Dracula, one week later.

After a week, what's your opinion about the killer?
- Too strong?
- Too weak?
- Just right? (Unlikely but who knows?)
I'm curious about the opinion from both sides of the hook.
Whos dracula
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Weaaak, at best mediocre
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"The Dark Lord." Happy?
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Who? Its my first time starting up this game so yeah
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mid imo
I find holding his power to be cheesy but it's still pretty manageable to dodge it
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He's looking weak. Like, really weak. His bats are blind to survivors for no reason, in a game with bad sounds. His wolf is slow, exceptionally so while backing up (not sure why), and can't even use scent orbs to track people better than his other forms would. His pounce attack is also too slow and short, and will only be seen with players who know how to hug tech. Dracula's fire is alright, but it's still kind of slow and is a weaker Pyramid Head ranged attack. I don't know why you'd play Dracula over someone like Vecna. Just a bunch of flashy abilities with maybe one good one out of the bunch.
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I see. My bad. Dracula from Castlevania just came to the game about a week ago. He's the guy in red and black who can transform into a wolf and bats, and has a flame attack on his regular form.
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I think he is alright, but then again literally no one has been playing him so I have very little practice as survivor vs me playing as him
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Too strong, too many powers honestly….
hellfire is too low of a cd is his major issue.
Theres no downside to his kit right now. You can hold someone at a loop because hellfire has 7s cd basekit. It needs to be at least double that.
Down someone, hook and traverse the map quickly, even up and down levels, not something many killers even have the ability to do….
The BS "hug tech" wolf form.
If you run to another loop youll just get double pounce chased and then held hostage again by hellfire…
Its to easy right now to play as. Needs some serious adjustments.
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Hellfire hitbox needs to be reduced and Bat form needs to be worthwhile, there's a lot of changes they can do to make it worth the use of it.
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B-tier at least. A-tier with wolf hug tech. Add-ons are mediocre and range from situational to useless for the most part. The ones that do spice up his gameplay like the beast fang aren't really that stellar unless you are good with wolf form. Lapis acts like a pocket bamboozle in bat form, which is actually pretty nice and I've enjoyed that add-on the most.
Also after testing him on PC and PS, I consider him to be a better PC killer because idk about anyone else but to me switching forms is smoother and overall feels more natural to play Drac with M+KB. Console players may find using a controller to play him adds to his learning curve unnecessarily.
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Vampire form - Hell fire is awful and barely worth the hassle. If you like that kind of attack, just play Pyramid Head.
Bat form - Being able to fly to gens and kick them is nice, don't see the need to use it too often though as you can't attack in bat form. If you like not being able to see the survivors and have to watch the grass move and predict where survivors are, just play spirit.
Wolf mode - Easily his best form. The wolf is pretty effective with his pounces andwe'll hidden as he's low to the ground and dark. Quite fun to use and could probably be a standalone killer form.
Played 6/7 games against bots so far, first couple were rough but getting the hang of it. Without trying, I do know that it'll be hard work keeping tabs on real players. Would assume he's in B tier.
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I think upper-mid killer, he’s good, a bit clunky but is very good at finding survivors, okay-ish at map traversal, VERY good if the survivor has to go in a straight line but if you get him to waste hellfire and pounce he just becomes an m1 killer.
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I think he's alright. Not too strong, not too weak, plenty to manage and keep in mind. A bit clunky though.
Also, some places hellfire should go over don't, like the candy counter in Greenville Square.
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Fun to play, but has some clunk problems. Wolf pounce feels situational and very difficult to aim, especially on controller. Buttons are laggy and unresponsive sometimes, needs polish.
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His hellfire hotbox is fine. It’s just as wide as Pyramid Heads PoTD and can’t go under walls nor can it go as far.
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He is not awful, but it's hard to call him good at least at something. He is mid at best at everything he can and I don't find him fun to play unlike Vecna. Mid B maybe.
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He is really fun to play and I like him but he is not perfect.
