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What have they done to nemesis? Wesker is miles better..

ChickenDR4MST1CK Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

This is my first time starting uo dead by daylight. I'm at my brothers house sitting on the sofa and he owns a ps5. He told me I could play any game I want so I started up this game, choose killer and as I scrolled down, what I noticed is he had wesker, nemesis, xenomorph and many more killers unlocked. So my first game was wesker and he is so fun and awesome to play. I love that I can dash around and throw survivors. After I was done with that game I played nemesis and wow he sucks.

I thought he would be fast or at least have a rocket launcher or something but all he does is do a silly slap with his tentacle that's nothing like the resident evil 3 games I played. And the zombies oh boy. This zombie stood in my way and let the meg escape. Why can't I push it away? It's a zombie... they also seem to attack the air instead of the survivor and they don't grab and bite them either. And whats with the blue paint thats on the survivors?

Why didn't you faithfully adapted this big dude to your game? It's nothing like the original or the remake. There is no excuse for not having a rocket launcher when there is a cowboy with a gun and turrets that shoot flames yes I played xeno too.


  • ChickenDR4MST1CK
    ChickenDR4MST1CK Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    I asked my bro and he didn't spent that much points on him he barely plays nemesis because he's boring and he felt the same way as I am.

  • DeaconJames
    DeaconJames Member Posts: 19

    I wish I didn't fell for the Anniversary 5th hype and kept my money. What a waste of my $11.99 dollars. Like you said, Nemesis is nothing alike from the RE games.

  • DeaconJames
    DeaconJames Member Posts: 19

    I think myers and wesker are the best iconic characters in the game but myers sucks because he loses his power eventually.

  • TNowick
    TNowick Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2

    It's sad they haven't fully adopted nemesis. There is still a chance for a big change.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,082

    i think he has good potencial to be good killer if they fix his licker tongue hindered to be proper 20%.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 493

    literally 100% true 😂 it’s nothing like real nemesis

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,891
    edited September 3

    As a PS5 player myself who also struggled at first with Nemesis, your big issue with him when you're new to him is you need to learn to drag your whip.

    Without going too in depth with hitboxes, you basically drag your hitbox with you as you strafe, so whipping and strafing makes your hitbox much wider, which makes hitting survivor over pallets and windows much easier.

    In regards to him not having a rocket launcher, that's because a rocket launcher is a rocket launcher.

    In this world we have chainsaws, knives, bear traps, swords, hatchets, claws and razor blades, Deathslinger has a harpoon gun that skewers a survivor. There is a degree of people aren't maimed as much as they should be, and it's all pretty deadly yes, but not infeasible to survive.

    A typical rocket launcher has a lethal explosive radius of 15m, with shrapnel being lethal up to 150m. A tile in DBD is about that size, so unless we plan to blow up the entire tile and then some every shot and have a survivor instantly killed in the explosion, it's very hard to remotely believe a survivor could live through a hit... even if you gamify it and reduce it by half, it's still a huge radius that's impossible to balance for withoit making it look silly.

    A lot of people argue that Jill survived a close range hit in RE3 relatively unscathed, to which I say yes she did... and it was as dumb in RE3 as it would be in DBD. No matter how much of a fan of RE3 anyone might be, I would trust that a true fan would be willing to call that moment out as a dumb moment and a blight on an otherwise great game. Jill is made to look ridiculous with how much plot armour she has, and Nemesis is made to look like he is either completely incompetent by being unable to hit a clear shot on a nearby target with a 15m blast radius... or his supposed rocket launcher actually fires cherry bombs with about as much lethality as a small bundle of squibs.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,837
    edited September 3

    Deathslinger's rifle is closer to that of an harpoon gun than it is to an actual gun, as it was build specifically to work around the existing gameplay loop DBD has.

    How you came to the conclusion that it's existence alone somehow justifies adding something like a rocket launcher (a weapon that's on an entirely different scale mind you) is beyond me, because it quite honestly does not. Same way it does not justify adding actual ballistic weaponry that uses bullets to the game.

    Also a rocket launcher would be a balancing nightmare just in general.