Killer powers and pallets

BubMickey07 Member Posts: 312
edited September 2024 in General Discussions

Anyone else notice that alot of killer powers just straight up try (and usually do) ignore pallets? Let me give a list.

  1. Nurse
  2. Huntress
  3. Legion
  4. Deathslinger
  5. Pyramid head
  6. Trickster
  7. Nemesis
  8. The artist
  9. Wesker
  10. The singularity
  11. The xenomorprh
  12. Chucky
  13. The unknown
  14. Vecna
  15. Dracula

Mind you there's 37 killers..

That means that only 22 killers are actually affected by pallets...


  • 37-15=17?

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 716

    out of the mentioned only a generously estimated 5 of them deal with pallets so well that they can, at times, be useless. Only one of them genuinely is unaffected.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    Pallets are simply the main tool survivors have in chase and killer powers that don't help end chase faster are just not good.

    Billy, Leatherface, and Blight while don't innately ignore pallets have tools to break them faster. Trapper can trap the otherside of a pallet which in a way ignores the pallet. Technically Hag can trap pallets too.

    If there was more elements in the game for survivors to interact with in chase, then we may see a bigger variety of powers rather than "how well does killer handle the loop".

  • Would that not indicate that MOST Killers are in fact affected by pallets?

    I also wanna point out that if the Killer can hide their Terror Radius or crouch, or is small like Victor or Chucky, they have a chase power. If the pallet is at a space with tall enough walls and they know even basic mindgames, they can turn the pallet into a 50/50 more often than you'd think…

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,652

    I mean it makes sense when you think about it. DBD killers can be divided up into two categories, map pressure/slowdown, and anti-loop. From what I have seen most survivors tend to prefer facing against killers with anti-loop like nemesis rather than killers with map control like Skull Merchant. This leads to what I'm going to assume is why BHVR tends to make a lot of killers nowadays based around chase rather than map control

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    how does legion ignore pallets if he has m1 to get the down outside of getting 5 hits which can be pallet stunned by tanking the hit and stun them at the same time?

    The only killer that ignored pallet was Nurse and Pre-nerfed scamper chucky. Other killer do not ignore pallets but instead make them take more skill to use.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    "Only" 22?

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Not even remotely true as every single killer is still affected by pallets in some way. Pallets are even more effective against Huntress than a lot of other killers and denying that is just ignorance.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    Pre-nerf Chucky, yes, but not anymore since he can't turn after going under a pallet during Slice & Dice meaning he can't hit a survivor camping on a dropped pallet.

    Deathslinger, no, because he can't down you through a pallet.

    Wesker's pallet vault isn't very good unless the survivor is acting like he's Chucky or Legion and tries to camp on the other side of the pallet.

    Trickster not so much since he needs multiple knives to hurt you meaning unless it's a low-wall tile he can't just ignore it.

    And Legion can't even ignore a pallet to down you unless he's already got his 4 hits in and vaulting a pallet then canceling it gives the survivor plenty of time to just simply hold W away from him since the fatigue slows him down by a lot.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 933

    me crying in the corner because Oni's hit validation will make him target the pallet and break it even if i use Demon Strike before survivor gets 1/2 through the vault

  • ZombieHChrist
    ZombieHChrist Member Posts: 29

    idk how many times i get a scream, splat/squash/hit sound, and they don't get even a hit state down, overdrive allows me to hit them during a drop… i been denied i feel many times a health state and down, i was getting the sounds , multiple type of sounds random times and they just keep running but i get them eventually. its not too bad, i like the game so its hard to get mad. i lose with a fun spirit. the pallet game is silly. its not frequent frequent but happens bit enough to notice that it happens frequent. Pallets are Survivor Sided.