Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

BHVR are you serious about matchmaking or is the game full killer sided now?



  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I mean yeah, stealth is always going to be far less effective against people on comms than people that aren't. Sure, I can look up profiles and see if people are friended with each other to know if they have comms before a match, and adjust my playstyle to include forcing fake callouts, but it will never be as effective as full stealth capabilities. (For reference ~5% of matches have a 4-man, let alone a clock-SWF, and ~55% of matches are/have soloq.)

    If there was a comp scene where the Survivors wouldn't be allowed to be on Discord, then you would see significantly more stealth Killers in it. Sadly they restrict fun and fair perks on Survivor like: ShadowStep, Breakdown, Kindred, Prove Thyself, Saboteur, Autodidact, etc. and on Killer like: Coup De Grace, Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere To Hide, Starstruck, Devour Hope, Agi+Mad Grit, Bamboozle+Superior Anatomy, etc. Various comp scenes ban all those perfectly fine perks/combos, and don't ban comms for Stealth Killers? I can't take comp seriously when they have such wacky bo-backy rules. "Garsh, Autodidact and Devour Hope was too OP guys, we HAVE to ban them!!!" They are clowns imo. Yeah, when you customize bizarro rulesets so far divorced from the normal game, different Killers would shine, whodathunk.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    MMR gains and losses be the same - Yeah, just remove the softcap for 'top MMR' and it would be fine (so when you lose, you actually lose your MMR). The problem is people reach a brick wall there, and can't improve without having too many losses in a row. They get discouraged, and complain on the forums (both Killer and Survivor alike).

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    yeah, though he's played on only one map with heavy restrictions for survivors. and even so he struggles. so that says something.

  • I suppose the difference then is the skill with which the Ghostie plays, not his kit.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    I mean if there was no soft cap maybe they could go back to where they're supposed to be. But unfortunately players can't drop to their actual skill level. MMR sucks and is the problem, but at the time it is a skill issue. if a survivor sucks so much that they should be with new players than that is where they should be, but unfortunately its a fake SBMM system and not an actual SBMM system.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 743

    Never said that the SBMM works correctly or it is how it should be. All I said that OP is in the wrong MMR bracket

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2024

    ya but we shouldn't be pointing that out because obviously with the broken mmr system players can't get to the right bracket. So saying something like that is kind of blaming the player when it isn't the players fault they can't get to where they need to be or rather should be.

  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 113

    Can someone please explain how this mentioned softcap is working and why MMR can't be lowered?

    Because I feel exactly the same, I play 2 man swf, we both are casual players who want to have fun after work, definitely not the pros and are constantly 4k'd by sweatiest killers and escaping maybe 1/10 of our games. A few days ago we had KnightLight in our lobby (one of the best competitive players in the best competitive DBD team btw) which is ridiculous because he's just on another level.

  • Oh my goodness I feel seen. 😊I have told people in this community time and time again that Ghostface is a decent Killer, and pretty strong played well. But because you don't play him like a "bulldozer" Killer as you described, people write him off. IMHO if someone calls Ghostface "too weak to be viable", it leads me to think maybe they are just bad at M1 chase, Killers that don't have super strong M2s, or stealth games. Because a good Ghostface really can be super tough to deal with, since with a good one chases never begin to start with and the one thing that Survs have against M1s thus goes out the window. You can't really run from a Killer that can't be found easily (people sleep on there being no/low TR so hard) AND is able to one-tap you in half a second before you can react.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 368

    Tbf at that time nurse is not the same nurse that op lost to. You're talking about tunneling, hard camping, star struck, double recharge, double range nurse whose blink attacks were still coded as M1's that's why supaalf was able to do that nothing else. He recently tried his streak again and lost it nowhere near that amount.

    Also alf and others are outliers meaning in pubs no matter what 90% of the base is going to lose to them. The same could be said for survivors like ayrun and alby, etc all would absolutely cook 90% of the killer player base but once again they are outliers. Dbd skills are like a bell curve where most fall into the middle/ average catergory.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 368

    Bro tell me about it, I usually pay attention to the pathing to determine wether or not I'm gonna play serious or not. If they're pathing is atrocious I'll chase em most of the game to try and help them learn to loop. Like winning mind games but not hitting them etc. I've also learned that since cross prog those hours can be absolutely false.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    Those killers should never be getting that high of results, especially on those maps. Survivors honestly acting like Wraith and Ghost Face are just too much for them. It is a skill issue, theirs.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    It's the matchmaking. They don't know how to do it. But every time I play SWF I face the same problem as you. We win too much, and so then we keep going against tough killers. In that regard, it's working. But it usually works too well, because no matter how many times we lose after that, it's still tough killers all the way until we quit. And it's not a gradual increase in difficulty either. You get easily manageable killers, and then all of a sudden P100 Nurse.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
    edited September 2024

    If you have all around a thousand hours, that must put you at the bottom: right after "beginner".

    Unfortunately, that usually places you against a bigger range of opponents and rarely against new killers.

    It's likely you need to improve quite a bit to get better results.

    The alternative is to lose so many matches you'll get down in MMR for a little while.

    I believe improving is the better choice. (Or giving up completely like you suggested. That's good too.)

    Someone has already suggested for you to post your matches. You should probably do that. Healthy critique is good for progress.

    Also, from my own experience, SWFs tend to rarely play killer. (Most of my friends never did.) However every player should play both roles if only to understand the enemy.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130

    Basically soft cap means that even if you are per say 2100 MMR the game still matchmakes you as if you're 1600 MMR. Your actual MMR can keep going higher and higher but it will still always matchmake you around 1600.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    also once you reach a certain point you can't drop below it anymore. You are perma stuck in a bracket you do not belong in, which can happen if you were carried past that point.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    It might be that your group has a weak link. That pulls you down massively because the killer is likely going to be much better than them. A single survivor can lose the match for their entire team but if the killer is any good it's almost impossible for a single survivor to win the match for their entire team. That has nothing to do with how "one-sided" the game is but the nature of DBD. As soon as 1 survivor is dead the rest will follow (unless it's already too late).

