights and 10 purple flashlights and you equip a green one, pallet-stun the killer to turn the green one into a purple one and then escape the trial, it will still stay the same - 10 green flashlights and 10 purple flashlights!

    Isn´t it supposed to be 9 green ones and 11 purple ones then?

  • Rastabooze
    Rastabooze Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2024

    edited: double post

    Post edited by Rastabooze on
  • Rastabooze
    Rastabooze Member Posts: 154

    Hello there,

    is this how it´s supposed to be as I described it above?


  • Rastabooze
    Rastabooze Member Posts: 154

    ok, if you are not interested I accept it.

    One last time, this is the issue:

    When you have 10 green flashlights and 10 purple flashlights and you equip a green one, pallet-stun the killer to turn the green one into a purple one and then escape the trial, it will still stay the same - 10 green flashlights and 10 purple flashlights!

    Isn´t it supposed to be 9 green ones and 11 purple ones then?