Hellfire is an amazing ability and you can pull off many crazy tricks that hit survivors off guard. I love this because it has a high skill ceilling. Only the awful slowdown to 2.0m/s feels so clunky and should be buffed to feel smoother. Would even be fine when they increase the cooldown by two seconds. I also heard from some players that they cannot hear the charching and it would be fair if the developers would increase the sound a bit. Otherwise, a really cool and fine ability. Wolf form still feels underwhelming. Hug tech is fun but only an exploit and should go. However, they need to buff his dash and add the option when you release the second dash. I barley use this form because this one feels so underwhelming. Also walking slower when moonwalking is so awful and disables any mindgames. Bat form is alright but the teleport range should be increased while the high pitch noises should be reduce as it is very annoying. The lullaby is also kinda awkward because what is the point of beeing undetectable when you have a lullaby. The bat is also very big and you can see him clearly. Very awkward decision. I can understand that players complain about not seeing survivors (Bats can see - they are not blind) but it also adds some skill ceilling to this form which cool. Lastly, his Addons are overall good but neither broken op or unhealthy. He has some useless Addons that should get a rework or a rarity swap with little tweaks. If the developers could fix these (or at least the biggest) issues in someway, he would be a perfect killer.
He has also good counterplay on the survivorside as you can do good fakes and patient is key. The wolfform is similar to Wesker and he is alright. The Batform is also good to counter with standing still, double backs, or vaults and survivors can see the teleport so they can react to it.
Overall, a good killer with high skill ceilling, fun to play as and against, and not map dependend which is good. I really like him. But I guess he will be not very popular because he is difficult to pick up and difficult to master. He has also a rather high skill ceilling while beeing mediocre, so why should you spend so much time in him when you can spend this time in either Nurse, Blight, or Billy who are much stronger than him.
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He feels balanced. I've encountered him a ton of times and he feels fun to go against mostly regardless of map. However, the bat form is exceptional at proxy camping when the killer decides to do so, leading to some unfun gameplay loops.
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adding to this Hellfire is so inconsistent so many tall walls and mini walls it can or can't go through
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As a Dracula main I think he's A tier in the right hands. Hellfire is a solid antiloop, bat form is a good way to traverse the map and catch up to survivors, wolf form without hug tech is mediocre imo.
Post edited by RootsofDredge on0 -
Hes a cool killer. Power wise, he is meh.
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Vampire form: Decent. Hellfire is usuable at most of your average loops although can be a little confusing regarding what it does and doesn't hit through. This is mostly a case of DbD having janky collisions and less of an issue with the power itself. Of all the mid-range M2 attacks in the game, Hellfire is definitely the coolest-looking one which may bias me towards it a little though.
Bat form: I actually like and think is underrated. The teleport is really nice for traversing the map, especially with Winged Boots. Being able to teleport to second-storey windows and bypass stairs feels great too. The stealth component is pretty bad though — probably the worst in the game actually. The bat noises are SO loud and not being able to see survivors is a pretty big downside that I'm not convinced is warranted given he can't attack in bat form.
Wolf form: HATE. I literally never use this in a match. The pounce is awkward to use and movement as the wolf just generally feels off. And that's not mentioning that you can't walk backwards properly as the wolf for some reason? This one also just confuses me. I'm no hardcore fan, but I've played/watched some Castlevania over the years and I don't ever remember Dracula being a wolf? Maybe I missed some games or something but wolf mode seems like an odd choice to include for me. I sort of don't get it.
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I think he's okay. I don't think he's really for me though. I've played a fair amount of games as Dracula but most of them didn't have particularly good results. But I've also played as a survivor against him a fair amount too and watched a fair amount of YouTubers playing him and I can acknowledge that my results are a skill issue. I don't think I'm willing to put in the amount of time it would take for me to properly learn him. But I think he's a fine addition to the game.
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i really enjoy his gameplay loop in the chase but he is very average. if he had few upgrades to bat form and like 1-2 tweaks to wolf form, he'd be solid. i find him fun to play but i would not recommend anyone to buy him though.
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Dracula is pretty good. Weaker than Plague and Pyramid Head, but a bit stronger than Xeno. As far as balance is concerned, he's starting of in a good place.
