Updating An Old Perk

Entinaty Member Posts: 165

When it comes to Dead By Daylight I have seen many perks become useless over the years so I’ve thinking of how to update some of the more useless ones. My first tweak to an old perk comes from none other than Freddy himself with his unique perk Blood Warden.

Right now it is a perk that only really works at the endgame and may not even be able to activate if you don’t hook someone at end game or they just 99 the exit gates. Here is my new suggestion.

Once either exit gate switch is touched this perk activates. The opening time for both exit gates will increase by 5/6/7 seconds and exit gate progress will regress if switch is not being activated. Once either exit gate switch is fully powered the doors will remain shut for an additional 10/15/20 seconds.

Just throwing an idea out about an old perk. Would love to hear any other tweaks to either this idea or others. Let’s all try to come up with ideas to widen the collective perk pool for both sides.


  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 611

    I guess your suggestion is a rework of the perk? Then, why should you use this perk over No Way Out? No Way Out is much more reliable then your suggestion (e.g. SWF can all this perk out and in most cases it is better to fully open the exitgates instead of 99% them). I also don't like the idea of punishing survivors for nothing at the end game. In case of NWO, you have to hook a survivor to gain a token. You also have to hook different survivors to make it even strong, which is a healthy condition/requierment.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of reworking or buffing less used perks but they should be buffed in the right and useful direction. I also think that BW is underused but it is also a funny and useful little meme perk.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    I was thinking more in conjunction with having other options than just No Way Out. Also it could be used to combo with it. I also understand that it should be something earned. Since the perks are similar yet different how about you earn tokens based off of hooks that one was able to get that game. I would still keep the exit gate regression.

    I like that it is a meme perk but I would find a way to actually make it useful and not something that gets played around in almost all matches.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 108

    Exit gate regression would be great but I don't think Blood Warden needs it. Maybe it could be a secondary effect for Dominance?