Will The Casting Of Frank Stone Become A Chapter?

A serious question I asked in the past and I think it is becoming relevant again.
Also Spoiler Warning for anyone playing or wanting to play The Casting of Frank Stone since I will mention some of the story here. (This is some extra text to fill in the description section to help prevent Spoilers from leaking out.)
/ / / / / / / / / This is your final Spoiler Warning \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
So…. it left on a cliffhanger with (insert surviving characters) being around a campfire, Frank Stone watching in the distance, and with some of the DBD Survivors waiting there as well. The Entity has reached whatever version of Earth/Terra there is and is throwing people into trials.
The concept is cool and while we do have the Frank Stone mask for Trapper, I do have to call into question if Frank Stone COULD be a Killer in DBD. Their design by the end of the story looks really, really damn cool (Im a sucker for monster or non-human Killers), and I do think there is room for Frank Stone to be a Killer.
The main thing Ive seen floating around is that "because Trapper has the mask, they wont add him as a Chapter" but I think that is a weak argument when you consider that Trapper can be used as "before the Entity changed him" kind of deal, and also multiple different versions of the same character do exist as shown in the various versions of Earth/Terra through Haddie's lore.
I think the main thing is… I really dont know what their power would be.
Maybe you cannot see them unless you are looking through a Camera, which locks your POV into first person or something, and cannot be done while performing an action? Now that would actually be terrifying to go against in DBD, since they could be anywhere. But other than that, Idk, and it just seems like an off-brand Spirit.
Speculate further if you want.
Judging by the ending and that next chapter is original yes i think its safe to say that Mr stone is the the next killer. With possibly either sam or Madi as the survivor
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If it's not next or planned in the future, I'll be greatly disappointed
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I really hope it is Sam. One of the few characters I actually liked.
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I haven't finished the game yet so won't read ths bottom half of your text, but I'm assuming Andy Dean might be a future survivor? He's mentioned in a magazine you pick up. I put possible spoiler as I don't know if he's mentioned again in the game or is just a one off hint in the magazine
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Here is the thing that makes this difficult (dont worry, no Spoilers, just DBD lore).
The Entity feeds off of emotions. Not just fear, but hope, sadness, happiness, etc. Once a Survivor or Killer is unable to provide the emotions necessary to sustain the Entity, they are thrown into the Void, it's basically the Entity's garbage bin, a wasteland of nothingness.
Very few characters have escaped the Void (as far as we are aware), Blight, Vigo, and the Observer are the only notable characters that we are aware of that have escaped the Void, although there is potential for more.
Heck, even escaping the Entity is not really explained. It is still unknown if finding a way out of the Entity like Vigo did will return you to your Earth/Terra of origin.
Since the character you mentioned is not in the game or mentioned, they could have thrown into the Void… which is why I mention all of this. In terms of possibilities, we really dont have much. It's just kind of hoping and praying we get something.
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From what I've seen nearly all the characters are annoying as hell, like most Supermassive titles, but Sam is alright, he's cool.
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That would be amazing if they can do it!
I was streaming on Twitch last night and the audiences were asking me about the ‘Killer Mill’ shirts haha 😛0 -
Based on endings [[[[[SPOILER ALERT]]]]]]
Do not scroll if you don’t want spoilers!
But with seeing the people that I saved in the game showing up at the campfire, makes me believe that they definitely will be survivors in the game at some point.
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Well, we know he's gonna be called The Champion, based off of his toy at the end credits. And he might have like… screen teleporting powers, like when he left the projector before he goes on a slashing rampage.
Like maybe there's a bunch of screen projectors that have the green mist that goes towards survivors, and slowly builds up something that gives them a meter that eventually gives them the exposed status, and they can regress that by snipping bits of film.
Or maybe a weird sort of passive teleportation that's a mix between The Hag and The Singularity, and teleports to them if they don't use camera's to banish away or seal his green mist powers. Idk… we'll probably see for the next chapter, tbh0 -
I'd honestly be surprised if we didn't.
The question is more who would join him as the survivor? Sam is too similar to Tapp, methinks. If not straight-up Augustine herself, I can only see it being Linda, tbh.
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Just bought it and finished it and i think it was good. (was 25,19 on Steam sale)
Gameplay is pretty is slow, graphics are good - performance was horrible on my PC - german synchro good, face acting over the top, story nice - but you should be DbD fan i think.
Saw Otz video and he was pretty disappointed - don´t know what he expected. I don´t had very high hopes so it was completely fine for me.
The ending was really cool in my opinion. All died in last chapter so i played as Frank when going to the campfire :-)
They way he is presented there i would bet this to be a future chapter and i would gladly take it.