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Member Posts: 58

There must be a killer that all of you really dislike. Which killer do you not like and why?

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  • Member Posts: 491

    In order:


    Skull Merchant







  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Doctor is annoying but that's tempered with the fact he's fun to play. I really like playing against Nurse and Artist unless they're much better at their role than I am as survivor (which, to be fair, it isn't that hard to be a better Killer than I am Survivor) but that's more match making than anything as a Killer.

    It's not really any Killers that I find annoying as much as it's any Killer who tunnels or slugs for the 4K. Win or lose if it's spreading hooks in the game it's normally a fun game. Tunnelling and slugging for the 4K means the game is a slog win or lose.

  • Member Posts: 776

    It's not the Killers, it's the way their playerbase plays. I will happily take any number of Skull Merchants over the ways people play Plague or Deathslinger any day.

  • Member Posts: 89

    pinhead. literally the only killer i truly hate going against :') i dont even think he's op or anything the chain hunt is just so annoying... every pinhead match feels super slow and kinda miserable tbh. also i usually end up being the one that has to get the box a lot of the time and it sucks 💔

  • Member Posts: 9,436


    Feels really difficult to play on console, meanwhile it seems that all a PC player needs to do is equip a couple aura perks and then click on you and you die. You can dodge the hatchets you notice coming early enough but the ones you don't are just free hits, from halfway across the map, and you get no chase points, no chance to use pallets, etc. Not to mention the camping, coming second only to Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 58
  • Member Posts: 58

    Doctor truly has a death machine in the pro hands, due to the electric shocks he gives, it becomes impossible to loop, especially if he's using bamboozle.

  • Member Posts: 100

    I just can’t stand boring antiloop. Artist placing in front of pallet, hold hatchet huntress I really hate. I like their powers I just hate them when used like this

  • Member Posts: 998

    Blight and Wraith.

    If I could never face either of them ever again, I would be quite happy.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Skull Merchant, Pinhead. I deep sigh when its one of them.

  • Member Posts: 5,449
    1. Birb Lady. The sounds she makes are grating to me and are just too common during a match against her. Gameplay wise, she’s fine though a little dull.
    2. Trapper. I love playing as him (when MmR works) but I hate facing him because I get too paranoid to step on grass or dark areas and still end up with a trap up my butt.
    3. Cracked HillyBilly. It just feels like I have zero chance once they start downing everyone non-stop.
    4. Huntress only because of her lullaby. It keeps playing in my head long after the match and it’s so annoying.
  • Member Posts: 902

    Tbh? I am usually a killer main but I really hate going against Blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,579


    I've only encountered one chucky playstyle since his release and its this.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Not really any specific killer for me.

    It's more like few add-ons. I hate Shackles Hag so much...

  • Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2024

    I've read a lot of great comments, and yes, many of them are really frustrating. Now it’s time for me to tell you about my least favorite killers. I don’t enjoy playing against two characters in particular. The first is Myers, and the other is Hag, and my dislike is entirely due to their addons. Myers can use unlimited level 3 to insta-mori, which ruins the game. For Hag, there’s an addon where you can’t tell that her traps have been triggered and there’s no muddy decoy of Hag appearing, which makes her feel like she’s cheating.I dislike these two characters for this reason, and if possible, these addons should be changed.

  • Member Posts: 438

    The only killers I frequently don't have fun against are:

    • Wesker
    • Chucky
    • Clown

    The remaining roster I actually find fun to face.

    Those 3 are so boring to me and just offer uninteresting gameplay. I can see why others might like them, but they just don't do it for me.

  • Member Posts: 298

    my teamates .

  • Member Posts: 390

    Nemesis & Wraith . Both camp and tunnel like mad.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    I don't even know how to describe why, but I really dislike facing Knights

  • Member Posts: 679

    I hate playing against Legion, but I quite like playing as Legion.

    I think a lot of people hate Legion. When I play Legion, I can go 3-4 games straight and people will give up straight away.

  • Member Posts: 259

    On a bad day: all of them.

    On a good day: Spirits because I feel like they never let up and the vacuum cleaner phasing is basically a guessing game as to whether you go down or not. Get hit, phase, down. Rinse and repeat.

    Doctors because I hate being interrupted mid-action and just standing there like an idiot

    Trappers because they make me too paranoid to even touch a loop

    Legion because mending is really fun and cool and I love doing it the whole match, especially when my teammates don't know that the worst thing to do against them is to huddle together like they're on a school trip

    Wraiths because it's just hit and run and they in my experience BM a lot more often

    The rest are tolerable. I might even have fun versing them (god forbid!)

  • Member Posts: 897

    Myers because of the insta mori bs addons that should be deleted. If I see a myers I just run into a locker and wait until they grab me so I hook suicide.

    Playing against bubba is also pretty boring

  • Member Posts: 3

    pinhead, chucky and singularity gotta be the ones I definitely the ones I least enjoy going against. I’ve seen so many say skull merchant and I guess I'm lucky that I have yet to face one.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    The amount of survivors who do this when I'm playing mirror Myers and can't even tier up is hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    when it comes to this topic I’ve always preferred voicing my opinion through tier lists also No tier and D tier don’t necessarily mean I find the kit overpowered or something

  • Member Posts: 193

    My list is pretty big. Basically 2/3 of BHVR original killers are either annoying (Legion), too damn braindead (Wraith and also Legion), crappy concept (Trickster, Dredge, Twins) or a freak that shouldn't exist (Nurse, Plague).
    These are just examples because, as I've said, 2/3 of the original killers fall in one of these categories for me.

    The other 1/3 and all licensed killers I don't have any complaints.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Skull Merchant because that is really the only universally correct answer.

    Also, Chucky (always get free hits when he is in stealth and I can't figure out how to counter this) and Pinhead (guaranteed win against solo queue)

  • Member Posts: 637
    edited September 2024

    I’m going to try to focus only on the killer and not the people who play them or play them in a particular way.

    But I personally really dislike Spirit. Her incessant breathing sound really gets to me and just makes the killer appear obnoxious. I always feel spirit games as sweaty regardless of if the killer player isn’t necessarily playing her ‘sweaty’ if that makes sense..

    I also just detest Trickster as a character lol he again feels obnoxious to play against and something about his laugh and the music/sound when he approaches sets me off. Sadly, this one is probably also a case of (most) trickster players I have come across have tended to disproportionately been the type to bm (unwarranted).

    I also don’t like playing against killers who constantly put you in a mending state of health broken state (but this is more due to the way if affects my build - it may be obvious but I use For the People a lot and games against legion and Plague (who I do actually like as a killer mechanic) very much negate a big part of my build sadly.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    ts Myers or clown

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I feel like half of my games are against Wesker, and I'm tired of him for that reason. I don't like the VFX when you play against The Unknown. I don't like Deathslinger in general.

  • Member Posts: 897

    I dont care, shittiest killer to play against until the bs addons are deleted from the game

  • Member Posts: 373


    It just feel so random and don't know how to get better next time.

  • Member Posts: 312

    It changes every now and again but its mostly the artist and doctor.

    But right now I really hate going against nemesis!!! His zombies are so annoying with how fast they are!!!

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited September 2024

    Theres only 1 killer i have GG go next mentality and its the skull merchant. I probably don't have to tell why. Its been said many times.

    I just simply get pissed off in games against her. No other killer does that to me. (Deathslinger comes close)

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