  • kingchris200
    kingchris200 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2024

    Survivors are way op they need nerfs killers more buff. It's easy for survivors to win have more tools to do it needs changed and killers more powers the game Is very imbalance

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 289

    Game is neither really killer or survivor sided imo. Matchmaking is having some issues is all.

    Im maining killer with over 2k hours on killer alone. Im not the best but im decent.

    the issues im noticing:

    • Sometimes when I play my main killer I get survivors with like 100 hours that Look at me confused when they get hit
    • When I pick up a new killer like Dracula or singularity especially I get only put into the sweatiest SWF matches until I have lost myself down to my skill level.
    • As survivor I get absolute beast killers with 9k hours and after that killers that have more or less startet just playing.

    The list could go on and on. SBMM apparently works as many streamers etc confirm. But it is influenced by so many other things that dont have anything to do with your skill: queue times, time of day, swf or not, played killer/survivor.

    Like for me the Kind of survivors I get is super Dependand on the time of day for example.

    So yeah SBMM thing is my guess

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    MMR change had changed lot of time, so i don't really sure about it.

    But if my memory wasn't wrong, MMR will pick the highest one in the swf to do the MMR work, maybe you and your friends have a large skill gap?

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    I'm not going to make excuses that the biased killer mains are making ('you just had an off day, it happens' LOL).

    But it seems you guys aren't very good, b/c you shouldn't be losing this much if you're actually playing to win w/ a 4 stack. You are bringing so many advantages to the match and still losing. This is not the fault of the killer, but the people you are playing with.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    The problem is there isn't 1 comp group, there are dozens of groups who all think they are equally important. That means if anyone has a critique of comp, they and defenders might not be talking about the same comp scene. Someone who doesn't hold any value in DBD comp, wouldn't know the top 3 from the rest, because the sweat and bad rule similarities make them all equally invalid in 'disliker's' eyes. It would be on defenders to specifically say: 'X is the best comp scene, and these are the rules they use', so that everyone is on the same page.

    Yeah this is partially correct. The thing is, SWF doesn't even add that much to success rates. It adds a multiplicative ~20%.

    4-man (at top MMR) only raises you to ~48%, and can't even bypass 50% winrates. Plus, if one person isn't sweating, then you negate the advantage that comms provides to SWFs. Invocation of Spiders? No Mither? Solidarity+Autodidact? Meme builds, you lose regardless. Most people play for fun, and I fall into the Solidarity+Autodidact category. My most common 2nd (and the only person I frequently duo with) loves Invocation of Spiders. We have below average escape rates (together) because we aren't sweating. My most common 3rd is a complete troll and gives us a negative winrate probably down to 32% or lower from him alone. My (current) most common 4th has sub-100 hrs. You can't have someone still hiding in lockers positively contribute to a match when it doesn't include their MMR in matchmaking. (My previous most common 4th hard quit the game because Survivor experience was so horrible.)

    The only time 'you should always win' is if your entire side giga-sweats. This is much easier as Killer, because you are your entire team. As Survivor, you need 4 people calling clocks, running sweat perks, and not getting emotionally turbulent. I personally play to 'mostly' win as Killer, so my current winrate (3k+) is 74% before gens pop, probably ~80% if you include after that. I don't need to tunnel, bring more than 1 or 2 gen slowdown (depending on Killer), excessively slug (slug long enough for UB or someone to recover to 95% without), or excessively proxy camp, or consistently pick from the top half of Killers. I might do some of that if the Survs excessively GenB4Fren, and I need to fight fire with fire, but otherwise I don't go in planning to do that.

    The main difference for sweating with Killer and Survivor, is sweating means you only have fun if you win. Since the game is already tilted Killer sided (60-40 intended kill rates), that mostly confirms the expectation. For Survivor, everyone has to swim upstream at the same time, and want to swim upstream. If you lose as Survivor (which statistically is to be expected), then sweating isn't going to be worth it. You have to make the game fun when you lose, and sweating makes that impossible due to the extreme playstyle difference it entails.

    The Hens videos showed that if you have enough skill and play certain ways, you can win 50% more (multiplicatively) than balanced for as both sides: 90% from 60% as Killer without camping/slugging/tunneling with powerless trapper, and 60% from 40% as Survivor when you take chase (and the Killer doesn't drop chase) and you actively babysit your teammates. (Ignoring the methodological problems of the Survivor video of ignoring Survivor DCs/quits and including Killer DCs/quits.) The problem is people don't want to have to babysit their team. If I liked babysitting, I'd watch my niece and nephew a lot more, but that is sooooooooo draining. I don't want the game I play for fun to drain me like that, instead it should energize me. When you have to drain yourself to have fun, it runs you net-negative.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    Really well put stuff and IMHO why sweating either side is never worth it - it's much too easy to sweat and win as Killer, and thus no fun especially when you become boosted from it - and much too hard to sweat and win as Survivor.

    I have said before and will say it again everywhere in this community: If you always 100% on either side play to win and sweat as hard as possible no matter what? You will not have fun. You will suffer. Constant sweating leads to tears.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    Maybe instead of blaming the game for your loss streak, you took the time to recognize mistakes you made and how you could improve, you could minimize your loss streak.

  • ok and?

    The game is supposed to be killer sided. It’s supposed to have a 60% death rate. It’s not escape by daylight. In a 4v1 the solo player is supposed to be the most powerful, that’s how 4v1 works.