What happens with the preorder bonus from TCoFS for DbD if I ask for a refund?
I have a friend that we share our PSN accounts in our PS5s (mine account is Primary on his PS5 and his account is Primary on my PS5) and he told me that he wanna buy The Casting of Frank Stone.
Thing is that the game costs literally double the amount on PSN than Steam and I am a Steam player, so I've bought TCoFS on Steam. I wanna ask for a refund so we can buy the game on PS5 in one of our shared accounts.
What happens if I ask for a refund on Steam after claiming the pre order bonus in DbD?
I'm asking since BHVR seems pretty chill about DLC sharing and I don't want to do something (for the lack of a better word) "illegal".
I cherish my DbD account TOO MUCH and have thousands of hours in it to risk losing it or something.
Best Answer
Refunding takes away the cosmetics. Tried it - didn't like the CoFS, not my vibe.
I don't care about the cosmetics. The only thing I wanted were the 2M BP since I need EVERY LAST ONE I can get to p100 Dracula and Alucard.
Thanks for replying. :)0