Why p100 killer is a feat, and p100 survivor is just….ok

Before I start, no I’m not saying p100 survivors are bad, they’re just not impressive…at all
P100 is supposed to be a feeling of reward and skill in a character…but there’s no character skill for survivor, just survivor skill across all. P100 survivors are usually
1: a simp for their character
2: a fan of their license
3: they have a cool skin they got and will never take it off
P100 killers likely learned that killer to the max and stuck with that character despite so many more options to play. If it’s not nurse/blight/spirit they knew that their character likely has super bad weakness that probably made it miserable to play. Top tier dedication.
I remember seeing a P100 Singu before his recent buffs and had to salute that grind. Heck, even after the buffs I salute any P100 Singu.
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i just salute all p100s because that takes a long time
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my honest opinion on P100 is that it should've never been about spending BPs to have that shiny red P100 badge.
Killers who P100 killers usually go their way to learn at least decent amount of gameplay with them, while people who P100 survivors are usually looking to farm and play this game for nothing else but prestige grind because "omg, high prestige".
Also, i don't understand some survivors flexing their P100 at all, specifically when they are players that are truly bad. What even is point to flex a number you've reached literally only by investing BPs into it and no skill at all
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We're really Us vs Them-ing the prestige system now? 😭😭😭
I can't with these forums sometimes.
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no, I didn’t say they’re bad, I just said they aren’t impressive like killers
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Survivor P rank really means little. It means that have a wee bit of time in the game and -might- be good.
Killer P rank, im my experience, means a whole lot more, and you feel if it was a P100 wesker or whatever in game, long before you see the p100.
Since each killer is different, prestige means a lot more because you're devoted that killer's kit. While as survivor.. well. Its all the same kit. You are prestiging a skin.
But I like @NarkoTri1er 's idea about it not being tied to BP. Off the top of my head, Pips would be a cool way to maybe go about it. Every 20 pips (Or whatever number) your characters prestige goes up one. Trying to use whats already there but isn't impactful… pips definitely fit that lol
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It's so funny because OP expected people to forget you can prestige 100 a character without ever playing them.
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Do any of you believe going P100 really means anything? You could use any character after BP for codes, playthroughs, even gifted by streamers or such. It's up to the player to choose who gets their favorite character bloodpoints. To reach Prestige levels. I honestly don't see Prestige any special than just 🤷♂️
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Like, over a year ago now, I ran into a p100 Clown who had absolutely zero idea what he was doing. Like actually struggling to use his power.
Turns out, he'd p100ed Clown without playing him at all, and then decided to finally give him a spin once he reached his goal.
It just shows a lot of dedication to a character, is all. It doesn't mean anything apart from that.
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said…most. I watched a dude p100 demo with no games. But you have to be devoted to actually keep putting points on a killer you don’t play then
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As someone with P100 survivors and killers I think both are lame
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Let's be fair here, putting a lot of hours into a single Killer is not equivalent to putting the same amount of time into playing Survivor. Simply because a Killer player only has to learn the ins and outs of a single character, whereas Survivors need to learn the counter play to all 37 Killers without any kind of practice mode to help them even get the basics of looping down.
I can honestly count the number of times I've played against a Hag or The Twins on one hand and I have 1000+ hours in the game. So that's probably less than 2 hours of experience against these Killer, versus whatever time the Killer spent learning their character (if they're a P100, that's obviously going to be a heck of a lot more). The time investment is not a fair comparison.
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Yes. We're now all twelve years old, and think that debating skill in computer games isn't a massive self tell.
I feel like since the FNAF announcement, the forums have been slowly turning into a daycare centre.
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Since you can use BP you gained using any character on a different character, I don't think it means a single thing.
I hate The Nurse but I could P100 her without ever having to play her again.
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That's exactically what I say about Prestige, it's a wasted effort to show a favored character BP is put into, as much as pretending it took skills to get that character there. You just said it. You can easily play M1 Trapper the entire time of your playthroughs, and shove all that BP into another character,... it's meaningless.
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I don't care for P100's, so this is my guess.
When you P100 a killer, it implies you put a lot of time into playing and mastering that killer to grind up enough BP. It shows your dedication to a killer you like. You could P100 a killer without touching, but that's rare.
Survivors are… skins. P100 a survivor, you P100 any of them. It has a lot less "oomph," so to speak.
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Completely disagree.
P100 is and will always be a TIME INVESTMENT. Nothing more. You can be complete garbage at this game, both sides and regardless, you get BP and can level/prestige up.
It has almost little to no correlation w/ skill. You can have absolutely no map/UI/situation awareness and still rank up till you inevitably hit P100.
