Look at these surv perks, are these legally...

nam Member Posts: 63

Look at Iron Will, Reassurance, Totems, GenRush, Distortion, WLM, slows, blinds, stuns… I mean, how is that fair when survs has GenRush, Reassurance for anti-camp, OtC, and DS for anti-tunnel, WLM for anti-wounds, Iron Will to counter spirit and nurse, stuns and blinds to bully, while killers are still using Pain Reson, DeadLock and PGTW, which come from 100 years ago and get nerfed 100 times. I mean, surv's perk perfectly counter killer's and advanced in value and mechanics.

How is that even fair…


  • BEEZzz
    BEEZzz Member Posts: 22

    I have more of a problem with endurance stacking with survivors.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194

    I heard chuck Norris hunts the killers and hooks them… then unhooks them and hunts them down again in an endless tunneling match

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    It's just as useless to complain about how your trials are going, because as you clearly can see. The opposition will always rag on you and make the forum a joke.

    Don't take the game so serious. You won't get out of it alive.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074
  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 929
    edited August 2024

    once you get into higher skill matches with 0 restrictions, you will actually realize how:

    anti-tunneling perks are way overpowered when used aggressively;

    hook related perks like Deli, Wicked and Reassurance are way too strong because they remove hook pressure aspect

    some of endurance perks are way too strong when people actually know how to use it.

    Perks like Distortion and Iron WIll aren't really overpowered, but they are extremely unhealthy because they encourage extremely unhealthy playstyles.

    "Genrush" perks? Nobody should actually care that much about them because wasting killer's time »» speeding up the match.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Something counters nurse?

    Did i miss something in the last few years???

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited August 2024

    Anti-tunnel is a joke. What anti-tunnel? It disables itself once the survivor feels a stiff breeze. You might eat a DS, but a killer will still have a survivor dead at 2 gens if they want. There's zero downside to tunneling if you're halfway decent at killer and fully commit to tunneling from the start of the trial.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    When you're truly high MMR, you realize that survivors using anti tunnel perks aggressively means they're not on gens. If they want to spend the entirety of the DS or OTR timer avoiding gens, that's fantastic news for the killer. That's an entire gen at 80 seconds of OTR.

    It's genuinely not that hard to figure out the guy throwing himself at you off hook probably has DS, and slugging him is great pressure he's giving you for free.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 929

    this is only, and i mean only true if survivor that is being tunneled has literally 0 map and chase knowledge lol.

    Are we now really trying to determine if perks are good or bad based on average bad survivor using them?

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 929

    if you have any "above average" knowledge level of the game, one of the very basic things you will realize first is that having some survivors off gens doesn't neccessarily mean you are creating pressure at all lol, meaning that this statement is fundamentally incorrect.

    Map pressure is not just simple thing about "keeping survivors off gens" What exact kind of map pressure are you creating if you are chasing one or even two survivors quite some distance away from the gens that are being repaired by remaining survivors?

    It's not chase and keeping usually one or two survivors off gens that create map pressure, it's result of those chases that will eventually create map pressure, again depending on couple variables, such as the most important one: chase time.

    Long story short: there are way too many variables behind the whole term "map pressure" for us to say that it's simply about "keeping survivors off gens"

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 259
    edited September 2024

    Well with the amount of perks added to the game of course there is going to be variety in what they offer and what counters they provide. This extends to killers as well as survivors. You are writing as though survivors have access to every single perk in the game, which they don't.

    You lost me when you complained about stuns and blinds. You don't want survivors to try and pull off risky flashlight or pallet saves? Or try and last more than five seconds in a chase? This is not only boring but will incentivise genrushing more than ever.

    Frustrated about DS and OTR? You can counter those very easily and make them redundant by not tunnelling. They're designed to be purely anti-tunnel perks, so if they're not good at countering tunnelling, they're useless. If a survivor has both of those perks and doesn't get tunnelled, they're down two perk slots, and if they're desperate enough to throw themselves at you to try and get value anyway, slug them. Simple. And you don't even need any perks yourself to do that.

    There is a killer counter to every perk you've listed. Enduring and/or Spirit Fury. Aura reading. Exhaustion inflicting perks and/or addons (did you forget killers have addons?) Good game sense. I could go on and on. But you can't have access to all these counters at once, just as survivors don't have access to all the perks you've listed at once.

    Step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Play some survivor.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    I, too, hate it when survivors use "totems". Such a broken perk, especially if they combine it with "chests". Very op combo.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    This is kinda what I'm talking about.

    Gens are not the killer's objective, survivors are. It's "killer" not "saboteur".

    Map pressure means having one survivor on hook, one in chase, and one going for rescue. Which leaves at most one on gens.

    In your initial post, you're complaining about survivors off hook "being aggressive" with "anti tunnel" perks, so DS or OTR are the only options here. If the survivor off hook is following you. You have one person in chase, one following your chase, and one or two on gens.

    Somehow you're arguing that you want one in chase and 2-3 on gens, and that's somehow better?

    Let the guy do nothing to progress gens, that's a good thing for killer. And why I didn't think you have any idea what map pressure means. Stop camping gens and chase the survivors.

  • Alphamax
    Alphamax Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 7

    Second chances perks should be reworked.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 929

    the thing is, through the last 12 months, hooks have become weapon for survivors to create pressure over the killer much more than they are a tool for killer to create map pressure.

    Map pressure means having one survivor on hook, one in chase, and one going for rescue. Which leaves at most one on gens.

    this is completely nullified by Deli and Wicked existing because there is no pressure you can create around that hook at all. Additionally, if hooked survivor doesn't have these perks active, teammates can also greed them and eventually pop a Reassurance once to buy themselves more time to pressure the hook.

    Meaning 2 players on average wasting your time can create as much pressure against you as the killer as if all 4 were on gens. Why? Because you are in a lose-lose situation where you will either have a lot of time wasted and having gens pop despite trying to force those 1-2 survs repairing gens off those gens, or you will simply have these 2 who weren't doing gens swap with these doing gens as soon as those are found on gens.

    Let the guy do nothing to progress gens, that's a good thing for killer. And why I didn't think you have any idea what map pressure means. Stop camping gens and chase the survivors.

    only time when this is true is when survs that are off gens aren't in any danger, but yet aren't doing gens at all or if survivors that are forced in a chase are so bad that they end up getting downed in ~20s, which is a quite a sort of map pressure that exists only in your average pub matches where total chase time of individuals per whole match is 1 minute. And again, the actual lack of having an idea of what map pressure is when you take only the "surv off the gen = generated map pressure" factor and ignore all the other variables that also affect the map pressure, because even one survivor constantly at gens with other 3 successfully wasting all your time is as effective as all 4 survs on gens :)