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If the width of it is the same as PH's then that's fine, but the visuals of the actual attack should be at least changed to properly represent that hitbox.
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Lacks the type of flow I enjoy when playing killer. As others have mentioned he feels quite clunky. I can't say any of his abilities really clicked with me in there current state. I'm sure you can make him work if you're willing to put some effort into learning the wolf hug tech and what loops you can and can't use his fire ability on. He's not exciting enough for me personally to invest any time into.
If they changed his transitions to be a bit faster with less slows and CDs after switching form I might give him another bash.
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The fact that the opinions about what's strong and what's weak about his kit vary so much from person to person is a good sign that he's in a great spot. I think if you're a flex player in a game like Overwatch you'll like him, and if you're a one trick you won't. If they can make his kit flow as naturally as Vecna's without significantly altering his overall strength in chase (i.e. please don't make him another "I get free hits with little effort" killer) he'll be perfect.
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I think he's in a good spot. I've played against so many (even had a day where I didn't get a single other killer, it was just Dracula after Dracula). He won the vast majority of games but the games themselves were still enjoyable, he didn't steamroll but he wasn't totally useless either. The only downside to not escaping against him much is that I still haven't experienced Alucard's Shield
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He's perfectly fine honestly. The only issue is double hitting on unhooks take that out and he'll be fine
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I personally play him less and less.
I love the frenchise, his power looks cool and has potential, but there are several issues.
Vampire: is overall good enough, but his casting of hellfire simply feels weird. I would either make it as other killers, that it land where you are looking at point of actually casting, or as PH and lock the camera.
Wolf: decent only because of hugtech, which is quite difficult to use. Will be really bad when they nerf it.
Bat: I still hate his sound so much... Definitely reduce the volume. I don't care if survivors hear it.
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In the matches I had, they were played in a super obnoxious way, running 4 slowdowns, camping and tunneling to the max, every fkn time. Cannot say anything about his actuall strength because of this.
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Vampire: is overall good enough, but his casting of hellfire simply feels weird. I would either make it as other killers, that it land where you are looking at point of actually casting, or as PH and lock the camera.
This right here. For some reason with any other ranged killer even if you release your M2 button the attack still starts a few frames later where you are looking at, even if of those frames you did move.
For some reason this does not happen with Dracula and makes aim to surviros weird, you follow them with your camera but your attack still miss because it did start already before that moment.
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Rose to be my 2nd main. sorry Freddy.
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He's alright. A tad exhausting to play, I find him demanding like Singularity.
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When it comes to strenght, he is decent. Still, his abilities feel like clunkier versions of other killers' powers, which hinders the fun of playing him. The fact that he needs so much learning and is so clunky might make him end up as unpopular as Vecna in the future.
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He's absolutely fine, I think he's fun and balanced. He's flexible to build for like Vecna, and has a lot of different playstyles with how you focus him too - you can build around mixed forms, build around his mobility, build around wolf, around Vampire form, play him near pure M1, play him moderately stealth, very cool. I've gotten out against him almost as much as I've been destroyed as him, and my Killer games go about the same way. I don't see the complaints others have; if anyone thinks he's too weak they are just at an MMR that he doesn't do as well at.
That's fine. Not every Killer needs to stomp Survivor teams. Sometimes they just need to be fun, balanced, and interesting. Dracula is all three. he's fine and needs no changes; he's like Ghostface - not overly strong, but really fun, arguably balanced, and can be dangerous in the right hands.
I will say Bat form's sound is way too loud to track over and Hellfire is a really weird projectile that maybe doesn't work at some loops. Hellfire could use a slightly shorter cooldown and doesn't need such a punishing miss cooldown. It's possible the Wolf Pounce could also use a slight cooldown decrease too.
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He has a high skill ceiling that not a lot of players see. One thing is they get tricked into holding his power. You should just use it immediately or chase in wolf form. With wolf form you can perform essentially 2 demo shreds in a row which is bonkers on top of the tracking with scent orbs. I don't personally like the bat too much but it can be a useful teleport at times. He is just very complex like the lich and he will likely not be popular to play due to this.