P100 means nothing on either side.
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I specifically said I’m not doing an us vs them
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I mean…yeah…but it’s not as impressive. I’m not saying it shows skill always its just less cool
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Pyramid Head has no weaknesses, only oppression build on oppression. And cake.
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pyramid head has no traversal, no map pressure, just an antiloop
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It was just a joke, don't take it too seriously. I would probably simp for Pyramid Head if I were gay, but so its just bullet point 2 and 3 for me.
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I did calculation recently that I have prestige my killers 200+ times after 6.1. I just have not dedicated that all to one character. I could do that to one simply never playing them just keep updating one character.
Survivors I have prestiged 300+ times and some survivors are simply much better than others. So I have 2 P100 survivors and many high prestiges. Butbig reason why I did that was to show off in lobby. That I can't do on killer. However as prestiges are hidden now I will focus most bp on killer. All P100 characters are as impressive to me but main thing is showing it off.
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I don't really agree.
Prestiging doesn't equal skill. This goes both for survivors and for killers. I've had plenty of games where I was facing a pretty subpar killer player only to find out they were a p100 afterwards.
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Exactly. A P100 killer is not an indicator of skill the same as survivor. I’ve literally played my lower prestige survivors and dumped all that BP into my survivor I wanted to P100. I did this because the higher prestige I got, the more I got targeted and tunneled for being the highest prestige survivor in my lobby. So the only way to get my P100 was to play the low prestige characters to get my BP.
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That is true. That's why everyone who wants to understand the game should play both roles. Doing so improves their gameplay in whichever role they prefer.
I'm not saying you haven't done that. I'm just not passing up an opportunity to mention that to the 'mains' of one side or another because it has both practical advantages to doing so (improving gameplay) and if more people did so then some of the us vs them that plagues the community might diminish. That would also be a welcome benefit.
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not necessarily, I have 3 and I only play one of them, I just needed somewhere to put my BP.
Prestige level is not an indication of skill, nor is where a player spends their BP
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You're still creating an us vs them since you imply one takes more skill than another. While there could be debates about this, just appreciate your own accomplishments and respect others. Doesn't need to be deeper
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P100 in a killer doesnt show skill. I could never play a killer and spend all my bps in them.
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well, because of that, make it actually be result of skill rather than just farm n spend BPs mechanic
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but it technically is true? Especially when you take in mind that survivors are just skins and killers are actually different from each other.
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Neither one is really impressive.
Getting everything to P9 is more impressive.
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Whats is this? The points you make about survivors and killers p100 apply to either side? Are you saying that killers don't p100 because they like the cosmetic, the license, the character? Are you saying no survivor p100's a character because they main survivor and learn to run every tile and every killer on every map?
I play a bit more killer than survivor, but I will not pretend that survivor is skill-less.
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I never said they are guaranteed skill just make likely.
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But thats the main point of prestige in every game. You just show your hour count.
Now you could make something like a master badge. But how would you measure that in dbd? You can give me an really hard master challenge on any killer and i just play until matchmaking gives me four new/bad players to easily complete the challenge.
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Not really, the presteige never really means anything. I've run into my share of P100 killers that weren't particularly good.
Also, the point could just be the opposite of what you are arguing. Because all survivors are the same, you have plenty of reason to bounce between survivors for variety. If there is one killer you main, no reason to put the BP anywhere else.
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- I'm just reporting my experience... I happen to find p100 killers quite often(but still much rarer that P100surv). sometimes they are exceptional players (I remember a really good Freddy P100 and a crazy good Trapper P100) .Other times P100 killers are simply """normal""", not very good, but not mediocre either (there are a lot of p100 blights with abilities that I consider simply "normal"). other times I have faced P100killers who are so mediocre or who resort to classic beginner strategies (tunneling/ proxy camp) that when the game ends my friends and I are literally shocked. (I noticed this phenomenon especially in the p100 Wesker).in short, (for me) even the prestige of the killers means nothing
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I got every killer at least at P6 (besides Dracula), because I just love the bloody cosmetics. Would wish for an option to give basically all cosmetics the bloody threatment, maybe as a P100 reward.
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Prestige is unimpressive regardless of whether it's killer or survivor. All it means it you sank a lot of BP into that character's tree - it's not indicative of your actual skill.
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I prestige 100 oni, killer I never played so people can toot horn over the glory of beating someone who just dumps BP in any random spot. People could spend 5m BP a month since system game out and have P100. You realize people can spend BP anywhere? or not spend it at all.
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This seems pointlessly divisive.
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I still get roasted for beinig a p100 Pig for some reason…T🐽T